Sunday, March 29, 2015

Energy (and Other) Events - March 29, 2015

Energy (and Other) Events is a weekly mailing list published most Sundays covering events around the Cambridge, MA and greater Boston area that catch the editor's eye.

Hubevents is the web version.

If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to Energy (and Other) Events email

What I Do and Why I Do It:  The Story of Energy (and Other) Events


Monday, March 30

8am  EB 2015 Science Breakfast:  Research in Germany
11am  Going Further With Ford: Info Session on Ford-MIT Alliance's Annual Request for Proposals
12pm  MASS Seminar/Houghton Lecture- David Battisti (UW)
12pm  Labor Justice on Factory Farms
12pm  Managing Arctic Resources
12:15pm A New Literacy for the Information Age: Children, Computers, and Citizenship
2pm  Match Quality, Search, and the Internet Market for Used Books
2:30pm  Asymmetric War: A Symposium
4:30pm  U.S. Climate Policy at a Crossroads: State v. Federal or State with Federal?
5pm  On Gang Nostalgia and the Problem of the Present
5pm  Impact investing in Brazil: driving change through scalable social businesses in midst of an economic and political turmoil
5:30pm  Future of Nature Boston Speaker Series:  The Future of the City: Can Cities be the Key to a Greener World?
6pm  Askwith Forum - Uncovering Talent: A New Model of Inclusion

Tuesday, March 31

12pm  Nonstructural carbon in forest trees
12pm  In Government, Working with the Media
12pm  Germany’s Energy Transition: Model or Disaster?
2:30pm  Let's Talk: How Communication Affects Contract Design
3:30pm  Sound, Music, and Ecology: Post-Katrina New Orleans
4pm  ISIS: A State in Waiting
4:30pm  Dreaming Europe in the Wake of the Arab Revolts: Causes and Consequences of Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe
5pm  Reconciling Energy Security, Climate Policy and Prosperity? An Assessment of the German Energy Transition
5:15pm  The Metaphysics of Ecology: What Makes Our Environment Worthy of Care
6pm  Was It Something I Ate?  Understanding Food Allergies
6pm  Architecture Lecture Series: Rania Ghosn, "Geostories"
6pm  Updates from Tohoku
6pm  Boston Green Drinks - March Happy Hour
6:30pm  e4dev:  MIT Undergrad Highlights
6:30pm  Transnational Urbanism and Post-colonial Challenges in South-East Asia
7pm  Dr. Mae Carol Jemison, Physician and NASA Astronaut
7pm  FWDMonthly – Tech Hubs Abroad: Connecting Innovation Communities Across Borders

Wednesday, April 1

8am  King v. Burwell and the Future of the Affordable Care Act
12pm  Remaking American Liberty: Race and Due Process from Abolitionism to Civil War
12pm  Join MIT Joules on a visit to eCurv, local energy efficiency startup
12pm  Improving Climate Efforts to Become Carbon Neutral: The Latin America Case
4pm  Human Rights: From Morality to Law
4pm  Food in the Age of Sustainable Development
4pm  What We Know About Climate Change
4:10pm  Renewable Fuel Standards
4:30pm  Tea @ Eliot with Michael P. Brenner
5:30pm  The Ebola Crisis from Outbreak to Stamp Out -- Lessons for the Future
5:30pm  Civic Innovation for the Neighborhoods
6pm  Herman's House: Documentary Screening and Discussion on Solitary Confinement
6pm  Manufacturing: Prototyping Best Practices (A Startup Guide)
6:30pm  Non-Violent Resistance in Palestine
7pm  Panel: Channeling Creativity
7pm  Depression, Suicide, and Resilience
7:30pm  What Global Warming Means for Boston

Thursday, April 2

10:30am  Cambridge Talks IX: "Inscriptions of Power; Spaces, Institutions, and Crisis
12pm  Science and conservation
12pm  Methane Fluxes in a Tropical Peatland - the Importance of Lateral Flow
12pm  Brazil Studies Program Seminar Series: Sustainability of the Amazon: Tradeoffs Between Environmental Change, Hydropower and River Alterations
12:15pm   Where You Stand Depends On Where You Sit: Political Violence and the Hierarchies of National Movements
4pm  Evaluating the Competitive Use of the Subsurface: The Influence of Energy Storage and Production in Groundwater
4pm  Desunt Vires: Embracing Energy Constraints
4pm  "A FORCE FOR GOOD: The Dalai Lama’s Call to Action" by Daniel Goleman (2015 Sonnabend Lecturer)
4pm  Music Producer Jonathan Shecter and Musician/Producer Dan Freeman: Entrepreneurship in the Digital Music Industry
5pm  George Yudice: "Cultural Studies and The Expediency of Culture, Rethought in Relation to Internet Platforms and Megadata"
5:30pm  The Future of Suburban Mobility: Out of Town: Where are we going and how do we get there?
6pm  Sexism in Science & Science Writing: Promoting Women Leaders in the Lab and Newsroom
6pm  Black Votes Matter: The Mississippi Theater of the Civil Rights Movement and the Voting Rights Act
6:30pm  Sustainability Collaborative
6:30pm  Good Enough for Government Work
6:30pm  Social Movements & Agrarian Reform in India & Asia
7pm  Twyla Tharp, Dancer, Choreographer

Friday, April 3

8am  Fluid Boundaries: Integrated Solutions to Today's Water Challenges
Water: Systems, Science, and Society
Netlore: Globalizing Folklore in a Digital World (A Symposium)
9:30am  Cambridge Talks IX: "Inscriptions of Power; Spaces, Institutions, and Crisis"
12pm  MASS Seminar/Houghton Lecture- David Battisti (UW)
12pm  Cyber Operations and International Humanitarian Law:  Humanitarian Law: Fault Lines and Vectors
12pm  Labor Action and Political Action in the Egyptian Revolution
1pm  MIT African Investment Forum
4pm  Quantum Dots to Perovskites: Exploring New Materials for Next Generation Solar Cells

Saturday, April 4

11am  African and Diasporic Religions Film Festival

Monday, April 6

8:30am  Climate Science Breakfast with Steven Wofsy, Abbott Lawrence Rotch Professor of Atmospheric and Environmental Science
11:30am  Energy: the World and MIT
12pm  MASS Seminar - Mitch Moncrieff (NCAR ESL)
12pm  The Long March to Reducing Carbon Emissions in China
12pm  The Fight Over "Ag Gag" Laws
12pm  SOLAR Cities Community Biodigesters - Please DO try this at home!
12pm  "Educating for Climate Change in K-12: Discussion and Sharing of Resources"
12pm  Sino-Russian Cooperation in Natural Gas
4:30pm  U.S. Climate Policy at a Crossroads: State v. Federal or State with Federal?
5:30pm  MIT Water Innovation Prize
6pm  Designing Boston: "Defining Innovation"
7pm  Public Place in its Meltdown Area
7:30pm  "Changing the Religious Climate: The Role of Faith Groups in Climate Change Awareness and Action"

Tuesday, April 7

8am  Boston TechBreakfast Presented by Colliers: April 2015
8:30am  Climate Science Breakfast:  "Climate Implications of Equilibrium Statistical States in the Baroclinic Turbulence of the Earth’s Midlatitude Atmosphere"
10am  Stand Up for Solar!  Lobby Day
11:45am  Fundraising in Energy: How to get VCs to invest in your science startup
12pm  Phillip Martin
12pm  State of the Plants: Challenges and Opportunities for Conservation of the New England Flora
12pm  Love the Player, Love the Game?
12pm  The Black Box Society
12:15pm  Reflections of a Mediator: Preventive Diplomacy in an Age of Conflict
12:30pm  Is the American Century Over?
3pm  Big Visual Data Meets Human Face Modeling
4:30pm  "Reinventing Fire: Profitable Low-Carbon Futures for the U.S. and China"
5:30pm  Cleantech Open Northeast Boston Business Briefing at Greentown Labs
6pm  Supply Chain Logistics, Big Data, and Megacities
6pm  BASG April 7: Supply Chain Logistics, Big Data, and Megacities
6:30pm  New Ventures in Energy Storage


My rough notes on some of the events I go to and notes on books I’ve read are at:

BCSEA Webinar:  Full Charge on Electric Cars!

Getting to Net Zero:  Cambridge, MA


Monday, March 30

EB 2015 Science Breakfast:  Research in Germany
Monday, March 30
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 415 Summer Street, Room 50, Boston


Going Further With Ford: Info Session on Ford-MIT Alliance's Annual Request for Proposals
Monday, March 30
MIT, Building 32-D463, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Ed Krause, Global Manager of External Alliances, Ford Motor Company
Ford's global manager of external alliances, Ed Krause, will discuss Ford's areas of interest: mobility 2025+; automated driving technology; cybersecurity; vehicle electri cation; vehicle connectivity; vehicle light-weighting; powertrain fuel e ciency technologies; business analytics and enterprise modeling; and invehicle health and wellness. Prof. Jonathan How, Ford-MIT Alliance director, and Ed Krause will be available to answer questions.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Sociotechnical Systems Research Center
For more information, contact:  Jacqueline Paris


MASS Seminar/Houghton Lecture- David Battisti (UW)
Monday, March 30
MIT, Building 54-915 (the tallest building on campus)

Speaker: David Battisti
The first lecture by our spring Houghton Lecturer, David Battisti.

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Atmospheric Science Seminars (MASS)
For more information, contact:  MASS organizing committee


Labor Justice on Factory Farms
WHEN  Mon., Mar. 30, 2015, 12 – 1 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Hall, Room 2004, 1585 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Environmental Sciences, Law, Lecture, Social Sciences, Sustainability
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Harvard Law School Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
SPEAKER(S)  A panel of lawyers and a worker from a dairy factory farm
DETAILS  A panel of lawyers and a worker from a dairy factory farm will discuss the safety hazards and risks that workers face on factory farms.
Free dumplings provided.


Managing Arctic Resources
Monday, March 30
12:00PM - 1:30PM
Harvard, Bell Hall, 5th Floor, Belfer Building,79 JFK Street, Cambridge

William Moomaw, Professor of International Environmental Policy, Fletcher School, Tufts University; Susan Hackley, Managing Director, Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School; HKS Student Panelist TBA

ETIP/Consortium Energy Policy Seminar
Contact Name:  Louisa Lund


A New Literacy for the Information Age: Children, Computers, and Citizenship
Monday, March 30
12:15PM - 2:00PM
Harvard, Room 100F, Pierce Hall, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Margo Boenig-Liptsin, Harvard, STS/History of Science

STS Circle at Harvard

Sandwich lunches are provided. Please RSVP to by Wednesday at 5PM the week before.
Contact Name:  Shana Rabinowich

More at:


Match Quality, Search, and the Internet Market for Used Books
Monday, March 30
MIT, Building E62-450, 100 Main Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Sara Ellison (MIT)
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): IO Workshop
For more information, contact:  economics calendar


Asymmetric War: A Symposium
WHEN  Mon., Mar. 30, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Yenching Auditorium, 2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Health Sciences, Lecture, Special Events
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Sponsored by the Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard's Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Seminar on Violence and Non-Violence.
SPEAKER(S)  Andrew Bacevich, Boston University
Noah Feldman, chair, Harvard Law School
Moshe Halbertal, New York University School of Law
Elaine Scarry, Harvard University
Jeremy Waldron, New York University School of Law
Homi Bhabha, chair, Harvard University
Faisal Devji, Oxford University
Lital Levy, Princeton University
COST  Free and open to the public
CONTACT INFO 617-495-0738;
DETAILS  Free and open to the public. Seating is limited.


U.S. Climate Policy at a Crossroads: State v. Federal or State with Federal?
Monday, March 30
4:30PM - 6:00PM
Harvard, Fainsod Conference Room, Room 324, HKS Littauer Building, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge

Harvard Electricity Policy Group Study Group with David Cash
The Kennedy School's Harvard Electricity Policy Group (HEPG) of the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government and the Harvard Law School Environmental Policy Initiative is sponsoring a two-seminar study group this term, "U.S. Climate Policy at a Crossroads: State v. Federal or State with Federal?" The study group will meet from 4:30-6:00 PM in the Fainsod Conference Room, Room 324 of the HKS Littauer Building, on Monday March 30 and Monday April 6, 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015 – In the first session, David W. Cash* will discuss state level actions addressing climate change and the diversity of responses by state environmental and energy offices to EPA’s proposed ​Clean Power Plan. The pros and cons of a  variety of policy options will be discussed.

David W. Cash (KSG, PhD 2001) is currently a Senior Fellow at HEPG and an affiliate of the Harvard University Center for the Environment.  He was a Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and a Commissioner at the Department of Public Utilities.  He was one of the architects of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (the first carbon emissions trading program in the U.S.) and a senior member of Governor Deval Patrick’s team that transformed the state’s energy landscape.
Kate Konschnik is a Lecturer at Harvard Law School and the Director of the Harvard Law School Environmental Policy Initiative. Previously, Kate served as Chief Environmental Counsel to U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), and directed his staff on the Oversight Subcommittee of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.  From 2002 to 2009, Kate also ser


On Gang Nostalgia and the Problem of the Present
WHEN  Mon., Mar. 30, 2015, 5 – 6:30 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Tsai Auditorium, CGIS South, S010, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Humanities, Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Committee on Ethnicity, Migration, Rights
SPEAKER(S)  Laurence Ralph, assistant professor, Department of Anthropology and of African and African American Studies, Harvard University
DETAILS  There is relatively little anthropological research on African American gangs. By and large, anthropologists have ceded this territory to sociologists interested in the illegal networks in which gangs participate as well as how the criminal justice system operates to contain marginalized populations through imprisonment, intensive policing, and surveillance. Consequently, scholars rarely examine the way that social identities materialize from the forms of cultural production that gang members invent. Based primarily on three years of ethnographic fieldwork on the West Side of Chicago (from 2007 to 2010), this talk examines the way gang members constitute the category of realness through everyday interactions. Thus, at the same time that this article offers a study of African American gangs to an underdeveloped field, my objective is to mine the stories members tell each other because doing so yields insights into the social constraints black youth face today.


Impact investing in Brazil: driving change through scalable social businesses in midst of an economic and political turmoil
Monday, March 30, 2015
MIT, Building E51-395, 2 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Antonio Ermirio de Moraes Neto
The speaker is co-Founder and managing partner at Vox Capital, Brazil's first Impact Investing company, which channels investments and technical assistance to innovative companies with solutions generating disproportionate social impact to low-income communities throughout Brazil.

After 5 years since its inception, Vox Capital has been recognized as one of the leading impact investing funds in the world, being featured in several books, articles and publications, from a range of organizations, such as Stanford Social Innovation Review, Rockefeller Foundation and Impact Assets50. Its portfolio today comprises of 15 fast growing companies, reaching 5 million people every month.

Antonio Moraes has been awarded with the Goldman Sachs Global Leaders Award, elected as a Fellow of the Americas Business Council Leadership Forum and recognized as one of the 100 most influential people in Brazil, by Revista Epoca, and one of 25 Brazilians to Watch, by the Financial Times, amongst other international awards.

He is serving his second tenure as a board member at the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Latin America and is a co-author of the book Business with Impact in Brazil and the documentary Entremundos.

Antonio has a degree in Public Administration from FGV-EAESP, including entrepreneurship studies at Babson College in Boston and Private Equity in U.C. Berkeley, California.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Brazil, Brazilian Club @ Sloan
For more information, contact:  Rosabelli Coelho-Keyssar


Future of Nature Boston Speaker Series:  The Future of the City: Can Cities be the Key to a Greener World?
Monday, March 30
Reception 5:30 pm; talk at 6:30 pm
Boston Center for the Arts, Calderwood Pavilion, Wimberley Theatre, 527 Tremont Street, Boston
Cost:  $25-$40

Join The Nature Conservancy and leading thinkers from Boston and beyond for a discussion about solutions to some of the most pressing environmental challenges we face.

As the world becomes increasingly urban and populations rise, living in denser cities may be part of the solution to humanity’s resource challenges. Can urban areas be environmentally sound? Where do the cities of the future exist today? How can Boston become a leader in green design?

Contact Name:   Emma Colburn
More at:


Askwith Forum - Uncovering Talent: A New Model of Inclusion
WHEN  Mon., Mar. 30, 2015, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, GSE, Longfellow Hall, 13 Appian Way, Cambridge
TYPE OF EVENT Discussion, Diversity & Equity, Forum, Lecture, Question & Answer Session
CONTACT NAME  Roger Falcon
CONTACT PHONE  617-384-9968
ADMISSION FEE This event is free and open to the public.
DETAILS  Speaker: Kenji Yoshino, Chief Justice Earl Warren Professor of Constitutional Law, New York University School of Law; member, Harvard University Board of Overseers; author, Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights.

Tuesday, March 31

Nonstructural carbon in forest trees
Tuesday, March 31
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Harvard University Herbaria, Seminar Room 125, 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge

Andrew Richardson, Associate Professor, Harvard, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology

Harvard University Herbaria Seminar


In Government, Working with the Media
WHEN  Tue., Mar. 31, 2015, 12 – 1 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard Kennedy School, Taubman Building, Room 275, 15 Eliot Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Humanities, Lecture, Social Sciences, Special Events
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School
SPEAKER(S)  Juliette Kayyem
DETAILS  Juliette Kayyem is an attorney who has worked in the field of homeland security at the state and federal level. She was assistant secretary for intergovernmental affairs in the US Dept. of Homeland Security and the first undersecretary for homeland security for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. She ran for governor of Massachusetts in 2013-14. In addition, she has worked as a columnist for the Boston Globe and as an on-air analyst for CNN. She is a lecturer on public policy at HKS. She will share her expertise on national security affairs and her experience working with and for the media.


Germany’s Energy Transition: Model or Disaster?
WHEN  Tue., Mar. 31, 2015, 12 – 2 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, CGIS South Building, Room S030, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Transatlantic Relations Seminar, Weatherhead Center for International Studies.
SPEAKER(S)  R. Andreas Kraemer, founder and director Emeritus, Ecologic Institute, Berlin
COST  none
DETAILS  This event is co-sponsored by the Boston Warburg Chapter of the American Council on Germany.


Let's Talk: How Communication Affects Contract Design
Tuesday, March 31
MIT, Building E62-650, 100 Main Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Gary Charness, UCSB

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Organizational Economics
For more information, contact:  economics calendar


Sound, Music, and Ecology: Post-Katrina New Orleans
Tuesday, March 31
3:30 PM to 5:00 PM (EDT)
BU, College of Fine Arts, 855 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 219 (tentative), Boston

Dr. Kinh T. Vu and Dr. Marié Abe
Dr. Matt Sakakeeny from Tulane University will host a talk regarding sound, music, and ecology in post-Katrina New Orleans. Attendees are urged to read Chapter One of Sakakeeny's book Roll With It: Brass Bands in the Streets of New Orleans (2013); it is available to students, staff, and faculty at the BU Library website as an online book. This event is sponsored by the College of Fine Arts departments of ethnomusicology and music education and the College of General Studies.


ISIS: A State in Waiting
WHEN  Tue., Mar. 31, 2015, 4 – 5:30 p.m.
WHERE Harvard, HKS, Weil Town Hall, Belfer Building, Ground Floor, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR The Middle East Initiative
SPEAKER(S)  A seminar with Yezid Sayigh, senior associate and professor, Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut.
COST  Free and open to the public; registration required
DETAILS  Part of the spring 2015 study group led by MEI Visiting Scholar Michael C. Hudson: "Rethinking the Arab State: The Collapse of Legitimacy in Arab Politics."


Dreaming Europe in the Wake of the Arab Revolts: Causes and Consequences of Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe
Tuesday, March 31
MIT, Building E40-496, 1 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Professor Philippe Fargues, Director of the Migration Policy Centre at the European University Institute
Population movements and political movements in the Arab countries are linked in many ways. First, they share common determinants as both emigration and revolts are rooted in the radical demographic changes which peoples of the region are currently going through. Second, political unrest has generated new waves of forced but also voluntary migration. Third, migrants convey ideas that have a bearing on political developments in their homeland. At the doorstep of the Arab region, Europe is a destination for the largest number of Arab migrants. It is also a magnet for would-be migrants who do not qualify for entry documents and resort to smugglers who have made the Mediterranean one of the world's most dangerous seas. In Europe, immigration has become a highly contentious issue against the backdrop of a protracted economic crisis and rising home-grown terrorism.

A session of the Myron Weiner Seminar Series on International Migration.

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Center for International Studies, Inter-University Committee on International Migration
For more information, contact:  Phiona Lovett


Reconciling Energy Security, Climate Policy and Prosperity? An Assessment of the German Energy Transition
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
MIT, Building E51-395, 2 Ames Street, Cambridge

Speaker: R. Andreas Kraemer and A. Denny Ellerman
Modern energy policy tends to pursue three central objectives: energy security, affordability, and sustainability. Usually these objectives are seen as competing with each other to some extent, requiring trade-offs and balancing priorities. And yet, R. Andreas Kraemer, currently a Senior Fellow with the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) and a well-known expert on German energy and climate policy, argues that the German energy transition (Energiewende) provides a case study on how these three objectives can be reconciled: evidence from Germany suggests that German energy security has improved, greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants have fallen, and overall costs incurred by the energy system have remained stable or fallen. He takes into account co-benefits such as innovation, tax revenue and balance of trade effects. A. Denny Ellerman, formerly of the European University Institute in Florence and the MIT Sloan School of Management, will serve as a discussant.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research, German Consulate General of Boston
For more information, contact:  MIT CEEPR


The Metaphysics of Ecology: What Makes Our Environment Worthy of Care
WHEN  Tue., Mar. 31, 2015, 5:15 – 7 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Common Room, CSWR, 42 Francis Avenue, Cambridge
SPONSOR Center for the Study of World Religions
CONTACT Lexi Gewertz, 617.495.4476
DETAILS  This lecture will be delivered by Caner Dagli, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the College of the Holy Cross.
This event is part of the Junior Fellowship Series "Religion and Nature."


Was It Something I Ate?  Understanding Food Allergies
Tuesday, March 31
6pm - 7:30pm
Harvard Medical School, Joseph B Martin Conference Center, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston

Are the foods we eat making us sick?  The occurrence of allergic disease is skyrocketing and some estimate that as many as one in five Americans have an allergic condition, including reactions to foods.  This seminar aims to improve our understanding of food allergies and intolerances, and explain how our modern diet may be contributing to a rise in these kinds of autoimmune disorders.

More information:


Architecture Lecture Series: Rania Ghosn, "Geostories"
Tuesday, March 31
MIT, Building 7-429, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

MIT Architecture Lecture Series
Part of the Spring 2015 Department of Architecture Lecture Series, "Experiments in Architecture".

Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): Department of Architecture
For more information, contact:  Anne Simunovic


Updates from Tohoku
Tuesday, March 31
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (EDT)
The Red Room @ Cafe 939, Berklee College of Music, 939 Boylston Street, Boston

Join us for a night of remembrance and presentations by speakers on
Updates from Tohoku  ~ A Journey to New Life ~

Free and open to the public

6:00 - 6:15: Registration & Opening Remarks
6:15 - 7:15: Presentations by speakers & performance by TOMODACHI Berklee scholars
7:15 - 8:00: Reception

Shun Kanda, Director, MIT Japan 3/11 Initiative
Anne Nishimura Morse, William and Helen Pounds Senior Curator of Japanese Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Megumi Ishimoto, Founder, Women's Eyes


Boston Green Drinks - March Happy Hour
Tuesday, March 31
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (EDT)
Scholars, 25 School Street, Boston

Find us near the windows!
This month, we'll be joined by members of the Babson Energy and Enviornment Club who will be talking about their annual conference next month.


e4dev:  MIT Undergrad Highlights
Tuesday, March 31
MIT, Building E19-319, MITei Large Conference Room, 400 Main Street, Cambridge

Cecilio Aponte & Holly Josephs
Cecilio Aponte, Materials Science and Engineering '15, minoring in energy studies, will talk about his experience working with SELCO (Solar Electric Light Company) India, through MISTI-India, working on off-grid energy technology and solar lanterns projects.
Holly Josephs, Civil & Environmental Engineering & Urban Planning '16, will talk about her experience working in Ghana on a rain water harvesting and drip irrigation project.


Transnational Urbanism and Post-colonial Challenges in South-East Asia
WHEN  Tue., Mar. 31, 2015, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
WHERE  CGIS South, S050, Harvard University, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
SPEAKER(S)  Maristella Casciato, associate director of research, Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Montreal
Rahul Mehrotra, professor of Urban Design and Planning and chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Harvard Graduate School of Design.
COST  Free and open to the public


Dr. Mae Carol Jemison, Physician and NASA Astronaut
Tuesday, March 31
7 pm
Lesley University, Washburn Auditorium, 10 Phillips Place, Cambridge

Scientist, physician, and activist, Dr. Mae Carol Jemison became the first woman of color to travel in space when she went into orbit aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor in 1992. Dr. Jemison is highly involved in science education and, given her dance background, she has spoken extensively on the need to diversify STEM fields and foster collaboration between the sciences and the arts. She also has a TED talk entitled:  Teach Arts and Sciences Together. She has established a foundation to support science education, including a program entitled:  The Earth We Share (TEWS) where children ages 12 – 16 from around the world share ideas about how to solve current global issues. More recently, she founded The Jemison Group “to research, develop, and implement advanced technologies suited to the social, political, cultural, and economic context of the individual, especially for the developing world.” Jemison’s current projects include: the Alpha, ™, a satellite-based telecommunications system to improve health care in West Africa.


FWDMonthly – Tech Hubs Abroad: Connecting Innovation Communities Across Borders
Tuesday, March 31
Venture Cafe, Cambridge Innovation Center, 1 Broadway, 5th floor,  Cambridge

Boston has long been a gateway city welcoming innovators from all over the world. Today, Massachusetts has strong connections to tech hubs around the world. One great example of this is home-grown MassChallenge that boasts global partners and just opened up two international locations.

There is so much untapped potential abroad that can drive economic growth. This FWDMonthly hear from Jibran Malek and Kara Shurmantine about how MassChallenge is connecting Boston with tech hubs abroad and building a global innovation community. Then work in our project groups on the next wave of advocacy that will make sure our immigration system doesn’t close out international talent.

7:00-7:30 Open Networking
7:30-8:00 Monthly Speaker
Learn from a local tech or thought leader about a topic at the intersection of tech and politics.
8:00-8:45 Breakout Sessions | The Democracy Project, The 2.0 Project, and The Co-Founders Project
Convene Project Teams and tackle challenges using your skill set.
8:45-9:00 Project Share

Present what your project team created and learn what other project teams are doing.

Wednesday, April 1

King v. Burwell and the Future of the Affordable Care Act
WHEN  Wed., Apr. 1, 2015, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Hall, Milstein East B, 1585 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Petrie-Flom Center at Harvard Law School
COST  Free and open to the public
CONTACT INFO Cristine Hutchison-Jones:
DETAILS  This term, in King v. Burwell, the Supreme Court will consider whether the Affordable Care Act permits the government to extend tax-credit subsidies to citizens of states that have chosen not to establish their own insurance exchange. If the Court rules that these subsidies are not permitted under the law, the fallout will be extensive and possibly devastating to state insurance markets, and countless local, state, and federal actors will have to decide how to move forward. This event will bring together scholars and practitioners in the fields of law, public health, and economics to evaluate the oral argument in the case and consider how the Court is likely to rule before exploring the likely impacts of a decision against the government and finally beginning to build groundwork for politically-viable fixes at all levels of public and private involvement.
To register for this event, and see a full agenda, please visit our website. Sponsored by the Oswald DeN. Cammann Fund.


Remaking American Liberty: Race and Due Process from Abolitionism to Civil War
WHEN  Wed., Apr. 1, 2015, 12 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Thompson Room, Barker Center, 12 Quincy Street, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Hutchins Center for African & African American Research
SPEAKER(S)  Kate Masur, associate professor of history and African American studies, Northwestern University
COST  Free and open to the public
DETAILS  A Q+A will follow the lecture.


Join MIT Joules on a visit to eCurv, local energy efficiency startup
Wednesday, April 1
 Cambridge Innovation Center, One Broadway, 14th Floor, Cambridge

Visit and learn about local energy efficiency startup, eCurv. Meet its founder and CEO, Edison Almeida.

eCurv has developed a new method for electricity distribution that reduces utility charges by up to 40% for commercial customers by queuing electric loads to lower peak demand charges. eCurv is a venture-backed firm based in Cambridge, MA. Major investors are Constellation Energy and MassCEC.

MIT Joules is continuing its series of visits to local energy startups. Last semester included visits to Greentown Labs, Ambri, Silverside Detectors, Loci Controls, ReFresh Water. Thanks to MassCEC for its sponsorship. Lunch will be provided at the event.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club, MassCEC
For more information, contact:  MIT Joules 


Improving Climate Efforts to Become Carbon Neutral: The Latin America Case
WHEN  Wed., Apr. 1, 2015, 12 – 2 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, 1730 Cambridge Street, S-250, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Social Sciences, Sustainability
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies
SPEAKER(S)  René Castro, professor, INCAE Costa Rica; former minister of environment and energy, Costa Rica
COST  Free and open to the public


Human Rights: From Morality to Law
WHEN   Wed., Apr. 1, 2015, 4 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Sheerr Room, Fay House, 10 Garden Street, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
SPEAKER(S)  John Tasioulas, 2014–'15 Lisa Goldberg Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute
COST  Free and open to the public


Food in the Age of Sustainable Development
Wednesday, April 1
4:00PM - 5:30PM
Harvard School of Public Health, Kresge G1 (Snyder Auditorium), 677 Huntington Avenue, Boston

Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute of Columbia University, will speak on Food in the Age of Sustainable Development.

Department of Nutrition’s 11th Annual Stare-Hegsted Lecture


What We Know About Climate Change
Wednesday, April 1
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (EDT)
International School of Boston, Media Center, 45 Matignon Road, Cambridge

"What We Know About Climate Change"
presented by MIT Meteorology Professor Kerry Emanuel
Media Center
ISB is proud to welcome MIT Meteorology Professor Kerry Emanuel for a lecture about Climate Change. Kerry Emanuel will discuss climate change causes and consequences, how science builds knowledge, and the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) conclusions.
France declared global warming a national cause for 2015 and Paris will host and preside over the 21st United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21 / CMP11) from November 30th to December 15, 2015.
Kerry Emanuel was named on the Time Magazine list of 100 most influential people of 2006. In 2007, he was elected as a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. He has received numerous prizes from the American Meteorological Society (AMS), including the Louis J. Battan prize and the Carl-Gustaf Rossby medal, AMS’ highest distinction.


Renewable Fuel Standards
Wednesday, April 1
Harvard, Room L-382 (3rd Floor Littauer Building), 79 JFK Street, Cambridge

James Stock, Harvard University

Seminar in Environmental Economics and Policy


Tea @ Eliot with Michael P. Brenner
Wednesday, April 1
4:30 PM to 6:00 PM (EDT)
Harvard, Eliot House (Senior Common Room), 101 Dunster Street, Cambridge

Attire: We don’t care about serious attire, we care about serious experimentalists, so come as you are and bring friends!
Quick RSVP & Questions:

More about Experiment Tea @ Eliot House
The Experimental Tea @ Eliot House is a intergenerational tradition that invites scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and designers to share bold ideas. A special collaboration between the Co-Masters of Eliot House and the Co-Founders of Xfund.
Experimental Teas are hosted every other Wednesday during term in the Eliot House Senior Common Room, conveniently located at 101 Dunster Street. Doors open at 4:30pm and our founder or faculty kicks off brief remarks with invited guests at 5pm. The tradition is open to all experimentalists in Cambridge, MA as well as any visiting faculty, alumni, and student founders.


The Ebola Crisis from Outbreak to Stamp Out -- Lessons for the Future
Wednesday April 1
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Tufts, ASEAN Auditorium, The Fletcher School, 160 Packard Avenue, Medford 

Anthony Banbury
Anthony Banbury currently serves as the Special Representative of the Secretary General and Head of the United Nations Mission for Emergency Ebola Response.

Contact:  Mary Dulatre


Civic Innovation for the Neighborhoods
Wednesday, April 1
5:30 PM to 9:30 PM (EDT)
District Hall, 75 Northern Avenue, Boston

Our urban neighborhoods provide the foundation of our personal and work based communities. Lively, interactive neighborhoods foster healthy lives and innovative new businesses.

Our April Civic Innovation Conversation will focus on what new approaches can be taken to create a richer community experience in our neighborhoods.  We will have six speakers provide five-minute perspectives on how to augment neighborhood activities, spaces and lives.  We will then follow with a breakout sessions where small groups can brainstorm on initiatives that they would like to see pursued, and perhaps lead the efforts.

5:30 – 6:00   Registration and networking
6:00 – 6:45   Short Intro followed by six speakers at five minutes each
6:45 - 7:30   Breakout into six small discussion groups
7:30 – 7:45   Group readouts
7:45 – 9:30   Post event networking

We are bringing together people from various parts of the public and private communities to kick off the conversation.
Invited speakers include:
MODERATOR: Kevin Wiant - Venture Cafe Foundation
CONFIRMED:  Malia Lazu - Future Boston
CONFIRMED:  Vicky Wu Davis - Youth Cities
CONFIRMED:  Milton Irving – Timothy Smith Network
CONFIRMED: Damon Cox - The Boston Foundation
Microsoft Innovation & Policy Center New England & Venture Café Foundation

Microsoft Innovation & Policy Center New England & Venture Café Foundation

About Microsoft Innovation and Policy Center New England
The Microsoft Innovation and Policy Center aims for Microsoft to be “of” the community, not just exist within it.
Through the Innovation and Policy Center, we are extending beyond the tech community to:
Connect stakeholders from tech to the broader business, academic and government communities;
Catalyze important technology and public policy discussions, and;
Contribute more directly with the health and vitality of greater New England.
The Venture Café Foundation is a non-profit whose mission consists of three pillars:
Building and connecting communities of innovation
Expanding the definition of innovation and entrepreneurship
Building a more inclusive innovation
The Venture Café Foundation enhances and accelerates the innovation process through:
Spaces for individuals and organizations to gather, tell stories, and build relationships, such as Venture Café at CIC in Cambridge, District Hall and soon the Roxbury Innovation Center.
Programs that create connections, such as Captians of Innovation  andthe Innovation Visitor Bureau.
Conversations and events that expand an  understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship, such as the Innovation and the City conference and Civic Innovation Series.


Herman's House: Documentary Screening and Discussion on Solitary Confinement
WHEN  Wed., Apr. 1, 2015, 6 – 8 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Café, Rockefeller Hall, 47 Francis Avenue, Cambridge
SPONSOR HDS Prison Education Project and HDS Nuestra Voz
DETAILS  Herman Wallace may be the longest-serving prisoner in solitary confinement in the United States—he's spent more than 40 years in a 6-by-9-foot cell in Louisiana. Imprisoned in 1967 for a robbery he admits, he was subsequently sentenced to life for a killing he vehemently denies. Herman's House is a moving account of the remarkable expression his struggle found in an unusual project proposed by artist Jackie Sumell. Imagining Wallace's "dream home" began as a game and became an interrogation of justice and punishment in America. The film takes us inside the duo's unlikely 12-year friendship, revealing the transformative power of art.


Manufacturing: Prototyping Best Practices (A Startup Guide)
Wednesday, April 1
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Bolt, 110 Chauncy Street, Boston, MA

What is the point of prototyping?
How do you get started?
Best practices for approaching the design and fabrication process  

Kat Ely, Principal Designer at PlusFab
PlusFab is a design studio that believes product development should be more responsive. They help clients bring ideas to market faster with thoughtful design, rapid iteration, and manufacturing knowledge that closes the gap between concept and scale manufacturing.
Joe Prew, Co-Founder at Boston Boot Co.  
Boston Boot Co. is Boston's 1st "micro-shoery." They use the best ingredients in smaller batches, for guys who appreciate a well-made boot. They had a wildly succesful Kickstarter campaign (~10x their goal), in part because of Joe's decades of sourcing and production experience in the shoe industry.
Avery Louie, Prototype Engineer at Bolt 
Bolt is a venture capital fund designed to address the unique needs of early-stage startups at the intersection of hardware and software. Avery is a Fabrication expert across a wide variety of processes + technologies including machining, 3D printing and PCB fabrication.
Jen Faigel, Executive Director at CropCircle Kitchen, Inc. 
CropCircle Kitchen is Boston's only shared use kitchen commissary and culinary business incubator 00 were they provide technical support, training, oversight, and guidance through the early stages of a new food business. They have two locations, including Jamaica Plain and the new, 36,000 sq. ft. Dorchester facility.

6-7: Mingle
7-8: Discussion and Q&A
8-9: Mingle (You know the drill)


Non-Violent Resistance in Palestine
Wednesday, April 1
Cambridge Forum, 3 Church Street, Cambridge

Iyad Burnat, born in 1973 in Bil`in, Palestine, heads the Bil`in Popular Committee. Since 2005, citizens of Bil`in, joined by Israeli and international peace activists, have held weekly non-violent demonstrations against the Israeli separation wall and the encroachment of illegal settlements. The protesters? have maintained a commitment to non-violent resistance in the face of armed? military opposition. The demonstrations are the subject of the 2012 Oscar-nominated documentary film 5 Broken Cameras, which was made by Iyad?s brother, Emad Burnat. Burnat discusses strategies for non-violent popular resistance with social justice activist Trina Jackson.  How has he brought potential adversaries to share his goal of peace and prosperity for all people?



Panel: Channeling Creativity
Wednesday, April 1
7 pm
Lesley University, Washburn Auditorium, 10 Phillips Place, Cambridge

Mags Harries
Award-winning, Cambridge-based visual artist, who has completed over 30 major public art projects with her husband /collaborator Lajos Heder in cities throughout the US and abroad. Early in her career, Harries created the well-known Glove Cycle for the Porter Square T- Station, adjacent to Lesley’s new Lunder Arts Center.

Eric Lander
MacArthur Fellow and Professor of Biology at MIT. Founding director of the Broad Institute. Lander is co-chair of President Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. His research is dedicated to the promise of the human genome for medicine, including his important work to develop a molecular taxonomy for cancers.

Tod Machover
Composer and innovator in the application of technology in music.
Professor of Music and Media, The Media Lab, MIT, Director of the Hyperinstruments/ Opera of the Future group and Co-Director of the Things That Think and Toys for Tomorrow consortia. Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in Music, 2012.

Dr. David H. Rose
Developmental Neuropsychologist, co-founder of CAST and Universal Design for Learning, whose mission is expanding educational opportunities for all students, especially those with disabilities, through innovative technologies. Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Kara Miller
Panel Moderator, host and executive editor of The Innovation Hub from WGBH and Public Radio International. Miller also contributes to “The Takeaway,” a national radio program, and WGBH’s “Morning Edition.” Her writing has appeared in The National Journal, the, the Huffington Post, The International Herald Tribune, and the Boston Globe.


Depression, Suicide, and Resilience
Wednesday, April 1
7:00 PM (EDT)
Museum of Science, 1 Science Park, Boston

Bruce M. Cohen, MD, PhD, psychiatrist and director, Program for Neuropsychiatric Research at McLean Hospital; Robertson-Steele Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School |Matthew N. Nock, PhD, professor of psychology and director of the Laboratory for Clinical and Developmental Research, Harvard University | Dost Öngür, MD, PhD, clinical director of the Schizophrenia and Bipolar Program, McLean Hospital; associate professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
According to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of disability throughout the world and its prevalence is growing. With appropriate treatment, however, an estimated 80% of patients will experience relief. Step into the world of depression and to the forefront of techniques that may reduce its pervasiveness and the incidence of suicide, and may increase well-being.
Advance registration begins at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 18 (Monday, March 16 for Museum members) at
This program is free thanks to the generosity of the Lowell Institute.


What Global Warming Means for Boston
Wednesday, April 1
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM (EDT)
Beacon Hill Friends House, 8 Chestnut Street, Boston

Julie Wormser of The Boston Harbor Association  leads conversation and takes questions on how global warming will affect Boston.

Thursday, April 2

Cambridge Talks IX: "Inscriptions of Power; Spaces, Institutions, and Crisis
Thursday, April 2
10:30am - 08:00pm
Gund Hall, 48 Quincy Street, Cambridge

Event Description
Over two days, fostering dialogue between social scientists and spatial thinkers, an interdisciplinary gathering of scholars will explore the relationship between physical and institutional structures. How is institutional power manifested in the built environment? How does space bear the mark of bureaucratic networks, typological assumptions, lived experiences? How are different forms of power—aesthetic, political, economic, even insurgent—made manifest across boundaries and scales? The keynote lecture, at 6:30 on 4/2, is by Reinhold Martin, author of The Organizational Complex (MIT Press, 2001). Cambridge Talks is the annual conference organized by students in the PhD Program at Harvard GSD.

Free and open to the public

For accessibility accommodations, please contact the events office two weeks in advance at (617) 496-2414 or


Science and conservation
Thursday, April 2
Tufts, Lincoln Filene Center, Rabb Room, 10 Upper Campus Road, Medford

John Hagan, President, Manomet
Dr. John Hagan established Manomet's Forest Conservation Program, based in Brunswick, Maine, in 1997. He has led a variety of field studies on forestry and biodiversity in the region and has helped transform how the forestry sector thinks about protecting biodiversity. His early work on birds and forestry showed that clearcuts can be important habitat for many species of conservation concern. He has also shown that modern forest management threatens the persistence of many less charismatic species, such as lichens and mosses that depend on late-successional or old-growth forest. He has worked closely both with timber companies and environmental groups. With a series of grants from the National Commission on Science for Sustainable Forestry, he has helped develop a simple, science-based approach to selecting sustainability indicators that include society's economic, social, and environmental values. Dr. Hagan received a B.S. in Environmental Science from Texas Christian University, an M.S. in Wildlife Management from North Carolina State University, and a Ph.D. in Zoology, also from North Carolina State.


Methane Fluxes in a Tropical Peatland - the Importance of Lateral Flow
Thursday, April 2
MIT, Building 48-308, 15 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Alison Hoyt
Environmental Fluid Mechanics/Hydrology
Join us for a weekly series of EFM/Hydrology topics by MIT faculty and students, as well as guest lecturers from around the globe.

For more information on this speaker, Alison Hoyt (Harvey group), see

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Civil and Environmental Engineering
For more information, contact:  Noriko Endo
617 253-7101


Brazil Studies Program Seminar Series: Sustainability of the Amazon: Tradeoffs Between Environmental Change, Hydropower and River Alterations
WHEN  Thu., Apr. 2, 2015, 12 – 2 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, 1730 Cambridge Street, Room S050, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies
SPEAKER(S)  Mauricio E. Arias, Giorgio Ruffolo Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Sustainability Science, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Department
COST  Free


Where You Stand Depends On Where You Sit: Political Violence and the Hierarchies of National Movements
WHEN  Thu., Apr. 2, 2015, 12:15 – 2 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Belfer Center Library, Littauer-369, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR International Security Program
SPEAKER(S)  Peter Krause, research fellow, International Security Program


Evaluating the Competitive Use of the Subsurface: The Influence of Energy Storage and Production in Groundwater
Thursday, April 2
4:00PM - 5:00PM
Tufts, Anderson Hall, Nelson Auditorium, 200 College Avenue, Medford

with Rainer H. Helmig, Ph.D., Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems, Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Abstract:  Gain insight on how advanced numerical models may be used to analyze and predict the mutual influence of subsur­face projects and their impact on groundwater reservoirs, and the increasing need to do so, during this presentation.

The subsurface is being increasingly utilized both as a resource and as an energy and waste repository. With increasing exploitation, resource conflicts are becoming increasingly common and complex, such as thermal energy storage and the effects surrounding hydraulic fracturing in both geothermal and shale gas production.

During this lecture you will learn about:
Possible utilization conflicts in subsurface systems and how the groundwater is affected
Fundamental properties and functions of a compositional multiphase system in a porous medium; basic multiscale and multiphysics concepts will be introduced and conservation laws formulated
Large-scale simulation that shows the general applicability of the modeling concepts of such complicated natural systems, especially the impact on the groundwater of simultaneously using geothermal energy and storing chemical and thermal energy, and how such real large-scale systems provide a good environment for balancing the efficiency potential and possible weaknesses of the approaches discussed.

About the Speaker:  Rainer H. Helmig’s research covers fundamental research and applied science in the field of porous-media flow. A major focus is on developing methods for coupling hydrosystem compartments and complex flow and transport processes. This is based on simulation methods and techniques for describing single- and multi-phase, multi-component flow and transport processes in the subsurface, i.e. in porous and fractured-porous media. The fields of application for these modelling concepts cover a wide range from subsurface applications (e.g. NAPL-contaminated soils, CO2 storage, hydraulic fracturing) to technical problems (e.g. water management in PEM fuel cells).

Darcy Lecture Series in Groundwater Science
About the Darcy Lecture Series:  To foster interest and excellence in groundwater science and technology, the Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecture Series in Groundwater Science was established in 1986. The series — which has reached more than 85,000 groundwater students, faculty members, and professionals — honors Henry Darcy of France for his 1856 investigations that established the physical basis upon which groundwater hydrogeology has been studied ever since.

RSVP to:
Contact Name:


Desunt Vires: Embracing Energy Constraints
Thursday, April 2
4:00pm to 5:00pm
Harvard, Maxwell Dworkin G115, 33 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Benjamin Ransford, University of Washington
From sunlight to vibrations to thermal gradients to radio waves, energy surrounds us.  Energy harvesting allows computers to reclaim otherwise wasted energy to do useful work opportunistically, but programming for such scanty resources is challenging.  My research aims to embrace energy constraints and ease the burden of building opportunistically powered systems.  I will describe new programming models that make opportunistic execution safe, new devices that harvest all of their operating energy, and new ways to provide power using infrastructure that is already ubiquitous.  I will then darken my hat and discuss novel power-analysis methods that can compromise a user's privacy merely by nonintrusively measuring power consumption.

Speaker Bio: Ben Ransford besmirches the otherwise magnificent Computer Science & Engineering department at the University of Washington, where he recently completed a postdoc.  His research focus is energy: using it wisely, saving it, and mining it for information.  Ben's work has appeared at ASPLOS, PLDI, IEEE RFID, SIGCOMM (Best Paper, 2011), DAC, USENIX Security, IEEE Security & Privacy (Best Paper, 2008), the Heart Rhythm Journal, PLoS ONE, and many workshops.  He received a Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, a B.S. from Cornell, a Graduate Research Fellowship from the NSF, and a free iPad Mini from a dentist.

Computer Science Colloquium Series
Contact: Gioia Sweetland
Phone: 617-495-2919


"A FORCE FOR GOOD: The Dalai Lama’s Call to Action" by Daniel Goleman (2015 Sonnabend Lecturer)
Thursday, April 2
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM (EDT)
Lesley University, Washburn Auditorium (Lesley University's Brattle Campus), 10 Phillips Place, Cambridge

Lesley University welcomes Daniel Goleman, Psychologist, Author of Emotional Intelligence and Co-Author of The Creative Spirit to deliver the 2015 Sonnabend Lecture
A FORCE FOR GOOD:  The Dalai Lama’s Call to Action

Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., was trained as a psychologist at Harvard University, and became a science journalist at the New York Times. His 1995 best-seller Emotional Intelligence has been translated into 40 languages, and ‘EQ’ has been added to vocabularies around the world. A co-founder of the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning, his most recent book, co-authored with Peter Senge, was The Triple Focus: A New Approach to Education. A frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, his article “The Leader’s Focus” won the 2013 McKinsey Award for best article of the year. His next book, A FORCE FOR GOOD: The Dalai Lama’s Vision for Our World, will be published in June 2015, in time for the Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday.

The Sonnabend Lecture honors the memory of Elsa Sonnabend, former Chair of the Lesley University Board of Trustees. The Sonnabend Lecture brings to Lesley’s campus bi-annually a distinguished practitioner in the field of human services to work with Lesley’s students and faculty and enrich the academic community.

Walk-ins welcome, but space is limited, so please RSVP.

This lecture is taking place during Lesley University's Creativity Forum, a series of presentations on creativity by renowned experts from synergistic fields such as the arts, education, and the sciences, as well as interdisciplinary studies. In addition, throughout the Forum week, the University will present the creative work of faculty, students, and alumni through lectures, exhibitions, performances, readings, and more.  For more information about other lectures May 30-April 2, please visit


Music Producer Jonathan Shecter and Musician/Producer Dan Freeman: Entrepreneurship in the Digital Music Industry
WHEN  Thu., Apr. 2, 2015, 4 – 5:30 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Farkas Hall, 10-12 Holyoke Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Humanities, Lecture, Music
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Learning From Performers
SPEAKER(S)  Jonathan Shecter and Dan Freeman
COST  Free and open to the public
CONTACT INFO 617.495.8676
DETAILS  Jonathan Shecter ‘90, aka Shecky Green, co-founder of the hip-hop music and culture magazine “The Source” and Director of Programming for the Wynn Las Vegas, and Dan Freeman ’05, aka CØm1x, a producer/bassist and music technologist, will discuss their careers in electronic music production and promotion—which includes Shecter’s launch of the Game Recordings label and Screen Werks DJ-centric video platform; and Freeman’s real-time performances using the Ableton PUSH instrument and his experience as an instructor at New York City’s Dubspot. Co-sponsored by Harvard’s Office of Career Services.


George Yudice: "Cultural Studies and The Expediency of Culture, Rethought in Relation to Internet Platforms and Megadata"
Thursday, April 2
MIT, Building 4-231, 182 Memorial Drive (Rear), Cambridge

George Yudice's The Expediency of Culture (2003) repositioned culture in connection with governmentality and biopower. The full force of social media, Internet platforms and megadata was not yet evident at the time. The argument that culture empties out as it becomes ever more pivotal in the creative economy has, Yudice thinks, been borne out. Culture understood as the "terrain of struggle for interpretive power" needs to take into consideration its relocation and reconfiguration in the new media and technologies. In that relocation key concepts of Cultural Studies need to be updated. This talk seeks to maps the requisite changes.

George Yudice is Professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Miami.

Join our mailing list for an event reminder:
Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Comparative Media Studies/Writing, MIT Global Studies and Languages
For more information, contact:  Andrew Whitacre


The Future of Suburban Mobility: Out of Town: Where are we going and how do we get there?
Thursday, April 2
5:30PM - 7:00PM
Harvard, Northwest Labs B101, 52 Oxford Street, Cambridge

The Harvard Energy Journal Club Presents:  The Future of Suburban Mobility: Out of Town: Where are we going and how do we get there?
With Discussants:
Ryan C. Chin, Managing Director, City Science Initiative and Research Scientist, MIT Media Lab
Matthew George, CEO, Bridj
Jane Philbrick, Harvard GSD MDes '16
Simon Zemp, ETH Zurich Architecture  MSc '15

Spatially diffuse, suburban communities are by definition car dependent.  Densification, urbanist David Wachsmuth observes, proliferating single-family detached housing without commensurate investment in transportation infrastructure, has transformed commuting patterns from “the sum of one million point-A-to-point-B commutes” to “one million personal metropolitan areas.” Aging populations present another challenge to increasingly congested suburban mobility. Twentieth-century suburbia’s twenty-first-century mobility challenges will likely not be met retrospectively, per urban transportation solutions, in last-century material – hardware – innovation. Join us for a discussion on how to get suburban mobility up to speed.

Sponsored by the Harvard Energy Journal Club and the Harvard University Center for the Environment.

Contact Name:  Robert Gustafson


Sexism in Science & Science Writing: Promoting Women Leaders in the Lab and Newsroom
Thursday, April 2
6:00PM - 7:30PM
Harvard Kennedy School Wiener Auditorium, Taubman Bldg, Ground Floor, 15 Eliot Street, Cambridge

A panel discussion with speakers Ann Marie Lipinski, Curator,Nieman Foundation for Journalism; Meg Urry, Yale astrophysicist & Pres. Amer. Astronomical Soc; Jennifer Bogo, Popular Science Exec. Ed. & VP Soc. of Environmental Journalists
Sponsored by HKS' Belfer Center Environment & Natural Resources Program, Shorenstein Center on the Media, Politics, & Public Policy & Women & Public Policy Program; the Neiman Foundation for Journalism & Knight Science Journalism at MIT
Space limited.  RSVP REQUIRED
Contact Name:   Cris Russell


Black Votes Matter: The Mississippi Theater of the Civil Rights Movement and the Voting Rights Act
Thursday, April 2
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (EDT)
Museum of African American History, 46 Joy Street, Boston
Cost:  0 - $6.24

Bob Moses’ vision of grass roots organizing led him to become a leader in the civil rights movement and Mississippi Freedom Summer Project. He initiated and organized voter registration drives, sit-ins, and Freedom Schools for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).

Nearly 40 years later, the renowned activist began organizing again, this time as teacher and founder of the national math literacy program called the Algebra Project. His work was recognized with a MacArthur "Genius" Grant, which he used to found the Algebra Project. He argues that the crisis in math literacy in poor communities is as urgent as the crisis of political access in Mississippi in 1961.

Moses earned a B.A. from Hamilton College and an M.A. in philosophy at Harvard, and received numerous prestigious awards and recognitions. His book, Radical Equations: Civil Rights from Mississippi to the Algebra Project, is featured in the Museum's current exhibit entitled Freedom Rising, Reading Writing and Publishing Black Books.


Sustainability Collaborative
Thursday, April 2
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Venture Cafe – Cambridge Innovation Center, 1 Broadway, 5th floor,  Cambridge

The Venture Café Foundation has partnered with EcoMotion to bring the Sustainability Collaborative to monthly Venture Café gatherings.
Stay tuned for more information about this month’s Sustainability Collaborative.

Questions? Contact Sierra at


Good Enough for Government Work
Thursday, April 2
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM (EDT)
Old South Meeting House, 310 Washington Street, Boston

Alan Solomont (Dean, Tufts University College of Citizenship and Public Service)
Jim Stergios (Executive Director, Pioneer Institute)
David Paleologos (Director, Suffolk University Political Research Center)
With so many representatives of the people pushing policies that the people don’t like, one wonders how we got to this point. If we insist on a modicum of qualification for all who determine how the state runs our lives – including ourselves – it follows that we will reap better results. But should a citizen have to pass a test on current events to vote? Or should our members of Congress have to pass a simple science test to serve on a science-oriented committee? Most importantly, would this method of civic testing break through voter apathy, particularly among young adults, or further alienate them? Let’s review whether Americans are savvy enough to participate in a democracy and, if not, how we might adjust our civic processes to encourage us all to rise to the occasion.


Social Movements & Agrarian Reform in India & Asia
Thursday, April 2
6:30 pm
MIT, Building 4, Room 145, 77 Mass Avenue, Cambridge

A talk by Mr. Poguri Chennaiah, National Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Farmworkers & Fisherfolk Union (APVVU)
Open to public
Facebook event: *

APVVU is a federation of 428 mandal level trade unions of rural informalworkers particularly from agriculture, fishing, forest; rural artisans, sharecroppers, marginal farmers, construction workers & shepherds. The unions are spread over in 14 districts of Andhra & Telangana states. It has membership of 592,850 & 56% is drawn from the women agricultural workers.  Majority of rural workers come from the background of Dalits and Adivasis, the union has developed unique way to work from caste, class, gender and ecological justice perspectives.

Mr. Poguri Chennaiah is an Indian social activist engaged with the rural poor, especially Dalits and agricultural workers, for nearly three decades.  He has been instrumental in taking up the cause of agricultural labor through various campaigns for land rights and for giving shape to a strong agricultural workers' union in Andhra Pradesh, Vyarusaya Vruthidarula Union, bringing together many activist groups and building the vision and direction to become social movements. He is currently a member of National Advisory Group of the National Alliance of People's Movements, India, and the Honorory President of the National Center for Labor(an apex body of unorganized workers in India), and the South Asia Organizing Secretary of the Asian Peasants Coalition.

Co-Sponsored by:
Association for India's Development MIT & Boston Chapters (

ASHA for Education Boston Chapter (
Alliance for a Secular & Democratic South Asia (

Massachusetts Global Action (


Twyla Tharp, Dancer, Choreographer
Thursday, April 2
7 pm
Cambridge Rindge & Latin High School Auditorium, 459 Broadway, Cambridge

Twyla Tharp is among America’s most acclaimed and recognized artists. She has choreographed more than 160 works: 129 dances, 12 television specials, 6 Hollywood movies, four ballets, 4 Broadway productions, and 2 figure skating routines. She has received the National Medal of Arts, the Kennedy Center Honors, a MacArthur Fellowship, two Emmy Awards, a Tony Award, and 19 honorary doctorates, among other awards. In 2003, Tharp created an original dance musical, Movin’ Out, which won a Tony Award and became her most popular creation. Also in 2003, she published her second book, The Creative Habit: Learn it and Use it for Life. Her creative vision has had a pervasive influence on the work of younger choreographers and has permanently expanded the boundaries of contemporary dance.

Friday, April 3

Fluid Boundaries: Integrated Solutions to Today's Water Challenges
Water: Systems, Science, and Society
Friday, April 3
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EDT)
Tufts, Jaharis Family Center for Biomedical and Nutritional Sciences, 150 Harrison Avenue, Boston

WSSS is proud to present the 6th Annual Water: Systems, Science, and Society Symposium!
The quality and quantity of available water has implications for human and environmental health. Technological innovation can improve water quality and use efficiency; however, policy and behavior change are often necessary to realize technological potential. This year's Water: Systems, Science, and Society Symposium will bridge the fields of technology, policy, and behavior change to engage in a dialogue about the way water is used and valued.


Netlore: Globalizing Folklore in a Digital World (A Symposium)
WHEN  Fri., Apr. 3, 2015
WHERE  Harvard, Thompson Room, Barker Center, 12 Quincy Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Art/Design, Conferences, Dance, Humanities, Information Technology, Music, Religion, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Folklore & Mythology, Harvard University
The Office of the Provost, Harvard University
SPEAKER(S)  Keynote: Trevor Blank, SUNY Potsdam
COST  Free and open to the public


Cambridge Talks IX: "Inscriptions of Power; Spaces, Institutions, and Crisis"
Friday, April 3
9:30am - 5pm
Gund Hall, 48 Quincy Street, Cambridge

Event Description
Over two days, fostering dialogue between social scientists and spatial thinkers, an interdisciplinary gathering of scholars will explore the relationship between physical and institutional structures. How is institutional power manifested in the built environment? How does space bear the mark of bureaucratic networks, typological assumptions, lived experiences? How are different forms of power—aesthetic, political, economic, even insurgent—made manifest across boundaries and scales? The keynote lecture, at 6:30 on 4/2, is by Reinhold Martin, author of The Organizational Complex (MIT Press, 2001). Cambridge Talks is the annual conference organized by students in the PhD Program at Harvard GSD.

Free and open to the public

For accessibility accommodations, please contact the events office two weeks in advance at (617) 496-2414 or


MASS Seminar/Houghton Lecture- David Battisti (UW)
Friday, April 3
MIT, Building 54-915 (the tallest building on campus)

Speaker: David Battisti

MASS Seminar
The MIT Atmospheric Science Seminar (MASS) is a student-run weekly seminar series within PAOC. Seminar topics include all research concerning the atmosphere and climate, but also talks about e.g. societal impacts of climatic processes. The seminars usually take place on Monday from 12-1pm followed by a lunch with graduate students. Besides the seminar, individual meetings with professors, post-docs, and students are arranged. The seminar series is run by graduate students and is intended mainly for students to interact with individuals outside the department, but faculty and post docs certainly participate.

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS)
For more information, contact:  Jen Fentress


Cyber Operations and International Humanitarian Law:  Humanitarian Law: Fault Lines and Vectors
Friday, April 3
12:00PM – 1:00PM
Harvard Law School, Pound Hall Room 102, 1563 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Michael N Schmitt, US Naval War College
The Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare is the first effort to attempt to capture how international humanitarian law (IHL)—also known as the law of armed conflict—governs cyber operations on the twenty-first-century battlefield. Professor Michael Schmitt, PILAC Fellow and Director of the Stockton Center for the Study of International Law at the U.S. Naval War College, directed the project that produced the Manual. At this lecture, Professor Schmitt will discuss difficulties the International Group of Experts encountered in drafting the Manual and will offer his thoughts on where the law is likely to head as integration of cyber capabilities into military operations proceeds apace.

Professor Gabriella Blum, Faculty Director of PILAC and Rita E. Hauser Professor of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at Harvard Law School, will introduce Professor Schmitt.


Labor Action and Political Action in the Egyptian Revolution
WHEN  Fri., Apr. 3, 2015, 12 – 1:30 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, HKS, Belfer Library, Littauer Building, Room 369, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR The Middle East Initiative
SPEAKER(S)  A seminar with Mostafa Hefny, MEI Research Fellow and Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science, Columbia University
COST  Free and open to the public


MIT African Investment Forum
Friday, April 3
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM (EDT)
Boston Marriott Cambridge, 50 Broadway, Cambridge

Africa is experiencing its longest economic boom in the last 30 years. Despite the global economic crisis, Africa’s GDP has grown rapidly, averaging almost 5% annually over the past decade. Is the continent the next growth frontier? The IMF estimates that 7 of the world's 10 fastest growing economies in the next 5 years will come from Africa; Ethiopia, Mozambique, Tanzania, Congo, Ghana, Zambia and Nigeria are expected to expand by more than 6% per year. Leading this growth is a generation of young innovators, leaders and risk-takers equipped with the required skills to tackle economic challenges in Africa.
The 2015 African Investment Forum (AIF) is built around a cross-generational dialogue on the benefit of investing in youth and the role of the African Diaspora in driving innovation and change in Africa.
The forum is held parallel to the 2015 MIT Africa Innovate Conference. MIT Forum Delegates get 10% to the conference. ( Please email us for details)

About the MIT Africa Investment Forum (AIF)
Inaugurated in 2013, the MIT Africa Investment Forum (AIF) is the brainchild of MIT Sloan Fellows. In continuation of this legacy, AIF is  nurtured by ProNiche Network in partnership with the MIT Think Tank and a plethora of non-profit organizations around the globe.


Quantum Dots to Perovskites: Exploring New Materials for Next Generation Solar Cells
Friday, April 3
4:00pm to 5:00pm
Harvard, Pierce Hall, Room 209, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Prashant Kamat, University of Notre Dame
As the quantum dot solar cells were becoming competitive with next generation solar cell technology such as organic photovoltaics and dye sensitized solar cells, a new material (organic metal halide perovskite) has emerged with power conversion efficiencies surpassing 20%. Recent studies from our laboratory have focused on the excited state behavior of quantum dots and perovskite materials, hole transfer and role of defect sites in dictating the photovoltaic performance. Photoexcitation of perovskite film, for example, leads to efficient charge separation whose fate is determined by the bimolecular recombination rate. Transient absorption spectroscopy measurements have revealed the possible existence of a charge transfer state in addition to the charge separated state. In order to utilize these cells for solar hydrogen production as well as outdoor application, one needs probe the interaction of CH3NH3PbI3 with water.  While significant changes are seen in the UV-visible absorbance with water vapor (90% humidity exposure), the presence of the hydrate in the films has no noticeable effect on the charge carrier dynamics at short times (< 1.5 ns). It is proposed that H2O initially reacts with the surface of the perovskite film, and only slowly permeates through to the center of large domains. The reaction with H2O at the surface of the perovskite film forms shallow traps in the band structure so that the portion of the CH3NH3PbI3 crystal, which is pristine, remains largely unaffected. The photovoltaic performance and excited state behavior of CH3NH3PbI3 films will also be discussed.

Speaker Bio:  Prashant V. Kamat is a Rev. John A. Zahm, C.S.C., Professor of Science in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Radiation Laboratory at University of Notre Dame. He is also a Concurrent Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. He earned his doctoral degree (1979) in Physical Chemistry from the Bombay University, and postdoctoral research at Boston University (1979-1981) and University of Texas at Austin (1981-1983). He joined Notre Dame in 1983. Professor Kamat has for nearly three decades worked to build bridges between physical chemistry and material science to develop advanced nanomaterials that promise cleaner and more efficient light energy conversion.
He has directed DOE-funded solar photochemistry research for the past 30 years. In addition to large multidisciplinary interdepartmental and research center programs, he has actively worked with industry-sponsored research. He has served on many national panels on nanotechnology and energy conversion processes. He has published more than 400 scientific papers that have been well received by the scientific community (40000+ citations). Thomson-Reuters has featured him as one of the most cited researchers in 2014.
He is currently serving as the deputy editor of the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. He is a member of the advisory board of several scientific journals (Research on Chemical Intermediates, Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, and Applied Electrochemistry). He was awarded the Honda-Fujishima Lectureship award by the Japanese Photochemical Society in 2006, CRSI medal by the Chemical Research Society of India in 2011, and the Langmuir lectureship award in 2013. He is a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), American Chemical Society (ACS) and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). 

Applied Physics Colloquia

Host: Chad Vecitis
Contact: Nancy Wells

Saturday, April 4

African and Diasporic Religions Film Festival
WHEN  Sat., Apr. 4, 2015, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, CGIS South Building, Tsai Auditorium, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR African and Diasporic Religious Studies Association, Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, Center for African Studies, Center for the Study of World Religions at HDS, WEB Du Bois Graduate Society, WGBH Boston
SPEAKER(S)  Eliciana Nascimento
Adimu Madyun
Funlayo E. Wood
COST  Free
Funlayo E. Wood,
Khytie K. Brown,
Join the African and Diasporic Religious Studies Association for it's third Film Festival, featuring films highlighting the traditions of Africa and the African Diaspora. The filmmakers and/or featured subjects of each film will be present for questions and discussion.
"The Summer of Gods" a film by Eliciana Nascimento
"Search for the Everlasting Coconut Tree" a film by Adimu Madyun
"Sacred Journeys: Osun-Osogbo" a film by Mayavision for WGBH Boston/PBS

Monday, April 6

Climate Science Breakfast with Steven Wofsy, Abbott Lawrence Rotch Professor of Atmospheric and Environmental Science
Monday, April 6
8:30–9:30 am
Harvard, HUCE Seminar Room, 24 Oxford Street, 3rd Floor, Cambridge

EPS/SEAS Climate Science Breakfast: "Sources of carbon dioxide and methane from the Arctic, and responses to climate change" with Steven Wofsy, Abbott Lawrence Rotch Professor of Atmospheric and Environmental Science, Harvard University

Professor Wofsy and associates study the two-way exchange of gases between natural ecosystems and the atmosphere, the emissions, transformations and deposition of atmospheric pollutants, the processes that transport pollutants in the atmosphere, and depletion of stratospheric ozone. The focus is on long-term measurements to help understand processes affecting atmospheric composition on time scales relevant to climate change, and airborne observations to define rates of pollutant transport and sources or sinks of key gases (CO2, CO, nitrogen oxides) on continental and global scales.

This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:


Energy: the World and MIT
Monday, April 6
MIT, Building W20-306, Twenty Chimneys, 84 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Speaker: Dr Robert Stoner, Deputy Director, MIT Energy Initiative
MIT Energy Initiative Deputy Director Robert Stoner will give an overview of the world's most pressing energy challenges and how MITEI approaches energy research and education. Three energy researchers will describe major areas of energy research at MIT such as solar energy and electrical grids. This session will provide important background and resources for MISTI students doing energy-related internships around the world.

This event is part of the MISTI-wide training series.

Robert J. Stoner is an inventor and technology entrepreneur who has worked extensively in academia and industry throughout his career, having built and managed successful technology firms in the semiconductor, IT and optics industries. From 2007 through 2009 he lived and worked in Africa and India while serving in a variety of senior roles within the Clinton Foundation. Stoner also serves as co-Director of the Tata Center for Technology and Design at MIT, and is a member of the Science and Technology Committee of the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, which manages the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. His current research relates to energy technology and policy for developing countries. He earned his Bachelor's degree in engineering physics from Queen's University, and his Ph.D. from Brown University in condensed matter physics.

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Center for International Studies, MISTI
For more information, contact:  Caroline Knox


MASS Seminar - Mitch Moncrieff (NCAR ESL)
Monday, April 6
MIT, Building 54-915 (the tallest building on campus)

Speaker: Mitch Moncrieff

MASS Seminar

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Atmospheric Science Seminars (MASS)
For more information, contact:  MASS organizing committee


The Long March to Reducing Carbon Emissions in China
Monday, April 6
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Harvard Law School, Griswold Hall Room 110, Harvard Law School, 1525 Mass Avenue, Cambridge

with Dan Dudek, Vice President, China, Environmental Defense Fund.
Dr. Dan Dudek is one of the world's leading experts in developing cap-and-trade programs to reduce pollution at the lowest possible cost. He is widely credited with developing the cap-and-trade model that led to dramatic reductions in sulfur dioxide, the leading cause of acid rain, in the United States.
Dan now leads EDF’s China office, where he designs carbon demonstration projects and develops market mechanisms to address large-scale environmental problems.
Dan focuses on market-based instruments for environmental protection, emissions cap-and-trade programs, environmental governance, and environmental commodities markets.

This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:


The Fight Over "Ag Gag" Laws
WHEN  Mon., Apr. 6, 2015, 12 – 1 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard Law School, Pound Hall, Room 101, 1563 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Harvard Law School Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
SPEAKER(S)  Humane Society of the United States Policy Adviser and International Liaison to the CEO Lewis Bollard
COST  Free and open to the public
DETAILS  Come discuss the First Amendment fight over “ag gag” laws–laws to prohibit undercover investigations on factory farms and in slaughterhouses.
With Humane Society of the United States Policy Advisor & International Liaison to the CEO, Lewis Bollard.
Free falafel!


SOLAR Cities Community Biodigesters - Please DO try this at home!
Monday, April 6
MIT, Building 4-237, 182 Memorial Dr (Rear), Cambridge

Speaker: Thomas Culhane
Solar CITIES trains residents in some of the poorest neighborhoods in the world how to build and install rooftop food-waste-to-fuel-and-fertilizer biogas systems, solar water heaters and other renewable energy, water, and waste management systems, mostly built from local, recycled material and even "garbage."

Join Ph D. Thomas H. Culhane, National Geographic Explorer and Co-founder of Solar Cities, an international non-profit educational organization with the intention of providing an open-source virtual Hackspace for "Biogas Innoventors and Practitioners" and training for all those researching, developing and deploying sustainable solutions for flourishing societies.

This event is co-sponsored by the Waste Alliance, Energy for Development and Bioenergy group, and funded by the MIT GSC Sustainability Fund as well as the GSLG.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Waste Alliance, e4Dev, MIT Energy Club, GSC Funding Board
For more information, contact:  Kevin Kung

"Educating for Climate Change in K-12: Discussion and Sharing of Resources"
Monday, April 6
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Harvard University, Longfellow Hall, Room 429, 13 Appian Way, Cambridge

with Tina Grotzer, Associate Professor of Education, Harvard University
Tina Grotzer is an associate professor of education at HGSE, a principal investigator at Harvard Project Zero, and a faculty member at the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard School of Public Health. She is a cognitive scientist whose research identifies ways in which understandings about the nature of causality impact our ability to deal with complexity in our world. Tina directs the Understandings of Consequence Research Unit. It has four dominant strands: 1) How reasoning about causal complexity interacts with our decisions in the everyday world; 2) How causal understanding develops in supported contexts; 3) How causal understanding interacts with science learning (with the goal of developing curriculum to support deep understanding); and 4) the public understanding of science given the nature of science, the nature of causal complexity and the architecture of the human mind. This work is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and she received a Career Award from NSF in 2009 to enable her to extend this inquiry in new directions and to fund the work of doctoral students studying with her. In 2011, she received a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor given by the United States government to young professionals beginning their independent research careers.
Tina is a co-PI with Chris Dede on the EcoMUVE and EcoMOBILE Projects, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) and NSF, respectively. The projects involve developing and testing technological tools including virtual worlds and hand-held mobile devices to teach the inherent ecosystems complex causal dynamics to middle school students. Tina's courses focus at the intersection of cognition and science and aim to facilitate public understanding of science. She is deeply committed to helping teachers use the knowledge gained through her research and has authored the Causal Patterns in Science curriculum series. In 2012, she published a book entitled, Learning Causality in a Complex World. She collaborates with scientists from diverse organizations including the Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies, and the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. She has advised science and sustainability-oriented programs for children's television. Prior to her work at HGSE, Grotzer was a program coordinator and teacher in public and private schools for 14 years. She received her doctorate in 1993 and her master's in 1985 from Harvard University following her undergraduate degree at Vassar.

This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:


Sino-Russian Cooperation in Natural Gas
Monday, April 6
12:00PM - 1:30PM
Harvard, Bell Hall, 5th Floor, Belfer Building, HKS, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge

with Morena Skalamera, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Geopolitics of Energy Project

ETIP/Consortium Energy Policy Seminar
Contact Name:  Louisa Lund


U.S. Climate Policy at a Crossroads: State v. Federal or State with Federal?
Monday, April 6
4:30PM - 6:00PM
Fainsod Conference Room, Room 324, HKS Littauer Building, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge

Harvard Electricity Policy Group Study Group with David Cash
The Kennedy School's Harvard Electricity Policy Group (HEPG) of the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government and the Harvard Law School Environmental Policy Initiative is sponsoring a two-seminar study group this term, "U.S. Climate Policy at a Crossroads: State v. Federal or State with Federal?" The study group will meet from 4:30-6:00 PM in the Fainsod Conference Room, Room 324 of the HKS Littauer Building, on Monday March 30 and Monday April 6, 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015 – In the first session, David W. Cash* will discuss state level actions addressing climate change and the diversity of responses by state environmental and energy offices to EPA’s proposed ​Clean Power Plan. The pros and cons of a  variety of policy options will be discussed.  

Monday, April 6, 2015 – In the second session, Kate Konschnik** will guide a discussion on the legal dimensions of EPA’s proposed Clean Power  Plan, its reliance on the Clean Air Act's Section 111(d), and the legal challenges that are looming.

Kate Konschnik is a Lecturer at Harvard Law School and the Director of the Harvard Law School Environmental Policy Initiative. Previously, Kate served as Chief Environmental Counsel to U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), and directed his staff on the Oversight Subcommittee of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.  From 2002 to 2009, Kate also served as an environmental enforcement trial attorney in the Environment and Natural Resources Division of the United States Department of Justice.


MIT Water Innovation Prize
Monday, April 6
MIT, Building 32-123, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Join us for the Final Pitch Night of the inaugural MIT Water Innovation Prize, MIT's first solutions-to-market competition for water startups.

Discover more at
MIT teams will pitch their water startups before a panel of judges, competing for $20K+ in Innovation grants.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Water Club
For more information, contact:


Designing Boston: "Defining Innovation"
Monday, April 6
6:00 pm
BSA Space, 290 Congress Street, Boston

What does innovative design mean for Boston architecture and for its architects? Join us as attorney Michael Ross moderates a diverse panel that includes a developer, an architect, and a Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) board member. They will discuss opportunities for innovative design in a 21st-century city and how new thinking about municipal processes, private development, and design practice will get us there. This event is free and open to the public, is supported by the BSA Foundation.

Public Place in its Meltdown Area
Monday, April 6
MIT, Building E15-070, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge

Part of the 2015 ACT Lecture Series, Civic Art. The lecture series investigates the critical spatial practices that claim manifold definitions of public art, through a diverse array of visual forms argued by key practitioners across the disciplines of art, pedagogy, architecture, and urban studies to identify the tools, tactics and consequences of actively reclaiming public space.

Part of the Spring 2015 Department of Architecture Lecture Series, "Experiments in Architecture".

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): ACT, Department of Architecture
For more information, contact:  Amanda Moore


"Changing the Religious Climate: The Role of Faith Groups in Climate Change Awareness and Action"
Monday, April 6
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Harvard Divinity School, Sperry Room, Andover Hall, 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge

with Laurel Kearns, Associate Professor of Sociology and Religion and Environmental Studies, Drew Theological School.
Dr. Laurel Kearns is Associate Professor of Sociology and Religion and Environmental Studies at Drew Theological School and the Graduate Division of Religion of Drew University, where she has taught certification, masters, Ph.D and D. Min students since 1994. Born and raised in Florida, she received a B.A from Florida State in Religion, Art and Humanities, her M.A. and PhD from the Institute of Liberal Arts at Emory University in 1994, with a concentration in the Sociology of Religion. She has researched, published and given talks around the globe on religion and environmentalism for over 20 years. In addition to helping found the Green Seminary Initiative, she has been a board member of GreenFaith since 1995, and is now serving on the Sustainability Committees of both Drew University and the American Academy of Religion, where she also chaired the Religion and Ecology Steering Committee.

This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:

Tuesday, April 7

Boston TechBreakfast Presented by Colliers: April 2015
Tuesday, April 7
8:00 AM
Microsoft NERD - Horace Mann Room, 1 Memorial Drive, Cambridge

Interact with your peers in a monthly morning breakfast meetup. At this monthly breakfast get-together techies, developers, designers, and entrepreneurs share learn from their peers through show and tell / show-case style presentations.
And yes, this is free! Thank our sponsors when you see them :)

Agenda for Boston TechBreakfast:
8:00 - 8:15 - Get yer Bagels & Coffee and chit-chat
8:15 - 8:20 - Introductions, Sponsors, Announcements
8:20 - ~9:30 - Showcases and Shout-Outs!

~9:30 - end - Final "Shout Outs" & Last Words


Climate Science Breakfast:  "Climate Implications of Equilibrium Statistical States in the Baroclinic Turbulence of the Earth’s Midlatitude Atmosphere"
Tuesday, April 7
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Harvard, HUCE Seminar Room, 24 Oxford Street 3rd Floor, Cambridge

with Brian F. Farrell, Robert P. Burden Professor of Meteorology, Harvard University
Professor Farrell's primary research area is dynamic meteorology. Dynamic meteorologists use physics and mathematics together with numerical simulation to gain fundamental understanding of the motions of the atmosphere. Professor Farrell has been particularly interested in the turbulence of the jet stream and the origin and predictability of cyclones, the low pressure systems responsible for much of the variability in weather. Efforts to understand the process of explosive cyclone development led Professor Farrell and co-workers to deeper understanding of how disturbance evolution occurs in general under the dynamics of fluid flow. Theoretical insights gained from this work has clarified the dynamics of midlatitude and tropical cyclone growth as well as rapid perturbation growth in laboratory flows and conducting fluids.

This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:


Stand Up for Solar!  Lobby Day
Tuesday, April 7
Massachusetts State House, Boston

Attention YOU, supporter of solar!

Come down to the magnificent Massachusetts State House and lobby with us on Tuesday, April 7th. This is already the biggest coming together of solar supporters the Commonwealth has ever seen, and for good reasons!:
we want to continue the amazing 11% job growth we've seen each of the past three years of robust, clean energy employment
we want community solar, "solar for all",
to flourish for everyone who can't install at home
right away, we want the net metering caps bumped up again,
to leave plenty of room for solar to grow
Never lobbied before? No problem! There will be a mini-training and each team of "lobbyists" will have a person with experience in these issues.
Here's the program:
We'll start promptly at 10 AM on Tuesday, April 7, in the Gardner Auditorium at the State House, so plan to arrive there by 9:45 AM for registration. We'll do a brief orientation before we head out to meet with legislators. Our program for the day will conclude by 2:15 PM. Latecomers: check in at the auditorium.
In the mean time, feel free to invite others to join us -- the more, the better! Everyone who is planning to come should RSVP at You should have your representatives' names ready, which can be found quickly at It's important that everyone RSVP so we know how many people are coming and how many offices we can expect to visit. Let's have a strong, well-organized showing at the State House for solar power!
By the way, you'll be joining lots of other supporters of solar and the company of the following co-sponsors: American Lung Association of the Northeast, Better Future Project, Clean Water Action, Climate Action Now, Environment Massachusetts, Massachusetts Climate Action Network, MASSPIRG Students, MassSolar, Neighbor to Neighbor Massachusetts, Next Step Living, Sierra Club, Sustainable Business Network of Massachusetts, Toxics Action Center, and Vote Solar.
Please join the Boston Area Solar Energy Association and Stand Up for Solar on April 7th!

Fundraising in Energy: How to get VCs to invest in your science startup
Tuesday, April 7
MIT, Building E62-250, 100 Main Street, Cambridge

Thinking about starting a science-based startup? Join the MIT Joules to learn how to get VCs to invest in you. Incredible speakers Leslie Dewan and Sarah Kearney will share with us their secrets for success, and they will be moderated by internationally renowned entrepreneurship expert Prof. Fiona Murray. Don't miss it! Lunch will be served and many thanks to the MassCEC for sponsoring this event.

*Leslie Dewan is the founder and CSO of Transatomic Power, and recently raised A Round financing from the Founders Fund, Peter Thiel's San Francisco based Venture Capital firm known for investments in Facebook and Spotify.
*Sarah Kearney is the founder and executive director of PRIME, an innovative fund that allows non-profit foundations to invest in for-profit cleantech startups.
*Prof. Murray is an international expert on the transformation of investments in scientific and technical innovation into innovation-based entrepreneurship. She is the Associate Dean for Innovation, Co-Director of the Innovation Initiative, and the Faculty Director at the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship.

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club
For more information, contact:  MIT Joules


Phillip Martin
Tuesday, April 7
12:00 P.M. 
Harvard, Taubman 275, 15 Eliot Street, Cambridge

Phillip Martin is Senior Investigative Reporter at WGBH, where since joining in 2010 he has reported on human trafficking in southern New England, the Boston Marathon bombing, Whitey Bulger, carbon offset schemes, police shootings, training and race, the Occupy movement and the fishing industry in New England, among other topics. He appears as a panelist for WGBH’s Basic Black and Beat the Press, and is is executive producer for Lifted Veils Productions, a nonprofit public radio journalism project dedicated to exploring issues that divide and unite society. He has received various journalism honors, including a 2014 national Edward R. Murrow Award for investigative journalism. Phillip was a Harvard University Nieman Fellow from 1997 to 1998 and a U.S.-Japan Media Fellow in 1997.


State of the Plants: Challenges and Opportunities for Conservation of the New England Flora
Tuesday, April 7
12:00pm to 1:00pm
See also: Herbaria Seminar Series
Harvard, 22 Divinity Avenue, Seminar Room 125, Cambridge

Elizabeth Farnsworth, Senior Research Ecologist, New England Wild Flower Society
Abstract:  New England Wild Flower Society has released a comprehensive, peer-reviewed report that, for the first time, gathers together the most up-to-date data on the status of plants on the New England landscape. From these data, we can discern increases and declines in both rare and common species across all six states. We identify hotspots of rare plant diversity, and discuss factors that foster this diversity. We document the primary ecological and anthropogenic threats to both rare and common species. We discuss activities and initiatives by New England Wild Flower Society and its partner organizations in the New England Plant Conservation Program to conserve and manage rare plants and habitats throughout the region. We articulate a research agenda to bridge gaps in our knowledge of plant species and ecological communities and develop a framework for protecting the viability of thousands of species that together comprise our diverse and vibrant flora.


Love the Player, Love the Game?
Tuesday, April 7
MIT, Building 32-144, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

SPEAKER:  Jessica Hammer, Associate Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Institute; Carnegie Mellon University
Jessica Hammer will lead a discussion of the ways that games can support or undermine healthy relationships and community values. Professor Hammer studies gaming and culture at the Human Computer Interaction Institute and the Entertainment Technology Center of Carnegie Mellon University.  Professor Hammer describes her reseach in this way: 'I study the psychology of games, focusing on the way specific game design decisions affect how players think and feel. I also help design games that change people's lives for the better. I study how games can change the way people think, feel, and behave; my other research interests include creativity, gender, mobile technologies, and community design."

Co-hosted with MIT Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Brown Bag: dessert will be provided


The Black Box Society
Tuesday, April 7
12:00 pm
Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Hall, Milstein West A (second floor), 1585 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
RSVP required for those attending in person at
Event will be webcast live on at 12:00 pm.

Frank Pasquale and David Curran in conversation on the implications of big data for the future of law, compliance, and business. Moderated by Jonathan Zittrain.
Does the increasing velocity, variety, and volume of data make regulators' jobs harder or easier? Some say we are entering a "golden age of surveillance," enabling perfect enforcement of laws. But Frank Pasquale's book "The Black Box Society" argues that, at least in areas like privacy, antitrust, and financial regulation, big data can also enable obfuscation, stonewalling, and even fraud. At this talk, Pasquale and David Curran, Global Director, Risk & Compliance, at Thomson Reuters, will discuss the risks and opportunities that arise out of the new information environment.

About Frank
Frank Pasquale’s research addresses the challenges posed to information law by rapidly changing technology, particularly in the health care, internet, and finance industries. He is a member of the NSF-funded Council for Big Data, Ethics, and Society, and an Affiliate Fellow of Yale Law School’s Information Society Project.  He frequently presents on the ethical, legal, and social implications of information technology for attorneys, physicians, and other health professionals. His book  The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms that Control Money and Information (Harvard University Press, 2015) develops a social theory of reputation, search, and finance.

Pasquale has been a Visiting Fellow at Princeton’s Center for Information Technology, and a Visiting Professor at Yale Law School and Cardozo Law School. He was a Marshall Scholar at Oxford University. He has testified before the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives, appearing with the General Counsels of Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo. He has also presented before a Department of Health & Human Services/Federal Trade Commission Roundtable and panels of the National Academy of Sciences. He served on an American Academy of Arts and Sciences working group on the future of mobile health (mHealth) regulation.  He has received a commission from Triple Canopy to write and present on the political economy of automation.

Pasquale serves on the Advisory Boards of the Data Competition Institute, Patient Privacy Rights and the Electronic Privacy Information Center. He is is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Legal Education and the Oxford Handbooks Online in Law. He has served on the executive board of the Health Law Section of the American Association of Law Schools (AALS), and has served as chair of the AALS section on Privacy and Defamation. He has been quoted in the Financial Times, New York Times, Economist, CNN, and many other media outlets.

About Dave
Dave is currently Global Director, Risk & Compliance with Thomson Reuters where he advises the world’s largest companies on the design and implementation of technology solutions that help mitigate major reputational risk.  Prior to TR, Dave was CEO and Co-Founder of Risk Readiness Corp., a technology and advisory business focused on proactive risk elimination for complex organizations – tackling risk challenges with modern-day processes and a realistic focus and attitude.  Dave served as EVP, Business and Legal Affairs with IntraLinks, Inc. (NYSE:  IL), a high growth SaaS technology business focused on management of secure document exchanges. He was Chief Legal and Ethics Officer and Corporate Secretary at IL and had responsibility for the newly public company’s corporate development initiatives and the establishment and oversight – at the Board level – of foundational governance and compliance programs.

Prior to IntraLinks, Dave was President and CEO and Director of Integrity Interactive Corporation (, a private equity controlled, technology-powered company that helps global organizations measure, manage and mitigate the risks of compliance and ethics failures. Before joining Integrity, Dave was President and CEO and Director of DCI, Inc. (, a SaaS compliance and marketing services subsidiary of Havas, the global communications and media giant. DCI helped financial services, pharmaceutical, healthcare, consumer goods and other companies manage their complex data and communications needs through user-friendly software tools. At Big Flower Holdings, Inc. (now Vertis Communications), Dave served as Group President, where he led the company’s digital communications business.

Earlier in his career, Dave held General Counsel and business leadership positions with a variety of global organizations. At Webcraft, Inc. a subsidiary of Vertis, he was Executive Vice President, Business and Legal Affairs for that company’s Direct Marketing Division. At Campbell Soup Company, Dave served as the general counsel to the company’s North American, European (based in Belgium) and Asian businesses. In addition to general corporate, M&A, intellectual property, commercial and litigation responsibilities, he was also heavily involved in the development and implementation of Campbell’s global ethics and compliance program and launched the company’s Worldwide Standards of Conduct.  Dave also served as Senior Attorney for The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., where he focused on the company’s new media and home entertainment products as well as core magazine and book offerings.

Dave is very active in the entrepreneur community and serves as adviser and mentor to early stage businesses through MIT’s Venture Mentoring Service and Boston University’s Kindle program.  He is a frequent industry speaker and writer and has developed innovative e-learning and web-based programs.

About Jonathan
Jonathan Zittrain is the George Bemis Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Professor of Computer Science at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vice Dean for Library and Information Resources at the Harvard Law School Library, and co-founder of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society.  His research interests include battles for control of digital property and content, cryptography, electronic privacy, the roles of intermediaries within Internet architecture, human computing, and the useful and unobtrusive deployment of technology in education.

He performed the first large-scale tests of Internet filtering in China and Saudi Arabia, and as part of the OpenNet Initiative co-edited a series of studies of Internet filtering by national governments: Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering; Access Controlled: The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace; and Access Contested: Security, Identity, and Resistance in Asian Cyberspace.

He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Board of Advisors for Scientific American.  He has served as a Trustee of the Internet Society and as a Forum Fellow of the World Economic Forum, which named him a Young Global Leader. He was a Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence at the Federal Communications Commission, and previously chaired the FCC’s Open Internet Advisory Committee. His book The Future of the Internet -- And How to Stop Itpredicted the end of general purpose client computing and the corresponding rise of new gatekeepers. That and other works may be found at .


Reflections of a Mediator: Preventive Diplomacy in an Age of Conflict
WHEN  Tue., Apr. 7, 2015, 12:15 – 1:30 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard Law School campus, Pound Hall 100, 1563 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Humanities, Law, Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
SPEAKER(S)  Johnston Barkat, assistant secretary-general, United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services
COST  Free and open to the public


Is the American Century Over?
WHEN  Tue., Apr. 7, 2015, 12:30 – 2 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, CGIS South Building, Belfer Case Study Room (S020), Japan Friends of Harvard Concourse, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Program on U.S.-Japan Relations
SPEAKER(S)  Joseph Nye, distinguished service professor, Harvard Kennedy School,
moderated by Susan Pharr, Edwin O. Reischauer Professor of Japanese Politics and Director, Program on U.S.-Japan Relations, Harvard University
COST  Free and open to the public


Big Visual Data Meets Human Face Modeling
Speaker: Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman , University of Washington
Tuesday, April 7
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Refreshments: 2:45 PM
MIT, Building 32-G449, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Abstract: Internet and personal photo collections now add up to over a trillion photos, with people being in most of them. The availability of so many photos presents a unique opportunity to model and predict the appearance and shape of virtually the whole human population. A major challenge is to create algorithms that operate in the wild (completely uncalibrated) from photos taken by mobile phones, wearable cameras, etc., and on any person accounting for age, gender, facial expression, and ethnicity. I will show how to estimate and synthesize 3D shape and motion of people from YouTube videos, how to predict people's appearance in an older age, and how to use face modeling for large photo collection visualization. I’ll close by describing how this research will enable breakthrough advances in virtual reality, recognition, and health.

Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. She received her Ph.D in computer science and applied mathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science in 2009, then spent three years as a postdoctoral researcher at UW CSE, and started as tenure-track faculty at UW Computer Science in spring 2013. Ira works in computer vision and computer graphics, with a particular interest to develop computational tools to model people from the vast visual data that is captured all over the world with the goal of enabling breakthrough advances in recognition, virtual reality, and health. Ira received the Google faculty award, her work “Moving Portraits” was selected to the cover of the Communications of the ACM, Research Highlights, and tech transferred to Google. Her work “Illumination aware age progression” and its application to missing children search featured by interviews on CBS, NBC, and others. 

To see all seminars in this series, go to:

Contact: Joanne Talbot Hanley, 617-253-6054,

"Reinventing Fire: Profitable Low-Carbon Futures for the U.S. and China"
Tuesday, April 7
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM EDT
Harvard Kennedy School, Taubman Building 5th Floor, Room NYE B&C, 15 Eliot Street, Cambridge

with Amory B. Lovins, Chairman/Chief Scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute
Amory B. Lovins, Chairman/Chief Scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute consultant, experimental physicist and 1993 MacArthur Fellow, has been active at the nexus of energy, resources, economy, environment, development, and security in more than 50 countries for over 40 years, including 14 years based in England. He is widely considered among the world’s leading authorities on energy—especially its efficient use and sustainable supply—and a fertile innovator in integrative design and in superefficient buildings, factories, and vehicles.

This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:


Cleantech Open Northeast Boston Business Briefing at Greentown Labs
Tuesday, April 7
5:30 PM to 8:30 PM (EDT)
Greentown Labs, 58 Dane Street, Somerville

Come learn how to help cleantech startups get going and growing
with Cleantech Open Northeast and our partners at Greentown Labs!

Emily Reichert
Executive Director, Greentown Labs
As Executive Director, Emily Reichert sets Greentown Labs’ strategic direction, focusing on increasing the organization’s impact on clean and energy efficient technology commercialization through entrepreneurship. She also directs Greentown’s efforts to engage new corporate and foundation partners, to expand recognition and education programs for clean technology entrepreneurs, to leverage the local community of entrepreneurs, investors, universities, government agencies and NGOs striving to build our clean energy future, and to maintain greater Boston’s competitiveness in clean technology nationally and internationally.
Prior to Greentown Labs, Emily was the Director of Business Operations at the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry, where she helped grow the company from an angel-funded start-up to a sustainable contract R&D business with a mission to minimize environmental impact of chemical processes and products. She has over fifteen years of experience serving in R&D, business development and operations leadership roles. Emily holds a PhD in physical chemistry and earned an MBA from MIT.

Katie MacDonald
Director, Cleantech Open Northeast
Katie is an organizer, project manager, and innovation enthusiast with a high level understanding of the organizational management and clean energy spaces. Through her experience working with communities, students, and stakeholders in the cleantech ecosystem, Katie has developed a top notch ability to motivate teams, manage campaigns, and develop high level operational and strategic plans for organizations. In past roles Katie has taught and designed leadership development curriculum for public and private universities, served as a regional organizer for the world's largest climate advocacy organization, written and collaborated with policy makers on renewable energy legislation, worked to develop cleantech solutions in the United States and Central America, and co-founded a regional youth climate advocacy organization. Katie graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a B.S in Environmental Science.

Are you an energy or environmental entrepreneur looking for ways to accelerate your startup, expand your cleantech network, and explore funding opportunities?

Join us for an intimate briefing to hear from the Northeast Region of the Cleantech Open business accelerator program and competition and learn more about how the program can help you grow your cleantech venture, or mentor entrepreneurs looking to solve our biggest environmental and energy challenges.

Come and ask questions of Cleantech Open staff and volunteers learn about the program and explore what the Cleantech Open can offer you, whether you are an entrepreneur, prospective mentor, or simply wish to learn more!

About the Cleantech Open
The Cleantech Open runs the world’s largest accelerator, providing entrepreneurs and technologists the resources needed to launch successful cleantech companies. Cleantech Open’s mission is to find, fund, and foster entrepreneurs with big ideas that address today’s most urgent energy, environmental, and economic challenges. The program provides a number of key activities; extensive mentoring, training, business clinics, access to investors and capital, numerous opportunities to showcase to the media and the public, and the competition itself. Since its inception in 2006, the Cleantech Open has awarded over $5 million in cash and services to support cleantech growth companies. The 727 participating companies of the Cleantech Open’s accelerator programs have raised more than $800 million in external capital.


Supply Chain Logistics, Big Data, and Megacities
Tuesday, April 7
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (EDT)
Cambridge Innovation Center, Venture Cafe - 5th Floor, One Broadway, Cambridge
Cost:  $10-12

The Boston Area Sustainability Group (BASG) once again changes up its format to bring you a very special guest speaker in April. Dr. Edgar Blanco is a leading researcher at the intersection of sustainability, supply chains logistics, emerging markets, and innovation. His work at MIT spans diverse industries and the insights he will share, gleened from slicing big data, will inpsire awe. This is a conversation you won't want to miss!

About Our Speaker
Dr. Edgar Blanco is a Research Director at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics and is the Executive Director of the MIT SCALE Network in Latin America. His current research focus is the design of environmentally efficient supply chains. He also leads research initiatives on supply chain innovations in emerging markets, disruptive mobile technologies in value chains and optimization of humanitarian operations.

Dr. Blanco has over thirteen years of experience in designing and improving logistics and supply chain systems, including the application of operations research techniques, statistical methods, GIS technologies and software solutions to deliver significant savings in business operations.

Prior to joining MIT, he was leading the Inventory Optimization practice at Retek (now Oracle Retail). He received his Ph.D. from the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His educational background includes a B.S. and M.S. in Industrial Engineering from Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) and a M.S. in Operations Research from the Georgia Institute of Technology.


BASG April 7: Supply Chain Logistics, Big Data, and Megacities
Tuesday, April 7
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (EDT)
Cambridge Innovation Center, Venture Cafe - 5th Floor, One Broadway, Cambridge
Cost:  $10-$12

The Boston Area Sustainability Group (BASG) once again changes up its format to bring you a very special guest speaker in April. Dr. Edgar Blanco is a leading researcher at the intersection of sustainability, supply chains logistics, emerging markets, and innovation. His work at MIT spans diverse industries and the insights he will share, gleened from slicing big data, will inpsire awe. This is a conversation you won't want to miss!

About Our Speaker
Dr. Edgar Blanco is a Research Director at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics and is the Executive Director of the MIT SCALE Network in Latin America. His current research focus is the design of environmentally efficient supply chains. He also leads research initiatives on supply chain innovations in emerging markets, disruptive mobile technologies in value chains and optimization of humanitarian operations.

Dr. Blanco has over thirteen years of experience in designing and improving logistics and supply chain systems, including the application of operations research techniques, statistical methods, GIS technologies and software solutions to deliver significant savings in business operations.

Prior to joining MIT, he was leading the Inventory Optimization practice at Retek (now Oracle Retail). He received his Ph.D. from the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His educational background includes a B.S. and M.S. in Industrial Engineering from Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) and a M.S. in Operations Research from the Georgia Institute of Technology.


New Ventures in Energy Storage
Tuesday, April 7
6:30 PM
Biolabs 1080, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge

Boston Entrepreneurs and Advanced Degrees will be hosting a panel discussion on starting a company in the energy storage/clean technology space.
We are thrilled to have four great panelists and a terrific moderator for this event.
Moderator:  Ben Hemani (Braemer Energy Ventures)
Yingchao Yu, Ph.D. (Lionano Inc.)
Bryan McGowan (OpenWater Power)
David Bradwell (Ambri)
Rick Chamberlain (Boston Power)

Ben Hemani is an analyst on the investment team at Braemer. Prior to joining Braemar, Ben worked as a consultant in the Energy practice at Charles River Associates, an economics consultancy. At CRA Ben worked on a variety of topics including commercialization strategy for a renewable energy startup, power asset valuation, energy market forecasting, regulatory proceeding support and energy procurement strategy for a major industrial consumer. Ben holds a Master of Engineering Management (M.E.M.) from Dartmouth with a focus in Energy & The Environment, an A.B. from Dartmouth College in Engineering Science modified with Economics and a B.E. in Environmental Engineering. While an undergraduate Ben raced on the Men’s Varsity Lightweight Crew Team and the Cycling Team.

Dr. Alex Yu is the CEO and co-founder of Lionano Inc. He is the co-inventor of several battery technologies, and has 10+ years research experience in renewable energy prior in founding Lionano. Since 2013, he has been leading Lionano team to commercialize advanced battery technology.  He has published 30 peer-reviewed scientific papers and filed 4 US patents, all of which are exclusively focused on clean technology. He has received more than 850 citations and served as a peer-reviewer for 20 international journals, and has a H-index of 14 (Google Scholar). He is the recipient of 4 international and 2 national awards in nanomaterial research and clean technologies such as Material Research Society Gold Medal. Dr. Yu graduated with a PhD degree in the field of electrochemistry from the Abruña group in Cornell University and has a B.S. degree from Xiamen University, China.

David Bradwell leads the technical team at Ambri to develop the liquid metal battery technology, with a focus on creating a low cost and effective storage technology to meet the performance and cost requirements for large-scale energy storage applications. The project has raised over $60M in funding, including early funding from The Despande Center at MIT, ARPA-E (DoE), and three round of venture financing for Ambri Inc. from Bill Gates, Total SA, Khosla Ventures, KLP Enterprises, and GVB.
David earned a BSc in Engineering Physics from Queen's University, and an MEng and a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 2010, he received a TR35 award for being a top innovator under 35 from Technology Review Magazine.

Dr. Chamberlain is a recognized expert in lithium-ion batteries with 15 years of experience in the industry.  Part of the original Boston-Power team, Dr. Chamberlain leads intellectual property development focused on the commercialization of lithium-ion cell and battery technology and products, including development of lithium-ion batteries for application into electric vehicles.  At Boston-Power, Dr. Chamberlain has led efforts building infrastructure to establish and maintain high quality manufactured products.  Dr. Chamberlain’s research includes work on a wide range of technologies for lithium-ion batteries, including materials, mechanical designs, safety components and manufacturing processes.  Prior to Boston-Power, Dr. Chamberlain served as a technical leader at Arthur D. Little/TIAX LLC where he led activities focused on the lithium-ion industry and including technology development, market analysis, and business strategy.  Dr. Chamberlain routinely participates in leading lithium-ion conferences, is the author of numerous research articles appearing in leading academic journals, and has been granted multiple worldwide patents.  Dr. Chamberlain earned his BS in Chemistry from the College of William & Mary; and his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley.  Dr. Chamberlain joined Boston-Power in 2006.
Upcoming Events

Wednesday, April 8

Climate Science Breakfast:  “Deciphering the Early Martian Climate through 3D Modelling”
Wednesday, April 8
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Harvard, HUCE Seminar Room, 24 Oxford Street 3rd Floor, Cambridge

with Robin Wordsworth, Assistant Professor, SEAS, Harvard University
Professor Wordsworth’s research is focused on the processes that shape planetary climate and habitability, both in the Solar System and around other stars. Currently active research topics include the nature of Mars’ atmosphere and hydrological cycle during the late Noachian (ca. 3-4 billion years ago), the rate of water loss from Earth and Venus soon after their formation, and the extent to which molecules like O2 can be treated as markers for carbon-based life in the atmospheres of rocky planets around other stars.

This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:


8th Annual MA Green Schools Summit, Get Ready to Educate & Green-o-vate!
Green Schools, ARROWS, and GEEI
Wednesday, April 8
8:30 AM to 3:00 PM (EDT)
Boston University, 775 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Cost:  $26.62 - $41.99

Get ready to Educate & Green-o-vate!
2015 Green Schools Summit will be at Boston University on Wednesday, April 8th.
Hosted by Green Schools, ARROWS and GEEI
Sponsored by: Planet Aid, Conserve School, and Whole Foods

Each spring, Green Schools hosts its Annual Massachusetts Green Schools Summit.
Now in its 8th year, the Massachusetts Green Schools Summit connects stakeholders from government, education, business, community, nonprofit organizations, and leaders of all ages interested in Green Schools & Communities.

8:45-9:15 Registration/Coffee…HALL George Sherman Union
9:15-10:20 Exhibits OPEN
OPTIONAL TOUR: Sign up information coming soon!
Registration/coffee GSU/sign-ups for tours etc… 9:30
10:30-11:30 General Session A – Welcome—Sponsored by ARROWS, GEEI, & PLANET AID
Welcome remarks [Green Schools, ARROWS, GEEI & State Representative Jay Barrows]
Words from our Sponsor-Planet Aid
Words from National Green Schools Society Co-President, Ian Rizziano [Algonquin Regional High School]
Address “Earth‐centered Ethics” by Doug Zook, BU, Global Ecology on Earth-centered Ethics
Address “The Green Schools Movement in India, a Global Perspective” by Virendra Rawat [coming all the way from India!]
Address “Health is a Choice, Learn How to Choose It” by Raymond FrancisInternational Author and founder of TPED…The Project to End Disease
LIVE Performance: Brooke Leifer sings original song “One Earth”
11:30-12:30 Lunch/Exhibits OPEN
12:35-1:15 General Session B – Green Schools/Green Communities
Words from National Green Schools Society Co-President, Sam Koufman [Manchester-Essex Regional High School]
Remarks from Senator Jamie Eldridge
Presentation “From Green Schools to Green Communities” by Lisa Capone,Acting Director, Green Communities Division, MA Dept. of Energy Resources
Presentation “Spotlight on Quabbin Composting and Organic Gardening Internship Program in partnership with Quabbin High School”, by Sophia Kornitsky [Quabbin High School]
Presentation on Farm to School by Astrid Tilton
Address from Lynne Cherry, author of The Great Kapok Tree and Founder of Young Voices for the Planet
1:20-2:05 Breakout Session  -  Meeting of the MA Green Student Leadership Council
2:15-3:00 General Session C - “E-STEM/Green Workforce/Green Future”
Presentation from Lawrence High School student who designed solar panels that are up on the school!
Presentation from Metro North STEM Network, Meelyn Wong, Associate Director, Metro North Regional Employment Board
Address from David Lustick UMASS Lowell-White House Champion of Change Award Winner
**Special Presentation—Honoring the former Mayor of Boston, Tom Menino, by BU & Green Schools, Angela Menino will be in attendance to receive this honor.


"Building and Planning for Climate Change”
Wednesday, April 8
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Harvard, Stubbins 112, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy Street, Cambridge

with Kairos Shen, Director of Planning, Boston Redevelopment Authority
Kairos Shen is the Director of Planning at the Boston Redevelopment Authority. He has served in this capacity since 2002 where he manages the BRA’s planning division of which the basic functions are community planning, urban design, zoning, waterfront planning and infrastructure planning.
In 2008, Shen was appointed by the Mayor to be the Chief Planner for the City of Boston with the role of formulating a comprehensive long-term vision to guide the city’s economic and physical development, and coordinating planning across city departments.
Kairos Shen has been intimately involved in many of Boston’s most important planning efforts in the last ten years. During his tenure, he has overseen the development guidelines for the Rose Kennedy Greenway, the adoption of Boston’s landmark green building zoning, the 10-year refurbishment of Fenway Park, the planning of the 1000-acre South Boston Waterfront Innovation District, and the implementation of Boston’s $700 million Convention Center and Institute of Contemporary Art. In addition to undertaking and supervising many of the planning and design studies, Shen regularly participates in community meetings, which are essential to the success of any planning effort.
Mr. Shen is a graduate of Swarthmore College and has a Master of Architecture from MIT.

This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:


Climate Week: Poetry Reading with Paisley Rekdal
Wednesday, April 8
Harvard, Barker Center 133, 12 Quincy Street, Cambridge

The Harvard University Department of English presents: Poetry Reading with Paisley Rekdal, Professor, English, University of Utah.
Paisley Rekdal is the author of a book of essays, The Night My Mother Met Bruce Lee; a hybrid-genre photo-text memoir that combines poetry, fiction, nonfiction and photography entitled Intimate; and four books of poetry: A Crash of Rhinos, Six Girls Without Pants, The Invention of the Kaleidoscope and Animal Eye, which was a finalist for the 2013 Kingsley Tufts Prize, the Balcones Prize and winner of the UNT Rilke Prize. Her newest book of poems, Imaginary Vessels, is forthcoming in 2016. Her work has received a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Amy Lowell Poetry Traveling Fellowship, a Village Voice Writers on the Verge Award, a NEA Fellowship, two Pushcart Prizes, the University of Georgia Press’ Contemporary Poetry Series Award, a Fulbright Fellowship, and various state arts council awards. Her poems and essays have appeared in or are forthcoming from The New York Times Magazine, American Poetry Review, The Kenyon Review, Poetry, The New Republic, Tin House, in two editions of the Best American Poetry series and on National Public Radio among others. She currently teaches at the University of Utah, where she is also the creator and editor of the community web history archive project Mapping Salt Lake City.

Contact Name: Lisa Matthews


Automatically Green
Wednesday, April 8
Harvard, Room L-382 (3rd Floor Littauer Building), 79 JFK Street, Cambridge

Cass Sunstein, Harvard University

Seminar in Environmental Economics and Policy


"Two Keohanes Talk Climate Politics"
Wednesday, April 8
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM EDT
Harvard, Emerson Hall, Room 105, 19 Quincy Street, Cambridge

a lecture by Robert Keohane, Professor of International Affairs, Princeton University and Nathaniel Keohane, Vice President, International Climate program, Environmental Defense Fund.
Introductory remarks by Daniel Schrag, Hooper Professor of Geology; Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences; Director, Harvard University Center for the Environment. Moderated by Dustin Tingley, Paul Sack Associate Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University.

Robert O. Keohane is Professor of International Affairs, Princeton University. He is the author of After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy (1984) and Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World (2002). He is co-author (with Joseph S. Nye, Jr.) of Power and Interdependence (third edition 2001), and (with Gary King and Sidney Verba) of Designing Social Inquiry (1994). He has served as the editor of the journal International Organization and as president of the International Studies Association and the American Political Science Association. He won the Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order, 1989, and the Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science, 2005. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, and the National Academy of Sciences. He has received honorary degrees from the University of Aarhus, Denmark, and Science Po in Paris, and is the Harold Lasswell Fellow (2007-08) of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

Nathaniel O. "Nat" Keohane is an American environmental economist who serves as Vice President at Environmental Defense Fund, where he leads EDF’s International Climate program and helps to shape the organization’s advocacy for environmentally effective and economically sound climate policy. Nat’s areas of expertise include U.S. and international climate and energy policy, the economic impact of climate change, the benefits and costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and the design and performance of cap-and-trade programs and other policy instruments. He previously was in academia at Yale University and served in the White House as special assistant to President Barack Obama.
This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:


The Unruly Mystic: Film Screening
WHEN  Wed., Apr. 8, 2015, 4:30 – 7 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Sperry Room, Andover Hall, 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge
SPONSOR Harvard Divinity School
CONTACT Kristin Gunst
DETAILS  Following a screening of the film The Unruly Mystic by Michael Conti, a panel discussion will take place and include Conti; Beverly Mayne Kienzle, John H. Morison Professor of the Practice in Latin and Romance Languages, Harvard Divinity School; Robert Hensley-King, film critic and historian, Ghent University and Harvard Divinity School.
The Unruly Mystic is an inspirational documentary of how the filmmaker reaffirmed his life's work when he fell in love with a 12th century saint. Saint Hildegard of Bingen evokes a calling, that sweet spot of creativity that we all yearn to play in, which is also spiritual in nature. She is venerated for her widely recognized impact on today’s theologians, artists, musicians, doctors, and educators. She is indeed the unruly mystic. Her story invites us all to embrace the connection between God, nature, and art. This is the story of a powerful muse who invites us to create magic in our own lives by letting the ordinary touch the divine.
Reception to follow in Andover Hall.


Religion and the Roots of Climate Change Denial
Wednesday, April 8
5:30-7:00 PM
BC, McGuinn Hall 121, Chestnut Hill

Katharine Hayhoe, Texas Tech University
Respondent: Stephen Pope, Boston College
Co-sponsored with the Environmental Studies Program and The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and the Institute for the Liberal Arts

The Boisi Center will live-tweet this event. Join the conversation at #ClimateDenial.
A live broadcast of this event can be watched at for those who can not attend in person.

Katharine Hayhoe is an associate professor in the department of Political Science at Texas Tech University and director of the university’s Climate Science Center. Her research focuses on establishing a scientific basis for assessing the regional to local-scale impacts of climate change on human systems and the natural environment. She is the founder and CEO of ATMOS Research, which seeks to provide relevant information on climate change’s effects to a broad range of non-profit, industry and government clients. Her work has been featured in over 100 peer-reviewed papers, abstracts, and other publications, and she has presented her findings on climate impact assessments before Congress, as well as state and federal agencies, to influence future planning by communities across the country. She serves as a scientific advisor to Citizen’s Climate Lobby, the EcoAmerica MomentUS project, the Energy and Enterprise Initiative, the Evangelical Environmental Network and the International Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative. With her husband Andrew Farley, she is the author of A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions, and her work as a climate change evangelist was recently featured on the documentary series Years of Living Dangerously. She received a B.Sc. in physics and astronomy from the University of Toronto and an M.S. and a Ph.D. in atmospheric science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Stephen J. Pope is a professor of theology at Boston College, focusing on social and theological ethics. A member of the Society of Christian Ethics and the Catholic Theological Society of America, he in the Perspectives program, as well as courses on science and ethics, St. Thomas Aquinas and virtue. He is the author of Human Evolution and Christian Ethics and the editor of Solidarity and Hope: Jon Sobrino’s Challenge to Christian Theology. He received a B.A. from Gonzaga University and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago Divinity School.

Beyond Sustainability: The Future of Health Innovations in Food Businesses 
Wednesday, April 8
BU, 565 Commonwealth Avenue (The Kenmore Classroom Building, Room 101), Boston 

A conversation about the future of food businesses in the changing health landscape.
Rachel Wegman // Wegmans
Maisie Ganzler // Bon Appetit Management Company
PK Newby // Science Advisory Board at Virgin Pulse; Nutritional Scientist; Teacher at Boston University and Harvard University

And, follow the conversation on Twitter; we're continuing to build on the panel last November and telling a great story about food system innovation: #innovatefoodSMG


The Path towards a Net Zero Cambridge
Wednesday, April 8
6:00PM- 8:30PM
Cambridge City Hall, Sullivan Chamber, 795 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Join us for a public forum on The Path towards a Net Zero Cambridge featuring the Net Zero Task Force and a presentation of their 25-year action plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from building operations citywide! The purpose of this forum is for Task Force members to present their recommendations to the public followed by a question and comment session. This is an opportunity for the City to solicit public input and support on the Task Force’s recommendations as well as receive feedback on issues of concern. To check out the draft net zero action plan click on the link below. 

Net Zero Task Force webpage at

Questions? Contact Ellen Kokinda or 617-349-4618


Mass Innovation Nights 73 – Our Six Year Anniversary
Wednesday, April 8
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Cambridge Innovation Center:  One Broadway, 5th Floor (follow the signs)
NGIN Workplace: 210 Broadway, 2nd Floor
Danger!Awesome:  10 Prospect Street
WorkBar Cambridge: 45 Prospect Street

Do you like crazy? Do you like celebrations? Do you like innovation? You will not want to miss THE craziest Mass Innovation Nights EVER! We are taking over Cambridge, the vibrating heart of East Coast innovation. We have four, yes, four locations for our April 8th MIN #73. Special guest hosts, new products and some of our favorite alumni will all contribute to making it a very SPECIAL night! Be sure to join us April 8th 6pm to 8:30pm. Pick the location closest to you — NGIN, the Cambridge Innovation Center (One Broadway), Workbar & Danger!Awesome – you’ll be able to move between them and see what’s happening at the other locations too. RSVP once for entry into all four!


The Furniture Trust Fifth Annual Eco-Carpentry Challenge
Wednesday, April 8
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (EDT)
District Hall, 75 Northern Avenue, Boston

As The Furniture Trust's annual signature event, the 2015 Eco-Carpentry Challenge Showcase will take place on April 8, 2015 in Boston, MA. Increasingly successful every year, The Eco-Carpentry Challenge promotes resourcefulness and recycling and provides an opportunity for students to develop their creative carpentry skills while demonstrating their commitment to recycling by creating new products from used office furniture.


Lentil Underground: Renegade Farmers and the Future of Food in America
Wednesday, April 8
6:30–8 pm

A protégé of Michael Pollan tells the remarkable story of an unheralded group of Montana farmers who have defied corporate agribusiness by launching a unique sustainable food movement.  Join Dr. Liz Carlisle ’06, the author of the new book Lentil Underground, and main character David Oien, Founding Farmer of Timeless Seeds, for an interactive talk on climate change and agriculture, and lentil tasting. Signed books will be available at the event.


The Health of Democracy: Voter Suppression and Disenfranchisement
Wednesday, April 8
7 pm
First Parish (UU), 1446 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Political scientist Erin O’Brien explores current efforts to restrict access to the ballot, through both legislative and judicial changes in states across the nation.  Journalist Phillip Martin responds with examples from the Civil Rights Movement of citizen actions, including civil disobedience, that opened ballot access to previously disenfranchised African Americans.   How can citizens respond when  the ideals of democracy come into conflict with the policies of government?

More information at


Science by the Pint:  Gravitational Waves
Wednesday, April 8
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM (EDT)
Aeronaut Brewing Company, 14 Tyler Street, Somerville

MIT Professor Scott Hughes and his group from the Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research will be settling in at Aeronaut Brewing Company to discuss the phenomenon of gravitational waves, how they arise from the movements of supermassive objects, and the great lengths at which physicists go to detect them. Come grab a seat and a beer, and if you’re lucky, someone will explain the plot of Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar to you.

Organized in collaboration with Science in the News. For more details, visit

Thursday, April 9

Climate Science Breakfast:  “Coupled Feedbacks in the Climate Structure That Set the Time Scale for Irreversible Change: Arctic Isotopes to Stratospheric Radicals"
Thursday, April 9
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Harvard, HUCE Seminar Room, 24 Oxford Street 3rd Floor, Cambridge

with James Anderson, Philip S. Weld Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry, Harvard University
James G. Anderson was born in Spokane, Washington. He earned his B.S. in Physics from the University of Washington and his PhD in Physics and Astrogeophysics from the University of Colorado. He joined the faculty of Harvard University in 1978 as the Robert P. Burden Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry; in 1982 he was appointed the Philip S. Weld Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry. Anderson served as Chairman of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology from July 1998 through June 2001. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a frequent contributor to National Research Council Reports. He is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences Arthur L. Day Prize and Lectureship; the E.O. Lawrence Award in Environmental Science and Technology; the American Chemical Society’s Gustavus John Esselen Award for Chemistry in the Public Interest; and the University of Washington’s Arts and Sciences Distinguished Alumnus Achievement Award. In addition, he received the United Nations Vienna Convention Award for Protection of the Ozone Layer in 2005; The United Nations Earth Day International Award; Harvard University’s Ledlie Prize for Most Valuable Contribution to Science by a Member of the Faculty; and the American Chemical Society’s National Award for Creative Advances in Environmental Science and Technology.
The Anderson research group addresses three domains in the physical sciences: (1) chemical reactivity viewed from the microscopic perspective of electron structure, molecular orbitals and reactivities of radical-radical and radical-molecule systems; (2) chemical catalysis sustained by free radical chain reactions that dictate the macroscopic rate of chemical transformation in Earth’s stratosphere and troposphere; and (3) mechanistic links between chemistry, radiation, and dynamics in the atmosphere that control climate.

This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:


9th Annual Babson Energy and Environmental Conference
Thursday, April 9
all day
Babson College, Sorenson Theater, 19 Babson College Drive, Wellesley

Babson College and the Babson Energy & Environmental Club are excited to be hosting the 9th Annual Babson Energy & Environmental Conference. This year's theme is "Harnessing Entrepreneurial Energy" which focuses on how businesses are leveraging entrepreneurship to solve challenging energy/environmental issues. Amory Lovins, Chairman, Chief Scientist, and Chairman Emeritus of the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), is the opening keynote; and the closing keynote will be delivered by George Bachrach, President of the Environmental League of Massachusetts. Topics include transportation, energy, urban planning, environmental entrepreneurship and more.

Contact Name:  Lauren DiPerna


Northeastern University
Thursday, April 9
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EDT)
Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Avenue, Cabot Physical Education Center, Boston
Awards Reception
Raytheon Amphitheater

Each year, in an effort to support Northeastern University’s commitment to use-inspired research and solution focused innovation, hundreds of students and faculty members embark on an exciting opportunity to showcase the research and innovative thinking of the Northeastern community at the Research, Innovation, and Scholarship Expo (RISE). This exhibit is a large sample of the breadth and depth of innovative thinking at Northeastern University as well as a celebration of scholarly research and fundamental discoveries that can be translated into real-world applications. Since its inception in 2012, RISE continues to break records and attract unprecedented visibility for the University’s innovation community.
Continue to experience RISE at the Reach Awards Reception where you can further network with presenters, judges and attendees while enjoying the notorious RISE dessert bar! The Reception continues with the presentation of the Outstanding Student Research Awards as well as the RISE Awards for Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Entrepreneurship.
Visit the RISE Website at


Lessons From the Financial Crisis
Thursday, April 9
Harvard, Bell Hall (5th Floor Belfer Building), 79 JFK Street, Cambridge

Lewis B. Kaden, M-RCBG senior fellow, Former Vice Chairman, Citigroup

Regulatory Policy Program Seminar


The future of agriculture: ecology, biotechnology and sustainability
Thursday, April 9
Tufts, Lincoln Filene Center, Rabb Room, 10 Upper Campus Road, Medford

John Pickett, Scientific Leader of Chemical Ecology, Rothamsted Research
Professor John A. Pickett is a world authority on semiochemicals in insect behavior and plant defense, and plays a leading role in the move away from the traditional use of wide-spectrum pesticides to more precise control through compounds targeted against specific pests at crucial stages in their life cycles. His work centers on the chemical ecology of interactions between insects, between insects and their plant or animal hosts, and between plants. John Pickett's contributions to the field of chemical ecology have been acknowledged with numerous awards including the Rank Prize for Nutrition and Crop Husbandry, election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, International Society of Chemical Ecology Medal, the prestigious Wolf Foundation Prize in Agriculture and the Millennium Award among many other international measures of esteem. He is also a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences and he has over 450 publications and patents.


"Climate Change and Human Health: Impacts and Opportunities"
Thursday, April 9
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Harvard Medical University Longwood Campus, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, 677 Huntington Avenue, Boston
with Joel Schwartz, Professor of Environmental Epidemiology and Sam Myers, Senior Research Scientist, Dept. of Environmental Health.
Joel Schwartz is a Professor of Environmental Epidemiology in the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Department of Environmental Health and Department of Epidemiology. He is interested in epidemiology looking at the health consequences of exposure to pollutants. To date this has had two focuses: health effects of lead and health effects of air pollutants. He has recently begun work looking at water contamination. He also researches the effects of antioxidants on respiratory health and the use of cost benefit analysis to make environmental decisions.

Sam Myers is a Senior Research Scientist in the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Department of Environmental Health; an Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School; and Staff Physician at Mount Auburn Hospital. Dr. Myers focuses his work at the intersection of human health and global environmental change. Dr. Myers worked for two years as the founding Field Manager of an integrated conservation and human health project in the Qomolangma Nature Preserve in Tibet. He then worked in the Global Health Bureau of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) as an AAAS fellow where he designed a new mechanism for administering and studying projects that integrate human health, population growth, and environmental change in developing countries. After two years as an AAAS fellow, Dr. Myers was hired by Conservation International as a Senior Director to run the Healthy Communities Initiative, a $5 million project to design and implement integrated conservation and human health activities in biodiversity hotspot regions around the world.

After finishing a clinical research fellowship in general medicine at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Dr. Myers began a research career focused on quantifying the human health impacts of large scale, anthropogenic environmental change. He is currently the principle investigator on three transdisciplinary research projects that include: 1) quantifying the impact of rising concentrations of atmospheric CO2 on the nutrient content of crops and the impacts of these changes on the distribution of deficiencies of micronutrients like iron and zinc for the national populations of 182 countries; 2) quantifying the importance of access to terrestrial and marine wildlife species as a source of macro and micronutrients in the diets of subsistence populations; and 3) quantifying the human health impacts of landscape fires in SE Asia and developing new tools that allow fine-grained modeling of the specific morbidity and mortality for a particular population attributable to specific land use types and geographic locations.

This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:


Civil-Military Cooperation in Stabilization Operations: The Case of Afghanistan
WHEN  Thu., Apr. 9, 2015, 12:30 – 2 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Knafel Building, 1737 Cambridge Street, Room K262, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
SPEAKER(S)  Yin He, WCFIA Fellow; associate professor, China Peacekeeping Police Training Center, China
Thomas O’Steen, WCFIA Fellow; colonel, United States Army
Oliver Owcza, WCFIA Fellow; diplomat, Federal Foreign Office, Germany


Climate Week: “A Conversation on Campus Sustainability with Arlene Blum and Heather Henriksen”
Thursday, April 9
Harvard, William James Hall, Room 105, 33 Kirkland Street, Cambridge
This event is free and open to members of the Harvard community. RSVP at:

The Office for Sustainability presents: “A Conversation on Campus Sustainability with Arlene Blum and Heather Henriksen”

You are invited to join the Office for Sustainability for an afternoon discussion over tea and cookies about Harvard's efforts to build a healthier, more sustainable campus.

Scientist and public health advocate Arlene Blum will join Office for Sustainability Director Heather Henriksen to speak with students and staff about the centerpiece of Harvard’s sustainability efforts — a science-based goal to curb emissions 30% by 2016 — as well as the university’s emerging focus on human health and well-being as a critical component of sustainable development.

This event is sponsored by Harvard’s Office for Sustainability (OFS).
Contact Name:   Lisa Matthews


Should MIT Divest? A Debate on Fossil Fuel Investment
Thursday, April 9
W16, Kresge Auditorium, 84 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Join this event of the MIT Climate Change Conversation to learn about different facets of divestment from fossil fuel companies and explore whether MIT should divest its endowment as part of its response to climate change. The discussion will provide a nuanced view of the relevant issues being widely contested on university campuses, and in particular at MIT. This is an unprecedented opportunity for the MIT community to hear a diversity of expert perspectives, to have questions answered, and to deepen our understanding of the opportunities, drawbacks, and alternatives to fossil fuel divestment and of how universities can address global warming. Reception with food to follow this event.

Moderator: Tony Cortese, Intentional Endowments Network
Debating for fossil fuel divestment:
Naomi Oreskes, Professor of History of Science, Harvard University
Don Gould, Trustee Pitzer College & CIO Gould Asset Management
John Sterman, Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management

Debating against fossil fuel divestment:
Brad Hager, Professor, Director of the MIT Earth Resources Laboratory
Frank Wolak, Professor of Economics, Stanford University
Timothy Smith, Director of ESG Engagement, Walden Asset Management

This is an event for the MIT community. To participate: Email your questions for panelists prior to the event to, and bring a mobile device to participate virtually during the debate. The event will also be webcast at

MIT Climate Change Conversation Spring Event Series

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Climate Change Conversation, MIT Office of Sustainability
For more information, contact:  Sarah Brylinsky


"Re-calling the Modem World: The Dial-up History of Social Media"
Thursday, April 9
MIT, Building 4-231, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Kevin Driscoll
For fifteen years before the graphical Web, thousands of personal computer owners encountered the pleasures, promises, and challenges of online community through networks of dial-up bulletin-board systems (BBS). While prevailing histories of the early internet tend to focus on state-sponsored experiments such as ARPANET, the history of bulletin-board systems reveals the popular origins of computer-mediated social life. From chatting and flirting to shopping and multiplayer games, it was on these locally-run systems that early modem users grappled with questions of trust, identity, anonymity, and sexuality. In this talk, Kevin Driscoll will map out the generative conditions that gave rise to amateur computer networking at the end of the 1970s and trace the diffusion of BBSing across diverse cultural and geographic terrain during the 1980s. This history provides lived examples of systems operated under vastly different social, technical, and political-economic conditions than the centralized platforms we inhabit today. Indeed, remembering the grassroots past of today's internet creates new opportunities to imagine a more just, democratic tomorrow.

Kevin Driscoll (Ph.D., University of Southern California; S.M., MIT Comparative Media Studies) is a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research. His research concerns the popular and political cultures of networked personal computing with special attention to myths about internet history.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Comparative Media Studies/Writing
For more information, contact:  Andrew Whitacre


From Silent Spring to Silent Night: A Tale of Toads and Men
WHEN  Thu., Apr. 9, 2015, 5:30 – 7 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard Law School, Milstein East C, 1585 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Environmental Sciences, Ethics, Health Sciences, Law, Lecture, Science
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics
SPEAKER(S)  Tyrone Hayes, professor of integrative biology, University of California Berkeley
COST  Free and open to the public
DETAILS  In addition to describing the effects of atrazine on reproductive development and function and the impacts on wildlife, Professor Hayes will discuss the manufacturer's repeated attempts to discredit his work, their personal attacks, and the EPA's role in keeping the herbicide on the market.


6th Annual Challenge for Sustainability Awards
Thursday, April 9
5:30 PM to 8:00 PM (EDT)
W Hotel Boston, 100 Stuart Street, Boston

Join A Better City for a celebratory evening to recognize the annual and overall participant achievements in the Challenge for Sustainability!
The stakes are raised for the 6th Annual Awards with the addition of 2 new award divisions. The evening's presentation will feature guest speaker, Alicia Barton, Chief Executive Officer of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center.
Hosted in the W Hotel's Main Dining Lounge, attendees will enjoy complimentary appetizers and drinks throughout the event.


Evolution Matters Lecture Series: Evolution in a Vortex - Fish Diversity in the Lower Congo Area
WHEN  Thu., Apr. 9, 2015, 6 – 7 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard Museum of Natural History, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Harvard Museums of Science & Culture, Harvard Museum of Natural History
SPEAKER(S)  Melanie L. J. Stiassny, Axelrod Research Curator of Fishes, American Museum of Natural History
COST   Free and open to the public
CONTACT INFO 617-495-3045,
DETAILS  Some of the most spectacular cataracts, falls, and gorges on Earth are found in the lower Congo River, in the heart of central Africa, near the twin Congolese capitals of Kinshasa and Brazzaville. This stretch of the river is also home to over 300 different species of fish, many with unique adaptations – including bizarre morphologies – that enable them to survive in an environment with intense rapids. Based on her many years collecting, documenting, and studying the fish in the lower Congo River, Melanie Stiassny, Axelrod Research Curator of Fishes, American Museum of Natural History, will discuss the river’s unique hydrological and geographical characteristics and their role in driving the evolution and diversification of its exceptional fish fauna.
Free event parking at 52 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA
Presented by Harvard Museums of Science & Culture, Harvard Museum of Natural History
Series supported by a generous gift from Herman and Joan Suit


Science & Innovation Diplomacy
Thursday April 9
MIT, Building 54-100 (the Green Building, the tallest on campus), Cambridge
Webcast at

Opening remarks by Fiona Murray, William Porter Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship. 
Speakers include Phil Budden, Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan; 
Nina Federoff, Evan Pugh Professor at Pennsylvania State University and former Science and Technology Advisor to the US Secretary of State; 
Kenneth Oye, professor of MIT Political Science and Engineering Systems. 
Panel moderated by Calestous Juma, Dr. Martin Luther Kind Jr. visiting professor at MIT and Professor of Practice of International Development at Harvard Kennedy School.

Davis, L.S. and Robert G. Patman, R.G. eds., Science Diplomacy: New Day or False Dawn? (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2015).
Sandre, A., Digital Diplomacy: Conversations on Innovation in Foreign Policy (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015).
Nickles, D.P., Under the Wire: How the Telegraph Changed Diplomacy (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003).
Science & Diplomacy: A Quarterly Publication of the AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy

The event is organized by the Center for International Studies and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning
and the MIT Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Visiting Professors and Scholars Program.

Starr Forums are free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.

2015 FREEMAN LECTURE: Shale Gas Development: A Big Environmental Experiment?
Thursday, April 9
MIT, Building E51, Wong Auditorium, 2 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Speaker: John Cherry Distinguished Emeritus Professor, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON
Hydraulic fracturing ('fracking') for shale gas/ shale oil has grown rapidly in the past dozen years in the United States and Western Canada.
With emphasis on groundwater issues, this talk examines the nature of the shale gas debate and the claim that shale gas is an environmental experiment. Examination of 'evidence' includes expert panel reports from governments in USA, Canada, Europe and Australia and published 'literature' ranging from propaganda, junk science, unreproducible science, immature science and how science matures.
Reception: 6 p.m. & Lecture: 7 p.m.
Admission: Free
See the full abstract on

The John R. Freeman Lecture is co-sponsored by the Environmental and Water Resources Group of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section (BSCES), the ASCE, and the MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Civil and Environmental Engineering, BSCES Environmental and Water Resources Group
For more information, contact:  E Eric Adams
617 253-6595 


BASEA Forum:  Cape Wind
Thursday, April 9
Doors open at 7:00 p.m.; Presentation begins at 7:30 p.m
First Parish in Cambridge Unitarian Universalist;  3 Church Street, Harvard Square

featuring Craig Altemose, Executive Director of Better Future Project
Tweet to support Cape Wind:


Confronting Violence Conference: Arts Performance and Discussion About Hip-Hop
WHEN  Thu., Apr. 9, 2015, 7:30 p.m.
WHERE  Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Knafel Center, 10 Garden Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Art/Design, Conferences, Humanities, Lecture, Music, Special Events
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
SPEAKER(S)  The Confronting Violence conference program begins with an artistic event and discussion that features hip-hop music on the evening of Thursday, April 9, 2015.

Moderator: Marcyliena Morgan, professor of African and African American studies and executive director of the HipHop Archive, Harvard University
Toni Blackman, rapper, poet, and activist; founder and director of Freestyle Union
Byron Hurt, documentary filmmaker (Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes), author, and antisexism activist; founding member, Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) program
Jay Smooth, video and multimedia producer; founder of New York’s longest running hip-hop radio show, WBAI’s Underground Railroad
COST  Free and open to the public; registration required

Friday, April 10

Design + Social Change: A Showcase of Thought and Practice
Friday, April 10
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EDT)
Northeastern University, 306 Huntington Avenue, Boston

Join us for the 2015 Social Impact Conference, hosted by the Social Impact Lab at Northeastern University! Northeastern faculty, staff, students, and community partners are advancing innovative approaches to social change in local neighborhoods and around the globe. Working across disciplines, we might not use the same language to describe our social change toolkits, but we share many values and practices, including respectful, inclusive, and iterative design practices that put human beings at the center of our efforts.
Through conversations, workshops, and hands-on activities, Design + Social Change will give campus members and the public an opportunity to experience the innovative edge of social change thought and practice at Northeastern University.


Climate Science Breakfast:  "Jet Stream Variability and Climate"
Friday, April 10
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Harvard, HUCE Seminar Room, 24 Oxford Street 3rd Floor, Cambridge
with Zhiming Kuang, Gordon McKay Professor of Atmospheric and Environmental Science, Harvard University
The main goal of Professor Kuang's current research is to better understand and simulate how tropical convection interacts with the large-scale flow. This interaction is key to the tropical circulation, particularly the rainfall distribution and its variability. These issues are important to society. Variations in the Asian monsoon rain, for example, can bring droughts or floods and affect the lives of billions of people. Despite its well appreciated importance, our understanding of how tropical convection interacts with the large-scale flow remains poor, so does our ability to simulate this interaction. In his research, he uses novel high resolution numerical model experiments, together with observational data analysis, to guide development of theoretical models. Besides the meteorological implications of tropical convection, his group is also interested in its role in global chemistry.

This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:


IACS Seminar: Big Data, Geospatial Computing, and My 2 Cents in an Open Data Economy
Friday, April 10
12–1 pm
Harvard, Maxwell Dworkin G115, 33 Oxford Street, Cambridge

In this rapidly urbanizing world, unprecedented rate of population growth is not only mirrored by increasing demand for energy, food, water, and other natural resources, but has detrimental impacts on environmental and human security.  Much of our scientific and technological focus has been to ensure a sustainable future with healthy people living on a healthy planet where energy, environment, and mobility interests are simultaneously optimized.  Current geoanalytics are limited in dealing with temporal dynamics that describe observed and/or predicted behaviors of entities i.e. physical and socioeconomic processes.  With increasing temporal resolution of geographic data, there is a compelling motivation to couple the powerful modeling and analytical capability of a GIS to perform spatial-temporal analysis and visualization on dynamic data streams.  However, the challenge in processing large volumes of high-resolution earth observation and simulation data by traditional GIS has been compounded by the drive towards real-time applications and decision support.  The ability to observe and measure through direct instrumentation of our environment and infrastructures, from buildings to planet scale, coupled with explosion of data from citizen sensors, brings much promise for capturing the social/behavioral dimension.  Additionally, it provides a unique opportunity to manage and increase efficiencies of existing built environments as well as design a more sustainable future.  This presentation will explore the intriguing developments in the world of Big Data, geospatial computing, and plausible ways citizens can all become part of the open data economy for advancing science and society.

This talk is also part of the Geography Colloquium hosted at the Center for Geographic Analysis.

Free and open to the public; no registration required. Lunch will be provided.

More at:


Creative Construction from the Bottom of the Pyramid: Grassroots Innovators, Bricoleurs, and Social Entrepreneurs in India
WHEN  Fri., Apr. 10, 2015, 12:15 – 2 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, S153, 1st Floor, CGIS South, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Humanities, Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Harvard Asia Center & the South Asia Institute
SPEAKER(S)  Professor Soumodip Sarkar, Department of Management, University of Évora, Portugal


"Hope in the Hinterland: Alternative Modernities and the Anthropocene"
Friday, April 10
MIT, Building E51-095, 2 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Juia Adeney Thomas, Associate Professor of History, Notre Dame University

Seminar on Environmental and Agricultural History

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): History Office
For more information, contact:  Margo Collett


A Conversation and Demonstration with the Vijay Iyer Trio
WHEN  Fri., Apr. 10, 2015, 3 – 4:30 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Holden Chapel, Harvard Yard, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Classes/Workshops, Lecture, Music
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Office for the Arts at Harvard
SPEAKER(S)  Professor Vijay Iyer
COST  Free, tickets/RSVPs not required; seating first-come, first-served, subject to venue capacity.
CONTACT INFO 617.495.8676
DETAILS  Proclaimed by Jazzwise (UK) as “[having] the potential to alter the scope, ambition and language of jazz piano forever,” the Vijay Iyer Trio—featuring Vijay Iyer (piano), Marcus Gilmore (drums) and Stephan Crump (bass)—will discuss their creative process and provide musical demonstration. Co-sponsored by Harvard University’s Department of Music.

The Vijay Iyer Trio made its name with two tremendously acclaimed and influential albums, “Accelerando” (2012) and “Historicity” (2009). “Accelerando” was voted #1 Jazz Album of the Year for 2012 in three separate critics polls surveying hundreds of critics worldwide, hosted by DownBeat, Jazz Times, and Rhapsody, respectively, and also was chosen as jazz album of the year by NPR, the Los Angeles Times, PopMatters, and Vijay Iyer received an unprecedented “quintuple crown” in the 2012 DownBeat International Critics Poll, winning Jazz Artist of the Year, Pianist of the Year, Jazz Album of the Year, Jazz Group of the Year, and Rising Star Composer categories; a “quadruple crown” in the JazzTimes extended critics poll, winning Artist of the Year, Acoustic/Mainstream Group of the Year, Pianist of the Year, and Album of the Year); the 2012 and 2013 Pianist of the Year Awards and the 2010 Musician of the Year Award from the Jazz Journalists Association, and the 2013 ECHO Award (the “German Grammy”) for best international pianist. “Historicity” was a 2010 Grammy Nominee for Best Instrumental Jazz Album, and was named #1 Jazz Album of 2009 in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Detroit Metro Times, National Public Radio,, the Village Voice Jazz Critics Poll, and the Downbeat International Critics Poll, and the trio won the 2010 ECHO Award for best international ensemble.


MIT IDEAS Global Challenge: Innovation Showcase
Friday, April 10
MIT, Building 32, Stata Center, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Each year we host an Innovation Showcase for this year's participating teams to share their work with the MIT community and the greater Boston area. Come join us to meet the teams, celebrate their work, check out the prototypes and hear what this year's teams are working towards.

It's one of the best chances to hear 35+ ideas that have the potential to make substantial impact around the world. We'll have light snacks to enjoy as you peruse, discover and learn. Get started meeting the teams online - and in beforehand, you can place three votes to help three teams win $1500 to support the realization of their ideas.

Who: All are welcome; spread the word!

We'll announce the winners at the 2015 Awards Celebration on April 16. More information here:



2015 Boston Cleanweb Hackathon
Friday, April 10, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 10:00 PM (EDT)
WeWork South Station, 745 Atlantic Avenue, Boston

Join MassCEC for the 4th Annual Boston Cleanweb Hackathon!
A two-day technology competition that brings together students, programmers, software developers, entrepreneurs, energy experts and thought leaders
Create a new user-friendly web or mobile application to help consumers and businesses use energy and natural resources more efficiently
Form a team before or onsite for the 30 hour competition

Compete and your team could win thousands of dollars in cash prizes!

Check out the hackathon challenge post website at
The site will host the hackathon rules, judge list and judging criteria, discussion boards, and provide a place for registrants to see who the other participants are and do some team formation.

About the Hackathon:
Hosted by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center in partnership with Greentown Labs, the Boston Cleanweb Hackathon is a weekend-long technology challenge to create user-friendly web and mobile applications designed to help consumers and businesses use energy and natural resources more efficiently. Teams will compete for cash prizes.
For the past three years, the annual Boston Cleanweb Hackathon has spun out successful businesses including past winners Somerville-based Crowd Comfort and Beverly-based Water Hero.

Event Format:
The event begins on Friday evening with a team formation mixer and challenge presentations by event organizers. Starting Saturday morning, participants are given 30 hours to form teams and create an application that addresses energy, waste, water, transportation, food or other energy and sustainability issues using web, data analytics, and mobile technologies. On Sunday afternoon, winning teams are selected by a panel of judges drawn from industry experts, the regional business community and government leaders, and the Hackathon culminates with an award ceremony.

Cleanweb Challenge Opportunites:
This year there is a new element to the Hackathon that will incorporate feedback from the global business community and local, state and regional governments. Participants will receive a complied list of critical needs and challenges facing these groups to give teams a jump start on idea generation. Please contact MassCEC for more details.

Contact Us
To discuss sponsorship opportunities or for more information please contact Tom Reid - (617) 315-9316 / or Maeghan Lefebvre - (617) 315 9366 / For information regarding media outreach and relations contact Matt Kakley at (617) 315-9339 /

Friday, April 10th
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM | Hackathon Kickoff Mixer

Saturday, April 11th
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM | Breakfast & Registration
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM | Hacking begins! Ideation Session & Intro to Datasets
9:00 PM | WeWork closes for the day - rest up and come back ready to hack on Sunday!
Sunday, April 12th
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM | Race to the finish! Submissions are due by 2:00 PM sharp.
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Pitches
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Judge Deliberations & Awards Ceremony

Saturday, April 11

The Future of Food and Nutrition
Saturday, April 11
The Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, Boston
Registration: Early registration will open in the end of January. The early bird registration fee is $15 for students at Tufts, $20 for students at other institutions and $25 for professionals.

This student-run conference is a unique opportunity for graduate studentsinterested in food and nutrition to present their own original research or learn from their peers conducting research in fields that interest them.

Now in its 9th year, the conference attracts more than 200 attendees from over 30 different institutions across a wide range of fields including sustainable agriculture, nutritional epidemiology, food policy, public health nutrition and more!

If you have not done so already, we would appreciate if you could forward this information along to any students or colleagues who may be interested in either attending or presenting at this year's conference.

As a presenter or attendee, students will gain valuable professional experience presenting and discussing novel, multidisciplinary research and will also have the opportunity to network with fellow students and future colleagues.

Relevant research includes projects conducted as part of course work, thesis work, internships, capstone papers, or directed studies.

More information at


MIT Scaling Development Ventures Conference 2015
Saturday, April 11
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM (EDT)
MIT, Under the Dome, Room 10-250, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
Cost:  0 - $75

The MIT Scaling Development Ventures conference brings together exciting perspectives from the international development and business communities to examine the best way to bring poverty-alleviating solutions to market at scale.
SDV 2015: "Bridging Innovation and Impact"
This year's conference will explore themes around social innovation, achieving impact, and all of the work that happens in between. The conference will be anchored by keynote presentations from Ann Mei Chang, Executive Director of the USAID Global Development Lab, and Kevin Starr, Managing Director of the Mulago Foundation and the Rainer Arnhold Fellows Program.
Additional sessions will put a spotlight on generating innovation from the Base of the Pyramid, how to measure social impact, approaches to design and innovation, and much more. For up-to-date details on SDV's schedule, speakers, and sessions, visit the conference website at

Interested in the latest innovations by MIT students seeking to have an impact around the world? Join us for the IDEAS Global Challenge Innovation Showcase, preceding the conference on Friday, April 10th, 6:30-8:30pm.


Context Hacking: How to Mess with Art, Media, Law and the Market
Saturday, April 11
6 - 9p.  
BU, Stone Science Auditorium

Johannes Grenzfurthner

More information at  

Sunday, April 12

Faith Service: Climate Justice & the Moral Imperative
10:30 AM
Old Cambridge Baptist Church, 1151 Mass Avenue, Cambridge

Current Harvard Divinity School student and activist Tim DeChristopher will be giving a powerful sermon at Old Cambridge Baptist Church 

Harvard Heat Week

Monday, April 13

Harvard Heat Week


MASS Seminar - Nicole Riemer (University of Illinois)
Monday, April 13
MIT, Building 54-915 (the tallest building on campus)

Speaker: Nicole Riemer

MASS Seminar

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Atmospheric Science Seminars (MASS)
For more information, contact:  MASS organizing committee


Animal Law and Environmentalism: Reconnecting the Humane Ethic with Conservation, Public Health, and Related Disciplines
WHEN  Mon., Apr. 13, 2015, 12 – 1 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard Law School, Pound Hall, Room 101, 1563 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Environmental Sciences, Ethics, Law, Lecture
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Harvard Law School Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
SPEAKER(S)  Jon Lovvorn, senior vice president of animal litigation and investigations, Humane Society of the United States
COST  Free and open to the public
DETAILS  Jon Lovvorn will speak about the intersection between environmental and animal law and the impact of factory farming on the environment.
Free Chinese food.


New York’s 'Reforming the Energy Vision' Initiative
Monday, April 13
12:00PM - 1:30PM
Harvard, Bell Hall, 5th Floor, Belfer Building, HKS, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge

with Audrey Zibelman, Chair, New York State Public Service Commission

ETIP/Consortium Energy Policy Seminar
Contact Name:  Louisa Lund


"Infant Science and Health Adventuring: Global Intervention around Infant Mortality"
Monday, April 13
12:15 pm - 2:00 pm
Harvard,  Pierce Hall, Room 100F, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Emily Harrison, Harvard, History of Science

STS Circle at Harvard


Pricing Carbon to Combat Climate Change:  What Can We Learn from British Columbia?
Monday, April 13
1:00 pm
MIT, Walker Memorial-Morss Hall, 142 Memorial Drive, Cambridge

Featuring British Columbia Premier Christy Clark
Panel of experts:
Christopher Knittel, Economist and Director of the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
Ross Beaty, Founder and Chair of PanAmerican Silver Corp. and Alterra Power Corp.
Merran Smith, Executive Director of Clean Energy Canada
Senator Michael Barrett, 3rd Middlesex district, sponsor of carbon fee and rebate bill in MassachusettsDaniel Gatti, MA Campaign for a Clean Energy Future, Executive Director of Climate XChange

Moderated by Robert C. Armstrong, Director of MIT Energy Initiative

Hosted by: MIT Energy Initiative and MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
Presented by: Massachusetts Campaign for a Clean Energy Future


Harvard President's Panel on Climate Change
Monday, April 13 
4 p.m.
Harvard, Sanders Theatre, 45 Quincy Street Cambridge

Panelists are expected to include:
Joseph Aldy, assistant professor of public policy, Harvard Kennedy School; former special assistant to the president for energy and environment, the White House.
Christopher Field, co-chair, Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; founding director, Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science; Lane Professor for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies, Stanford University; member, Harvard University Board of Overseers; Harvard ’75.
Rebecca Henderson. McArthur University Professor, Harvard University; co-director, Business and Environment Initiative, Harvard Business School.
John Holdren, assistant to the president for science and technology, the White House; co-chair, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology; former Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy, Harvard Kennedy School; former professor of environmental science and public policy, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University.
Richard Newell, Gendell Professor of Energy and Environmental Economics, Duke University; director, Duke University Energy Initiative; former administrator, U.S. Energy Information Administration; former senior economist for energy and environment, President’s Council of Economic Advisers; Harvard Ph.D. ’97.
Naomi Oreskes, professor of the history of science and director of graduate studies, Department of the History of Science, Harvard University; co-author of “Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming.”
Daniel Schrag, Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology, professor of environmental science and engineering, and director of the Harvard University Center for the Environment, Harvard University.

This event is part of Harvard University's Climate Week:


Media Influences on Social Outcomes: The Impact of MTV's 16 and Pregnant on Teen Childbearing
Monday, April 13
MIT, Building E62-650, 100 Main Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Melissa Kearney (University of Maryland)

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Microeconomic Applications
For more information, contact:  economics calendar 


McMillan-Stewart Lecture on Women in the Developing World: Title TBD
Monday, April 13
MIT, Building 4-270, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Speaker: Hourig Attarian, Melissa Bilal, and Veena Das
Spring 2015 McMillan-Stewart Lecture on Women in the Developing World:
Memory Matters: Gender and Politics of Knowledge Production on the Armenian Genocide

Hourig Attarian, Concordia University, "Threading a Map, Spinning Life Stories: Tracing Fractured Memories in the Archives"
Melissa Bilal, Columbia University, "Lullaby the Irreconcilable"
Discussant: Veena Das, Johns Hopkins University

Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): WGS
For more information, contact:  Emily Neill


Rescheduled Askwith Forum: Ferguson and Beyond: Educational Strategies to Address Racism and Social Injustice
WHEN  Mon., Apr. 13, 2015, 5:30 – 7 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Longfellow Hall, 13 Appian Way, Cambridge
TYPE OF EVENT Discussion, Diversity & Equity, Forum, Lecture, Question & Answer Session
CONTACT NAME  Roger Falcon
CONTACT PHONE  617-384-9968
ADMISSION FEE This event is free and open to the public.
This Forum has been rescheduled from January 26.
Introduction: James E. Ryan, Dean of the Faculty and Charles William Eliot Professor of Education, HGSE
Moderator: Paul Reville, Francis Keppel Professor of Practice of Educational Policy and Administration, HGSE
Tiffany Anderson, Superintendent, Jennings School District, Jennings, MO
Tracey Benson, Ed.L.D.’16, Co-author of case study on Ferguson, MO
Ni'Cole Gipson, Parent and Social Media Activist, Florissant, MO (to be confirmed)
Valeria Silva, Superintendent, Saint Paul Public Schools, St. Paul, MN


The quick and the dirty
Monday, April 13
MIT, Building E15-070, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Art, Culture and Technology Lecture: CLAIRE PENTECOST

MIT Architecture Lecture Series
Part of the Spring 2015 Department of Architecture Lecture Series, "Experiments in Architecture".

Part of the 2015 ACT Lecture Series, Civic Art: The lecture series investigates the critical spatial practices that claim manifold definitions of public art, through a diverse array of visual forms argued by key practitioners across the disciplines of art, pedagogy, architecture, and urban studies to identify the tools, tactics and consequences of actively reclaiming public space.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): ACT, Department of Architecture
For more information, contact:  Amanda Moore

Tuesday, April 14

Harvard Heat Week


Taking Back Power in the Age of Networks
Tuesday, April 14
12:00 pm
Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Hall, Room 2004
RSVP required for those attending in person at
Event will be webcast live on at 12:00 pm.

with filmmaker, writer, and political organizer, Astra Taylor
The Internet is said to be a space of democratic expression and transformation, both culturally and politically. But how true is that claim? What are some of the economic, technical, and legal obstacles in place? Drawing from my recent book, The People’s Platform: Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age, and my experience as an artist and an activist, this talk will address campaigns by musicians against streaming services and debtors against creditors to reflect on the larger question of how to organize and leverage change in an age of virtual networks—be they networks of cultural distribution or financial ones.

About Astra
Astra Taylor is a filmmaker, writer, and political organizer who was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba and raised in Athens, Georgia. Her films include Zizek!, a feature documentary about the world’s most outrageous philosopher, and Examined Life, a series of excursions with contemporary thinkers including Slavoj Zizek, Judith Butler, Cornel West, Peter Singer and others. Taylor’s writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Nation, the London Review of Books, Bookforum, n+1, and many other publications. She is the editor of Examined Life, a companion volume to the film, and coeditor of Occupy!: Scenes from Occupied America. Taylor also helped launch the Occupy Wall Street offshoot Strike Debt and its Rolling Jubilee campaign and Debt Collective initiatives, and has helped erase over $30 million dollars of predatory medical and educational debt as part of these efforts. Most recently she is the author of the book The People’s Platform: Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age, which was named a New York Time Books Review “Editors’ Choice” and a Globe & Mail “Best Book of 2014.” She is currently working on a new documentary about democracy.


The Integration of the Internal Energy Market in the European Union: Recent Developments and Future Challenges (Mr. Alberto Pototschnig)
Tuesday, April 14
12:00pm to 1:15pm
Harvard, Bell Hall, 5th Floor, Belfer Building, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge
Lunch will be provided.

The Harvard Environmental Economics Program is co-sponsoring the talk with the Harvard Electricity Policy Group.

Alberto Pototschnig is the first Director of the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), established in 2010 by the European Commission. He took office in September 2010.

The mission of ACER is to complement and coordinate the work of national energy regulators at the European-Union (EU) level and work towards the completion of a single EU energy market for electricity and natural gas.

ACER plays a central role in the development of EU-wide network and market rules with a view to enhance competition. It coordinates regional and cross-regional initiatives which favour market integration. It monitors the work of European networks of transmission system operators (ENTSOs) and notably their EU-wide network development plans. Finally, it monitors the functioning of gas and electricity markets in general, and of wholesale energy trading in particular.


Clean Energy Standard Hearings
Tuesday, April 14
1:00 pm
DEP offices, One Winter Street, Boston

The Massachusetts Department of Envrionmental Protection is proposing a new clean energy standard to increase the amount of non-fossil fuel generated electricity for consumers. The standard is part of the Commonwealth’s efforts to achieve an 80 percent reduction in GHG emissions statewide by 2050.

More information at

The deadline to submit written comments is April 27.


Research in Learning More: A Marriage of Cognitive Psychology & Digital Learning
Tuesday, April 14
MIT, Building 3-333, 33 Massachusetts Avenue (Rear), Cambridge

Speaker: Laura Schulz, John Gabrieli & Karl Szpunar
Moderated by Dean of Digital Learning Sanjay Sarma, this xTalk will host a panel discussion with MIT Prof. Laura Schulz, MIT Prof John Gabrieli, and Dr. Karl Szpunar (Harvard).

xTalks: Digital Discourses
ODL's xTalks provides a forum to facilitate awareness, deep understanding and transference of educational innovations at MIT and elsewhere. We hope to foster a community of educators, researchers, and technologists engaged in developing and supporting effective learning experiences through online learning environments and other digital technologies.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Office of Digital Learning, OEIT- Office of Educational Innovation and Technology
For more information, contact:  Molly Ruggles
(617) 324-9185


2015 David J. Rose Lectureship in Nuclear Technology - Climate Change and Energy: How Can Young People Take Ownership of Their Future?
Tuesday, April 14
MIT, Building E51-115, 2 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Dr. James Hansen
The David J. Rose Lecture was established in December 1984 in honor of Professor David J. Rose (1922-85), a renowned professor of nuclear engineering at MIT who dedicated his career to the study of energy resources and their impact on the environment, fusion technology, nuclear waste management, and ethical questions arising from advances in science and technology. The inaugural Rose Lecture was delivered in 1985 by the Hon. James R. Schlesinger, former Secretary of Energy and Secretary of Defense. Subsequent Rose Lecturers have included Dr. Hans Blix, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Dr. Mohamed El-Baradei, also Director General of the IAEA and the winner of the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize, Senator Pete Domenici of New Mexico, Dr. John Holdren, Assistant to the President of the United States for Science and Technology, and Lady Barbara Judge.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Nuclear Science and Engineering
For more information, contact:  Lisa Magnano Bleheen


"Information Networks & Celebrity in Enlightenment France"
Tuesday, April 14
MIT, Building E51-095, 2 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Manipulating Information in the Ancien Régime: The View from the Provinces
Giora Sternberg, Oxford University (UK)
In the old regime of information, centralization was only one part of the story. Studying the politics of information in the provinces does not just refocus or complement the view from Paris or Versailles. It also demonstrates how peripheral actors could build and deploy knowledge-bases to subvert that view along with the designs of their "central" counterparts.

Private Lives, Public Figures: The invention of Celebrity in the eighteenth century
Antoine Lilti, École des hautes études en sciences sociales (France)
Far from being a recent phenomenon, Lilti argues that celebrity culture has its origins in the eighteenth century. In London as in Paris, the new conditions of urban life contributed to feed the fascination for the personalities and private lives of public figures.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Cost: 0
Sponsor(s): MIT Global Studies and Languages, MIT Global France Seminar
For more information, contact:  Lisa Hickler


Ethnobotany in the 21st Century
WHEN  Tue., Apr. 14, 2015, 6 – 7 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard Museum of Natural History, 24 Oxford Street, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Harvard Museum of Natural History, Peabody Museums of Archaeology & Ethnology, Harvard Museums of Science & Culture
SPEAKER(S)  Michael J. Balick, vice president for botanical science, The New York Botanical Garden
COST  Free and open to the public
CONTACT INFO, 617-495-3045
DETAILS  For more than four decades, Michael Balick, vice president for botanical science, The New York Botanical Garden has studied the relationships between plants and people — the field known as ethnobotany — in the Amazon Valley, Central and South America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and most recently in Micronesia and Melanesia. In this lecture he will discuss the relevance of working with indigenous cultures to document their knowledge of medicinal plants and evaluate their potential for broader applications. He will also highlight some of the medicinal plants used by non-Western cultures, such as ashwagandha and maca, which are becoming available and popular in the West and are discussed in his most recent book, Rodale’s 21st Century Herbal: A Practical Guide for Healthy Living Using Nature’s Most Powerful Plants.
Free event parking at 52 Oxford Street Garage.


Music as Medicine:  The Impact of Healing Harmonies
Tuesday, April 14
6pm - 7:30pm
Harvard Medical School, Joseph B Martin Conference Center, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston

It's been said that music soothes the soul, but can it also help heal our bodies and help us learn?  In this seminar, Harvard Medical School scientists and physicians share how they use music as a tool to help patients - from premature newborns to elderly stroke victions - survive and thrive.

More information:

Wednesday, April 15

Harvard Heat Week


Boston Urban Ag Visioning Steering Committee & Public Meeting
Wednesday, April 15
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (EDT)
Boston Public Library - East Boston Branch, 365 Bremen Street, East Boston

The next meeting of the Boston Urban Ag Visioning Steering Committee & Public Meeting will be held at the East Boston Branch of the Boston Public Library in the Community Room on Wednesday April 15, 2015. This event is free to all and all are encouraged to attend. RSVP is requested by 4/14/2015, but not required.

We strongly recommend the use of public transportation for all Urban Ag Visioning events.
MBTA: Airport on the Blue Line (5-7 minute walk via the East Boston Greenway)
Bus: Line 120 Bennington St @ Prescott St

In December 2013, the City of Boston passed Article 89, a new addition to the city’s zoning code that allows for urban agriculture. Since this time, the support for urban agriculture in the city has been tremendous, but there has been limited collaboration between the multitude of public, private, and non-profit sectors on how to create a vision for its future in Boston.

In support of a Boston Urban Ag Visioning process, the City of Boston has received a $25,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP). The goal of this process will be to bring diverse organizations to the table to create a vision for Boston around food production and distribution, which will enable farmer livelihoods, provide multiple access points for food, and determine how to create food access for low-income constituents. Representatives from all aspects of urban growing in the city will be engaged, including community gardeners, traditional farmers, gleaners, edible forest developers, farmers’ market reps, traditional and rooftop farmers, as well as food production folks.

Holly Fowler of Northbound Ventures will facilitate and a Steering Committee has been selected to guide and to inform the process. The Steering Committee will meet the third Wednesday of each month from January to August 2015. All meetings are open to the public. The location of each meeting will vary. The existence of this group will allow every area of urban growing in Boston to have a role in determining this vision, and to collaborate as one entity to achieve this goal.
Please visit the Boston Urban Ag Visioning blog for more information.


MIT IDEAS Global Challenge: Awards Ceremony
Wednesday, April 15
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (EDT)
MIT, Building 10-250, 222 Memorial Drive, Cambridge (or halfway down the Infinite Corridor from 77 Massachusetts Avenue)

Join the MIT IDEAS Global Challenge for a celebration of the spirit of innovation, entrepreneurship, and public service. This year, over 30 teams are working with communities around the world on challenges such as waste treatment, access to clean water, healthcare, education, transportation, disaster relief, and much more.

On Wednesday, April 15th, come meet the teams that entered this year and celebrate with us as we announce the teams that will be awarded up to $10,000 to make their ideas a reality. This is where ideas come to life!

The celebration will entail:
6:00pm - Reception with Teams
7:00pm - Awards Ceremony


15th Annual Henry Kendall Lecture: Recent global temperature trends: What do they tell us about anthropogenic climate change?
Wednesday, April 15
MIT, Building E51-115, 2 Amherst Street, Cambridge
Reception to follow the lecture in the Ida Green Lounge, 54-923

Speaker: Professor Jochem Marotzke, Director, Max-Planck-Institut fur Meteorologie, Hamburg
The Henry W. Kendall Memorial Lecture Series honors the memory of Professor Henry W. Kendall (1926-1999) who was the J.A. Stratton professor of physics at MIT. Professor Kendall received the Nobel Prize in 1990 for research that provided the first experimental evidence for quarks. He had a deep commitment to understanding and finding solutions to the multiple environmental problems facing the world today and in the future. The permanently endowed Kendall Lecture allows MIT faculty and students to be introduced to forefront areas in global change science by leading researchers.

If you have any questions regarding the lecture, please contact Jen Fentress at 617.253.2127 or Reservations not required.

Sponsored by the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences and the Center for Global Change Science, MIT.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Center for Global Change Science, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS)
For more information, contact:  Jen Fentress

Thursday, April 16

Harvard Heat Week


The Pursuit of Sustainable Living:  Community & Campus Sustainability Conference
Thursday, April 16
Devens Common Center, Devens
Register @
Cost: $60 before March 19
$75 after March 19
$45 Students
Groups (5 or more) use code GROUP for $5 discount  #MaSustain

Grassroots.  Government.  Education.  Business.
Jane Amidon, Northeastern University
Jess Belhumeur & Dan Sullivan, Tiny House
Leo Bonanni, Source Map
Lisa Capone, MA Green Communities
Sheila Harrity, Voc Tech Education
Nancy Hazard, Greening Greenfield
Karen Hynick, North Shore Community College
Grey Lee, USGBC
Peter Lowitt, Sustainable Devens
Matthew McIntosh, Marlboro College
Lesly Medina, Groundwork Lawrence
Greg Minott, DREAM Collaborative
Jon Mitchell, Mayor New Bedford
David Narkewicz, Mayor Northampton
Susanne Rasmussen, Cambridge

Julie Rawson, NE Organic Farming Association
Dan Rivera, Mayor Lawrence
Catherine Tumber, Small, Gritty, and Green
Vesela Veleva, UMass Boston
Nelle Ward, Conway School & Holyoke Green Streets
And more!


Photographing climate change above and below the waterline
Thursday, April 16
Tufts, Lincoln Filene Center, Rabb Room, 10 Upper Campus Road, Medford

David Arnold, Photographer
Boston photographer David Arnold ( precisely compares glacier and coral scenes to create "then and now" comparisons to illustrate the significant changes already taking place above and below the waterline of a warming planet. His Double Exposure exhibit opened at Boston's Museum of Science in 2008, then toured the country non-stop for four years. Currently he is working on a second exhibit. He will speak personally to the power of photography, and reflect with audience help about how we got into this mess - and how we can get out.


Tropical Jets and Future Rainfall over the Sahel
Thursday, April 16
MIT, Building 48-308, 15 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Speaker: David Whittleston

For more information on this speaker, David Whittleston (Entekhabi group), see

Environmental Fluid Mechanics/Hydrology
Join us for a weekly series of EFM/Hydrology topics by MIT faculty and students, as well as guest lecturers from around the globe.
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Civil and Environmental Engineering
For more information, contact:  Noriko Endo
617 253-7101 


"Decarbonizing China: Power System Strategies to Electrify Transportation and Building Heating with Renewable Sources"
Thursday, April 16
4:00 pm
Pierce Hall 100F, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge

with CHEN Xinyu, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard China Project, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

China Project Seminar


Collaboration and Multi-Tasking in Human Networks
Thursday, April 16
MIT, Building E51-395, 2 Ames Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Jan Van Mieghem
ORC Spring Seminar Series
The OR Center organizes a seminar series each year in which prominent OR professionals from around the world are invited to present topics in operations research. We have been privileged to have speakers from business and industry as well as from academia throughout the years. For a list of past distinguished speakers and their seminar topics, please visit our Seminar Archives.

Seminar reception immediately following the talk.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Operations Research Center
For more information, contact:  Peng Shi, Nataly Youssef, or Jerry Kung
617 253-6185,, 


Understanding Warfare: An Evolutionary Approach
Thursday, April 16
Harvard Museum of Natural History, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Warfare is a nearly universal trait of human societies that has influenced the evolution of human societies at least since the dawn of history. By some definitions, warfare is uniquely human; no other species engages in armed combat using manufactured weapons. But in other respects, human warfare bears much in common with intergroup aggression in a range of species, from ants to chimpanzees. In this free, illustrated, public lecture, Michael Wilson, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Minnesota, will discuss how an evolutionary perspective on warfare can help shed light on why people fight and what they can do to make war less likely to occur.

Free event parking at the 52 Oxford Street Garage.

Presented by Harvard Museum of Natural History, Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology, Harvard Museums of Science & Culture


Astronomy in the Year 2020
Thursday, April 16
7:30 pm
Harvard, Phillips Auditorium, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge

Jeff McClintock
Travel into the future for a preview of the Giant Magellan Telescope. This cathedral-sized telescope perched on a Chilean mountaintop will, like Star Trek's Enterprise, take us where no one has gone before. Stunning developments in optics technology will deliver images 10 times sharper than those of the Hubble Space Telescope. The Center for Astrophysics is not only a founding partner in this grand endeavor, but also is building the premier first-light instrument that will study other earths, the first stars, and the origin of our universe. Jeff McClintock is a senior astrophysicist at the CfA and a lecturer in the Harvard University Astronomy Department.


Friday, April 17

Harvard Heat Week


Cambridge Science Festival 2015
Friday, April 17
All day

The Cambridge Science Festival is a celebration showcasing the leading edge in science, technology, engineering and math. A multifaceted, multicultural event every spring, the Cambridge Science Festival makes science accessible, interactive and fun for all!

Web site:
Open to: the general public

This event occurs daily through April 26, 2015.

Sponsor(s): MIT Cambridge Science Festival
For more information, contact:  Sung Kim
617 254-4379


MIT Clean Earth Hackathon
Friday, April 17 - Sunday, April 19
MIT Media Lab, Bartos Theatre, Wiesner Building, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge
Solve real challenges in the quest for environmental sustainability

On April 17-19, 2015, Sustainability at MIT will host a hackathon event like no other.  You will take on environmental challenges put forth by industry and academic partners.

Teams will have two days to develop a solution to a real-world challenge of your choice. We are seeking participants eager to tackle complex puzzles and passionate about helping our community reach more sustainable practices and lower environmental impact.

The hackathon is open to students and young professionals. Participants from all disciplines, backgrounds and work experiences encouraged to apply.

Registration is free! Deadline is April 1, 2015.

The Challenge Areas

Natural Resource Management: Water, water and resource reuse and conservation
Mobility in the Modern World: Transportion innovation for the 21st century
Environmentally Conscious Design: Reducing the footprint of products and buildings
(re)Fueling the Next Generation: Sustainable energy solutions

Schedule Highlights:
Registration opens: January 30, 2015
Registration deadline: April 1, 2015

Friday, April 17, 2015
Companies and organizations will present their challenges and address questions regarding the challenges posed
Networking session to help participants find teammates and ask representatives further questions
Participants will form teams based on challenge interest and start crafting their solutions

Saturday, April 18, 2015
Teams continue to refine their solutions and begin preparing for presentations

Sunday, April 19, 2015:
Teams wrap up projects and present their solutions to a panel of judges
Judging and awards ceremony

Contact Name:


Innovation Breakfast at TechHub
Friday, April 17
8:30 AM to 10:00 AM (EDT)
TechHub, 212 Elm Street, 3rd floor, Somerville

The roving Innovation Breakfast continues! Hosted by Bobbie Carlton, founder of Mass Innovation Nights, this Innovation Breakfast is taking place at the area's newest coworking space, TechHub.  Right in super hip Davis Square! 
Come out for a chance to talk with other innovators over a cup of coffee, network and check out the new co-working space.

New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable:  "Future of Solar in New England; and Transmission & Renewable Developments in New England"
Friday, April 17
9:00AM - 12:15PM
Foley Hoag LLP, 155 Seaport Boulevard, 13th Floor, Boston
Cost:  $35 - $65
To live-stream the Roundtable, or to watch it later on-demand, sign up at

We have two very timely topics for the April 17th New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable (145): The Future of Solar in New England; and Transmission & Renewable Developments in New England.

Panel I: Future of Solar in New England
We begin The Future of Solar in New England panel with a presentation by Jonathan Black, Lead Engineer for System Planning at ISO-New England, who will discuss ISO New England's latest solar forecast. We will then hear about some of the emerging findings from MIT's ongoing Future of Solar Energy Study by Dr. Francis O'Sullivan, Director of Research and Analysis at MIT's Energy Initiative.  Next, Ashley Brown, Executive Director of Harvard Electricity Policy Group, will discuss his recent article in the Electricity Journal (Valuation of Distributed Solar: A Qualitative View) which calls for reassessing the value of solar DG to better calibrate pricing policies.  Karl Rábago, Executive Director at PACE University Climate & Energy Center (formerly of RMI, Texas PUC, and US DOE Undersecretary) will share his pioneering work in using solar valuation methodologies to inform net metering rates and policy.  Janet Gail Besser, Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs for the New England Clean Energy Council, will share her perspective on a sensible path forward for solar in New England.

Panel II:  Transmission & Renewable Energy Developments in New England
Next, we turn our attention to another timely topic,
Transmission & Renewable Energy Developments in New England.  With the recent release of the draft RFP for renewables & transmission from the Southern New England States (Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island) it is time once again to reflect on a wide range of renewable resources and related transmission options that could help the New England states to meet their climate goals, while also potentially mitigating spikes in electricity prices. We have arranged for an excellent group of senior executives of leading renewable energy and transmission developers in New England and Eastern Canada to discuss their existing and proposed resources/projects.

We will begin with a keynote address from Hydro-Québec's CEO Thierry Vandal about the various renewable resources that HQ has to offer New England.  Paul Gaynor, former CEO of First Wind, and current Executive Vice President for Utility & Global Wind at SunEdison, will discuss wind opportunities for New England.  Edward Krapels, CEO of Anbaric Transmission, will discuss several innovative transmission-for-renewables projects his company is involved with, as will Robin McAdam, Vice President for Major Developments at Emera Energy.

Contact Name:  Susan Rivo


Harvard Faculty Forum on Divestment 
Friday, April 17
2:00 PM
Harvard Hall, Room 104, Harvard Yard, Cambridge

As Harvard Heat Week comes to a close, Harvard Faculty and financial professionals will lead us in a powerful day of action and learning about how the tide has turned — support for divestment is widespread, and the right choice both morally and financially. 

Harvard Heat Week

Architecture Lecture Series: "Function and Friction: Rethinking Design, Disability, and Assistive Technology"
Friday, April 17
MIT, Building 7-429, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Speaker: Sara Hendren

MIT Architecture Lecture Series
Part of the Spring 2015 Department of Architecture Lecture Series, "Experiments in Architecture".

Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): Department of Architecture
For more information, contact:  Anne Simunovic


Harvard Heat Week Closing Rally 
Friday, April 17
6:00 PM
Harvard Science Center Plaza, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge

As Harvard Heat Week comes to a close, Cornel West ’73, Bob Massie ’89, Bevis Longstreth ’61, and many others will join us for a wrap-up to an incredible week — closing rally at 6:00 PM.

Harvard Heat Week

Saturday, April 18

Science Carnival & Robot Zoo
12:00pm - 4:00pm
Saturday, April 18
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Field House & Cambridge Public Library, Broadway & Ellery Street, Cambridge

Prepare yourself...for a Carnival of the Sciences and a ROBOT ZOO!
See, touch, smell, hear, and taste science in new and exciting ways!

Are you ready?


Terry Riley’s 80th Birthday Celebration
Saturday, April 18
MIT Kresge Auditorium, W16, 48 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
Cost:  $0 -20

with Terry Riley, Eviyan, Gamelan Galak Tika, Sarah Cahill, and the world premiere of all-live Poppy Nogood and the Phantom Band

Sunday, April 19

MakeScience: Arts & Tech Science Fair
Sunday, April 19
4:00pm - 8:00pm
Artisan's Asylum, 10 Tyler Street, Somerville

An old-school science fair with a modern Arts & Tech spin, featuring the ideas, tools, and processes of engineers, fine artisans, designers, sculptors, makers, tinkerers, and crafters. Come check out Artisan’s Asylum, greater Boston's premier community fabrication facility, and meet the people who make science here! Quench your curiosity with brewing science & robots, welding demos & dioramas, blinking lights and molten glass.
Artisan's Asylum

Monday, April 20

"How Much Energy do Building Energy Codes Really Save? Evidence from California"
Monday, April 20
12:00PM - 1:30PM
Harvard, HKS, Bell Hall, 5th Floor, Belfer Building, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge

 with Arik Levinson, Georgetown University

ETIP/Consortium Energy Policy Seminar

Contact Name:  Louisa Lund


African Americans Against the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Colonialism, and the Black Freedom Movement
WHEN  Mon., Apr. 20, 2015, 6 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Sever 113, Harvard Yard, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Humanities, Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Cosponsored by the Mahindra Humanities Center's Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Seminar on Violence and Non-Violence and the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research.
SPEAKER(S)Vincent J Intondi, author, African Americans Against the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Colonialism, and the Black Freedom Movement
Elaine Scarry, Walter M. Cabot Professor of Aesthetics and General Theory of Value, Harvard University
COST  Free and open to the public
CONTACT INFO 617-495-0738;
DETAILS  Free and open to the public. Seating is limited.
Learn more about the book here:


Environmental Lawlessness
Monday, April 20
Arnold Arboretum, Hunnewell Building, 125 Arborway, Jamaica Plain

Richard Lazarus, Howard and Katherine Aibel Professor of Law, Harvard University
What happens when laws and regulations don’t keep pace with changes in technology, science, and society? The answer, according to Harvard Law School Professor Richard Lazarus, is lawlessness. Come learn some of the history and circumstances behind the country’s current but outdated environmental laws, how the original scope and intentions of these laws may no longer match the scope of the problems we face today, and the lawmaking challenges we now face as we seek to address the mounting environmental risks posed by deepwater drilling, natural gas fracking, and climate change. Professor Lazarus, who teaches environmental law, natural resources law, Supreme Court advocacy, and torts at Harvard Law School, was the principal author of Deep Water–The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling (GPO 2011), the Report to the President of the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling Commission. He will speak of lessons learned from this environmental disaster and how new regulations in line with current technologies are needed to better protect the environment as we tap our natural resources.


How Much Energy do Building Energy Codes Really Save? Evidence from California
Monday, April 20
12:00PM - 1:30PM
Harvard, Bell Hall, 5th Floor, Belfer Building, HKS, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge

with Arik Levinson, Georgetown University

ETIP/Consortium Energy Policy Seminar

Contact Name:  Louisa Lund

Tuesday, April 21

Classes of defense for computer systems
Tuesday, April 21
12:00 pm
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, 23 Everett Street, Second Floor, Cambridge
RSVP required for those attending in person at
Event will be webcast live on at 12:00 pm.

with Berkman Fellow, Josephine Wolff
There is no silver bullet for defending computer systems. Strengthening security means negotiating a balance among a variety of defenses that fall into several different categories and rely on the cooperation and support of many different actors, including technologists, managers, and policy-makers. Therefore, one crucial element of security involves understanding the multiplicity of defenses and the ways they can be combined and recombined to protect systems. Yet, there is no clear model of how different classes of computer system defense relate to classes of attack, or what defensive functions are best suited to technical, policy, or managerial interventions. Drawing on case studies of actual security incidents, as well as the past decade of security incident data at MIT, this talk will analyze security roles and defense design patterns for application designers, administrators, and policy-makers. It will also discuss the interplay between defenses designed to limit access to computer systems and those oriented towards limiting and mitigating the resulting damage.

About Josephine
Josephine is a PhD candidate in the Engineering Systems Division at MIT studying cybersecurity and Internet policy. Her dissertation research focuses on understanding combinations of different types of defenses for computer systems, including the interactions among technical, social, and policy mechanisms. She has interned with Microsoft's Technology Policy Group, the Center for Democracy & Technology, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and the Department of Defense. She has also written on computer security topics for Slate, Scientific American, and Newsweek. She holds an AB in mathematics from Princeton University, and an SM in Technology & Policy from MIT.


Wahhabism: From Provincial Heresy to Arabian Hegemony
WHEN  Tue., Apr. 21, 2015, 4 – 6 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, CGIS South Bldg, Belfer Case Study Room (S020), 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Lecture, Religion, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR CMES Lecture Series on Arabian Peninsula Studies
SPEAKER(S)  David Commins, professor of history, Dickinson College
COST  Free and open to the public
DETAILS  Rescheduled from March 5.
This event is off the record. The use of recording devices is strictly prohibited.


Boston Quantified Self Show&Tell #BQS19 (NERD)
Tuesday, April 21
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Microsoft NERD New England Research & Development Center, One Memorial Drive, Cambridge

Sign in at the front desk and then take the elevators to the 1st floor.
Price: $7.00/per person

Please come join us on Tuesday, April 21st for another fun night of self-tracking presentations, sharing ideas, and showing tools. If you are self-tracking in any way -- health stats, biofeedback, life-logging, mood monitoring, biometrics, athletics, etc. -- come and share your methods, results and insights.

We're happy to hosted by our friends at Microsoft. Be sure to RSVP early to grab your spot! Come to meet new people, check out new hands-on gadgets and tools, enjoy healthy food, and learn from personal stories.

QS Boston is dedicated to hosting events that are safe and comfortable for everyone. All QS Boston events will follow the QS Boston Code of Conduct. Questions/feedback can be sent to Maggie (

6:00 - 7:00 pm DEMO HOUR & SOCIAL TIME
Are you a toolmaker? Come demo your self-tracking gadget, app, project or idea that you're working on and share with others in our "science fair for adults." If you are making something useful for self-trackers – software, hardware, web services, or data standards – please demo it in this workshop portion of the Show&Tell. Want to participate in Demo Hour? Please let us know when you RSVP or contact Michael at for a spot.

7:00 - 8:00 pm IGNITE SHOW&TELLS
If you'd like to talk about your personal self-tracking story, please let us know in your RSVP or contact Maggie at, so you can discuss your topic. In your talk, you should answer the three prime questions: What did you do? How did you do it? What did you learn?

If you've never been to a meetup before, you can get a sense of what the talks are like from watching videos of previous QS talks.

Don't know what Ignite means? Click here for more info and here for tips on how to deliver a fantastic quick-fire presentation.

Talk to the speakers, chat with new and old friends, ask other people what they're tracking, and generally hang out and have a great time.


Boston New Technology April 2015 Product Showcase #BNT52
Tuesday, April 21
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology, 41 Berkeley Street, Boston
Enter at the Berkeley St Entrance, look for BNT signs and come to our check-in table to print your name tag. Showcase will take place in the auditorium off the lobby.

Free event! Come learn about 7 innovative and exciting technology products and network with the Boston/Cambridge startup community! Each presenter gets 5 minutes for product demonstration and 5 minutes for Questions & Answers. And yes, we will have chairs! Please follow @BostonNewTech and use the #BNT52 hashtag in social media posts: details here.


CafeSci Boston: "Why 60 Minutes? 5000 Years of Tradition and Science"
Tuesday, April 21
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Le Laboratoire Cambridge, 650 East Kendall St. Cambridge

Join WGBH's NOVA at our monthly event, CafeSci Boston. Science Cafes are live and lively events that bring scientists, researchers, artists, and professionals out to have a conversation about their work with the general public. This month, Robert Coolman will discuss why mechanical clocks were incapable of measuring minutes and seconds until the 16th century, yet the 60 used then is the same used by the Sumerians over 5000 years ago. This will be the story of how 60 was handed from civilization to civilization.


The Boston Network for International Development (BNID) maintains a website ( that serves as a clearing-house for information on organizations, events, and jobs related to international development in the Boston area. BNID has played an important auxiliary role in fostering international development activities in the Boston area, as witnessed by the expanding content of the site and a significant growth in the number of users.

The website contains:

A calendar of Boston area events and volunteer opportunities related to International Development
A jobs board that includes both internships and full time positions related to International Development that is updated daily -
A directory and descriptions of more than 250 Boston-area organizations -

Also, please sign up for our weekly newsletter (we promise only one email per week) to get the most up-to-date information on new job and internship opportunities

The website is completely free for students and our goal is to help connect students who are interested in international development with many of the worthwhile organizations in the area.

Please feel free to email our organization at if you have any questions!


Intern with Biodiversity for a Livable Climate!
Biodiversity for a Livable Climate (BLC) is a nonprofit based in the Cambridge, MA area. Our mission is to mobilize the biosphere to restore ecosystems and reverse global warming.
Education, public information campaigns, organizing, scientific investigation, collaboration with like-minded organizations, research and policy development are all elements of our strategy.

Background: Soils are the largest terrestrial carbon sink on the planet. Restoring the complex ecology of soils is the only way to safely and quickly remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the ground, where it’s desperately needed to regenerate the health of billions of acres of degraded lands. Restoring carbon to soils and regenerating ecosystems are how we can restore a healthy hydrologic cycle and cool local and planetary climates safely, naturally, and in time to ensure a livable climate now and in the future.

Our Work: immediate plans include
Organizing the First International Biodiversity, Soil Carbon and Climate Week, October 31-November 9, 2014, and a kick-off conference in the Boston area, “Mobilizing the Biosphere to Reverse Global Warming: A Biodiversity, Water, Soil Carbon and Climate Conference – and Call to Action” to expand the mainstream climate conversation to include the power of biology, and to help initiate intensive worldwide efforts to return atmospheric carbon to the soils.
Coordination of a global fund to directly assist local farmers and herders in learning and applying carbon farming approaches that not only benefit the climate, but improve the health and productivity of the land and the people who depend on it.
Collaboration with individuals and organizations on addressing eco-restoration and the regeneration of water and carbon cycles; such projects may include application of practices such as Holistic Management for restoration of billions of acres of degraded grasslands, reforestation of exploited forest areas, and restoring ocean food chains.

Please contact Helen D. Silver, for further information.


Climate Stories Project

What's your Climate Story?
Climate Stories Project is a forum that gives a voice to the emotional and personal impacts that climate change is having on our lives. Often, we only discuss climate change from the impersonal perspective of science or the contentious realm of politics. Today, more and more of us are feeling the effects of climate change on an personal level. Climate Stories Project allows people from around the world to share their stories and to engage with climate change in a personal, direct way.


Where is the best yogurt on the planet made? Somerville, of course!

Join the Somerville Yogurt Making Cooperative and get a weekly quart of the most thick, creamy, rich and tart yogurt in the world. Membership in the coop costs $2.50 per quart. Members share the responsibility for making yogurt in our kitchen located just outside of Davis Sq. in FirstChurch.  No previous yogurt making experience is necessary.

For more information checkout.


Cambridge Residents: Free Home Thermal Images

Have you ever wanted to learn where your home is leaking heat by having an energy auditor come to your home with a thermal camera?  With that info you then know where to fix your home so it's more comfortable and less expensive to heat.  However, at $200 or so, the cost of such a thermal scan is a big chunk of change.

HEET Cambridge has now partnered with Sagewell, Inc. to offer Cambridge residents free thermal scans.

Sagewell collects the thermal images by driving through Cambridge in a hybrid vehicle equipped with thermal cameras.  They will scan every building in Cambridge (as long as it's not blocked by trees or buildings or on a private way).  Building owners can view thermal images of their property and an analysis online. The information is password protected so that only the building owner can see the results.

Homeowners, condo-owners and landlords can access the thermal images and an accompanying analysis free of charge. Commercial building owners and owners of more than one building will be able to view their images and analysis for a small fee.

The scans will be analyzed in the order they are requested.

Go to  Type in your address at the bottom where it says "Find your home or building" and press return.  Then click on "Here" to request the report.

That's it.  When the scans are done in a few weeks, your building will be one of the first to be analyzed. The accompanying report will help you understand why your living room has always been cold and what to do about it.

With knowledge, comes power (or in this case saved power and money, not to mention comfort).


Free solar electricity analysis for MA residents


HEET has partnered with NSTAR and Mass Save participating contractor Next Step Living to deliver no-cost Home Energy Assessments to Cambridge residents.

During the assessment, the energy specialist will:

Install efficient light bulbs (saving up to 7% of your electricity bill)
Install programmable thermostats (saving up to 10% of your heating bill)
Install water efficiency devices (saving up to 10% of your water bill)
Check the combustion safety of your heating and hot water equipment
Evaluate your home’s energy use to create an energy-efficiency roadmap
If you get electricity from NSTAR, National Grid or Western Mass Electric, you already pay for these assessments through a surcharge on your energy bills. You might as well use the service.

Please sign up at or call Next Step Living at 866-867-8729.  A Next Step Living Representative will call to schedule your assessment.

HEET will help answer any questions and ensure you get all the services and rebates possible.

(The information collected will only be used to help you get a Home Energy Assessment.  We won’t keep the data or sell it.)

(If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to call HEET’s Jason Taylor at 617 441 0614.)


Sustainable Business Network Local Green Guide

SBN is excited to announce the soft launch of its new Local Green Guide, Massachusetts' premier Green Business Directory!

To view the directory please visit:
To find out how how your business can be listed on the website or for sponsorship opportunities please contact Adritha at


Free Monthly Energy Analysis

CarbonSalon is a free service that every month can automatically track your energy use and compare it to your past energy use (while controlling for how cold the weather is). You get a short friendly email that lets you know how you’re doing in your work to save energy.


Boston Food System

"The Boston Food System [listserv] provides a forum to post announcements of events, employment opportunities, internships, programs, lectures, and other activities as well as related articles or other publications of a non-commercial nature covering the area's food system - food, nutrition, farming, education, etc. - that take place or focus on or around Greater Boston (broadly delineated)."

The Boston area is one of the most active nationwide in terms of food system activities - projects, services, and events connected to food, farming, nutrition - and often connected to education, public health, environment, arts, social services and other arenas.   Hundreds of organizations and enterprises cover our area, but what is going on week-to-week is not always well publicized.
Hence, the new Boston Food System listserv, as the place to let everyone know about these activities.  Specifically:
Use of the BFS list will begin soon, once we get a decent base of subscribers.  Clarification of what is appropriate to announce and other posting guidelines will be provided as well.

It's easy to subscribe right now at


Artisan Asylum

Sprout & Co:  Community Driven Investigations

Greater Boston Solidarity Economy Mapping Project
a project by Wellesley College students that invites participation, contact

------------------------'s Guide to Boston


Links to events at 60 colleges and universities at Hubevents

Thanks to

Fred Hapgood's Selected Lectures on Science and Engineering in the Boston Area:

MIT Events:

MIT Energy Club:

Harvard Events:

Harvard Environment:

Sustainability at Harvard:

Mass Climate Action:



Microsoft NERD Center:

Startup and Entrepreneurial Events:

Cambridge Civic Journal:

Cambridge Happenings:

Cambridge Community Calendar:

Boston Area Computer User Groups:

Arts and Cultural Events List:

Boston Events Insider:


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