Sunday, April 27, 2014

Energy (and Other) Events - April 27, 2014

Energy (and Other) Events is a weekly mailing list published most Sundays covering events around the Cambridge, MA and greater Boston area that catch the editor's eye.

Hubevents is the web version.

If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to Energy (and Other) Events email

What I Do and Why I Do It:  The Story of Energy (and Other) Events


Event Index - full Event Details available below the Index

Monday, April 28

9am  NECEC Institute's Cleantech Navigate Northeast
12:15pm  Early Modern Climate Science: The View from British North America
1pm  Crowdsourcing Affective Responses for Predicting Media Effectiveness
2:30pm  The Persian Gulf Free Zone: An Institutional Analysis of Dynamics for Nonproliferation
3pm  Warrantless Searches of Personal Electronic Devices: Is the Baby Lost in the Woods?
3pm  MIT Clean Energy Prize Showcase and Awards
3pm  The Anonymous People: Film Screening and Respondent Panel
4pm  Putin, Crimea: Back to the USSR?
5pm  Innovation in the Water Industry
5:30pm  Askwith Forum - M.Night Shyamalan: I Got Schooled
5:30pm  7 Billion and Counting: Population and the Planet
6pm  Cambridge Water(shed) Works:  A Big-Picture Adventure in our Water Address
6pm  Growing Cities:  screening and panel discussion
6pm  Sustainability Series 3: Waste Management
6:30pm  MIT IDEAS Global Challenge Innovation Showcase
7pm  ACT Lecture | Elvan Zabunyan: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Translations of Memory
8pm  Nerd Nite April! AKA The Kids Are Alright with DNA Nanotechnology

Tuesday, April 29

12pm  The European Union After the 2014 Elections: Regime Change?
12:15pm  "Our Marathon": The Boston Bombing Digital Archive
12:30pm  Living with Data: Stories that Make Data More Personal
12:30pm  Japan in a Global Depression: Deflation and Economic Growth in the late 19th Century
1:15pm  "Our Digital Lives: Protecting Our Data In Use and At Rest”
1:45pm  "Benign Neglect No More: How document security effects access to memory”
4pm  Lebanon in the Syrian Quagmire: Fault-lines, Resilience and Possible Futures
5:30pm  Askwith Forum: Urban Neighborhoods and the Persistence of Racial Inequality
5:30pm  Movie Series with Amnesty International:  War Dance
6pm  Digital Humanities at Harvard: An Interactive Reception and Documentary Film Debut
6pm  Slow Money Boston - Entrepreneur Showcase
7:30pm  Come see A Fierce Green Fire and talk to filmmaker Mark Kitchell after the show!
8pm  The Futures of Reading and Writing

Wednesday, April 30

10am  Race To Solar
10am  Divest Harvard Day of Action
12pm  Design for Manufacturability for Sub-14nm Nanometer Technologies
12pm  The Art of Peace
12pm  User-centered system design in an aging society: an integrated study on technology adoption
2:30pm  Climate Change and the Cocoa Industry: Leveraging Science and Technology for Sustainability
4pm  Community Archives in the Digital Era: Creating the South Asian American Digital Archive
4:10pm  Harvard University’s #Tech4Democracy Movement, with Harvard innovation-lab
4:15pm  "Does Public Opinion Affect China's Foreign Policy?”
5pm  Geoengineering: Science and Governance
5pm  China 2035: Energy, Climate, and Development Lecture Series
5pm  Rethinking the Learning Experience
5:30pm  Advanced Nuclear Reactor Regulation: Present and Future
6pm  Worldly Wording: Curating the Imaginal Fields of Science and Art
7pm  Celebrated director and theatre visionary Anne Bogart
7pm  Walden Warming: Climate Change Comes to Thoreau’s Woods
7:30pm  “Tillich, Bonhoeffer, and the Future of Jesus Christ.”

Thursday, May 1

Arts First Festival:  Arts at Harvard
8:30am  The Inclusive City: Fletcher-MasterCard 2nd Annual Inclusion Forum
12pm  Energy 101 Sessions: Wind Energy Technologies
12pm  Shale Gas Development Impacts on Surface Water Quality in Pennsylvania
12:15pm  Pakistan's Fulda Gap: Emerging Interest in Tactical Nukes
12:30pm  Program on U.S.-Japan Relations, Associate's Panel: Japan Debates Its Energy Future
4pm  2014 Arts Medal Ceremony: author MARGARET ATWOOD
4pm  Hurricane Storm Surge Models Using Integrated Ocean Basin to Shelf to Inland Floodplain Unstructured Grids
4pm  Dertouzos Distinguished Lecture: The Cryptographic Lens
4pm  Hurricane Storm Surge Models Using Integrated Ocean Basin to Shelf to Inland Floodplain Unstructured Grids
4:15pm  High-Frequency Trading and Modern Market Microstructure
5pm  Starr Forum- Indian Ocean Rising: What this means for the region and beyond
5pm  Rethinking the Learning Experience
5:30pm  Connecting the Next Three Billion
6pm  Race To Solar
6:30pm  Henry David Thoreau Prize:  TC Boyle
7pm  Oyster and Salt Marsh Impacts on Cape Cod
7pm  Matt Taibbi and Robin Young discuss The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap

Friday, May 2

8:30am  MIT Community Energy Innovations Symposium
Research Day on Data Science
10am  Will the U.S. Learn the Lessons from Fukushima?
2pm  Media Lab Conversations Series: George Church
6pm  Joi Ito: Lecture with Director of MIT Media Lab on Technology and Entrepreneurship
6:30pm  Screening of "The Internet's Own Boy" with director Brian Knappenberger
7pm  The Egyptian Revolution: An Entrepreneurial Act?

Saturday May 3

6th annual MIT Sustainability Summit
9:30am  Building a Healthy Future: Setting Our Goals for the Next Generation
Wake Up the Earth Festival
11am  Harvesting Sustainable Development in Latin America
12pm  The Spring 2014 Mid-Cambridge PLANT SWAP
3pm  Rambax Senegalese Drum Ensemble Outdoor Concert
3:30pm  MA Gubernatorial Candidates Forum

Sunday, May 4

10am  CityCamp Boston: Redefining the possible
2pm  Energy Upgrade Work Party

Monday, May 5

12pm  Strategy, Simulation, and Analytics for the Complex World of Education
12:10pm  Urbanization, land cover change, and the carbon cycle
12:30pm  "Clean Energy in 2025: How policymakers and the private sector can drive the region's clean energy future”
4pm  Research-based principles for multimedia learning
5pm  O Brave New World! Entering an Age of Climate Change Beyond 400 ppm
6pm  Alewife Reservation Constructed Wetland workshop
6:30pm  2014 MIT IDEAS Global Challenge Awards Celebration
7pm  Internet, Security, and Power

Tuesday, May 6

8am  Boston TechBreakfast: 1sqbox, Eventuosity, Downtyme, RedBerrRy, Track Runner
11am  SEAS Design & Project Fair
2pm  The Gulf: Past, Present, and Future
2:30pm  The Value of Corporate Culture
4pm  CLAIRITY: An Air Quality Network for MIT's Campus
5pm  The Adventures of a Cello:  Public Lecture and Musical Performance
6pm  Sustainable Transportation: We can get there from here!


My rough notes on some of the events I go to and notes on books I’ve read are at:

Liquid Metal Batteries for Grid Scale Storage

Theories of Fear and Hope


Monday, April 28

NECEC Institute's Cleantech Navigate Northeast
Monday, April 28, 2014
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (EDT)
District Hall, 75 Northern Avenue, Boston

Bring your Expertise to the Table to
Shape the Northeast Cleantech Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Commercialization Community
Because you are an established leader or growing entrepreneur in the regional cleantech ecosystem, NECEC invites you to the first-ever symposium specifically designed to bring together a diverse group of Northeast's leaders in clean technology innovation, entrepreneurship & commercialization to:
Connect with other regional leaders to expand and strengthen your network of resources,
Identify key opportunities to build the regional innovation, entrepreneurship & commercialization community, and
Share your expertise to help develop best practices.
The Navigate Summit is the first of two Cleantech Navigate Northeast annual gatherings of the leaders from across the Northeast, with the goal of identifying challenges, trends, best practices, and opportunities for collaboration.

This event will be attended by an intimate group of the region's leaders and will include representation from incubators and accelerators, universities and research institutions, state and municipal entities, investors, and, of course, entrepreneurs.
The first half of the event will be entrepreneur / innovator centric, meaning that the way that we are structuring it is actually focused on real entrepreneur challenges. We are inviting entrepreneurs from our community to act as the case-studies for small group discussions on common cleantech commercialization challenges. We hope that these discussions will not only help identify best practices for overcoming the challenges, but also enable the leaders from across the region to leverage our collective networks to support these participating entrepreneurs.
The second half of the event will engage representatives from the corporate community who are participating in a parallel workshop next door for the first half of the day. We will spend time exploring best practices for encouraging corporate strategic partnering, and networking with the corporate attendees.
Then at the end of the day we will provide transport for everyone over to the MIT Clean Energy Prize!

The joint mission of the NECEC Institute and its sister organization, the New England Clean Energy Council, is to accelerate New England’s clean energy economy to global leadership by building an active community of stakeholders and a world-class cluster of clean energy companies.  The NECEC Institute, a 501(c)(3), leads regional programs to develop the region’s cleantech cluster focusing its efforts on 1) Innovation, 2) Cluster & Economic Development, and 3) Education & Workforce Development.


"Early Modern Climate Science: The View from British North America"
Monday, April 28, 2014
12:15pm - 2:00pm
Harvard, Room 100F, Pierce Hall, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Joyce Chaplin, Harvard, History

STS Circle at Harvard
Sandwich lunches are provided. Please RSVP to by Wednesday at 5PM the week before.


Crowdsourcing Affective Responses for Predicting Media Effectiveness
Monday, April 28, 2014 
1:00pm - 3:00pm
MIT Media Lab, Building E14-633, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Speaker:  Daniel McDuff Thesis Defense
Host/Chair:  Rosalind W. Picard
Participant(s)/Committee:  Jeffrey Cohn, Ashish Kapoor, Thales Teixeira
Emotion is key to the effectiveness of media, whether it be in influencing memory, likability or persuasion. However, the understanding of the role of emotions in media effectiveness has been limited due to the difficulty in measuring emotions in real-life contexts. The lack of understanding of the effects of emotion in media results in large amounts of wasted time, money, and other resources; in this thesis Daniel McDuff presents the first large-scale emotion measurement studies on video advertising, political debates and movies.

Facial expressions, heart rate, respiration rate and heart rate variability can inform us about the emotional valence, arousal and engagement of a person. In this thesis McDuff demonstrates how automatically detected naturalistic and spontaneous facial responses and physiological responses can be used to predict the effectiveness of media. Furthermore, this can be performed remotely using low-cost camera sensors.

McDuff presents a framework for automatically measuring facial and physiological responses in addition to self-report and behavioral measures to content (e.g., video advertisements) over the Internet in order to understand the role of emotions in media effectiveness. Specifically, he will present analysis of the first large scale data of facial, physiological, behavioral and self-report responses to video content collected "in-the-wild" using the cloud. The data include over 20,000 video responses from thousands of individuals. McDuff has developed models for evaluating the effectiveness of media (likability, persuasion, and short-term sales impact) based on the automatically extracted features. This work shows success in predicting measures of media effectiveness that are useful in creation of content whether that be in copy-testing or content development.


The Persian Gulf Free Zone: An Institutional Analysis of Dynamics for Nonproliferation
Monday, April 28, 2014
MIT, Building E40-496, 1 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Mansour Salsabili
Dr. Salsabili is also a former Iranian diplomat who participated in different aspects of the work of the United Nations (UN) in New York from UN reforms to the Non-Aligned Movement and also was a disarmament expert dealing with the Conference on Disarmament at the European office of the UN in Geneva. He followed disarmament and international security issues in cooperation with a range of research institutes such as the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and also the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and taught a limited number of courses on International Relations and Foreign Policy of Iran at the University of Tarbiat Moddarress, in Tehran.

A Center for International Studies lecture by Mansour Salsabili, CIS Research Fellow and Belfer Center Associate in the International Security Program/Project on Managing the Atom.

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Center for International Studies
For more information, contact:


Warrantless Searches of Personal Electronic Devices: Is the Baby Lost in the Woods?
Monday, April 28
3 to 4pm 
Harvard, K354, 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
2:30pm refreshments

David Abrams
Technology moves forward in leaps and bounds but the law advances in baby steps. Long-standing legal precedent allows a police officer to search a suspect without a warrant after an arrest to ensure the officer's safety and prevent the destruction of evidence. Over time, courts have incrementally expanded this search to allow opening a cigarette pack, looking through a paper address book or examining the contents of a beeper. Recently, police have begun examined the call history and address lists from cell phones of suspects. With modern smart phones holding tens of gigabytes of data, extension of this policy allows police to view email, text messages, documents and images accumulated over months or years; personal information that traditionally would be protected from casual search by the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement. Has technology created an end-run around the Constitution? The Supreme Court of the United States has agreed to decide the issue this summer. How will they rule? I discuss the history of the search-incident-to-an-arrest exception to the warrant requirement and examine how technological advances clash with the slow, incremental application of precedent to the law.

David Abrams teaches introductory circuit design at Harvard and Problem Solving and Internet Law at Suffolk Law School. He is interested in the intersection of law and technology as well as privacy and copyright issues on the Internet. David graduated from M.I.T. with degrees in Electrical Engineering and he earned his J.D. at Harvard Law School.


MIT Clean Energy Prize Showcase and Awards
Monday, April 28, 2014
3:00pm - 6:30pm
Sheraton Boston Hotel - Constitution Ballroom, 39 Dalton Street, Boston
RSVP at[E…

3:00 - 5:00 Showcase
Meet the twenty-one semifinalists representing a dozen universities from across the country.  At this poster session, learn about their clean energy innovations in three categories:  renewable energy; energy efficiency; and infrastructure and resources.
5:00 - 6:30  Awards Program
Welcome -- Bill Aulet, Managing Director, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Opening Remarks -- Craig Hallstrom, President, NSTAR Electric and Western Massachusetts Electric
Keynote Address -- Richard K. Sullivan Jr., Secretary, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

While there is no cost to attend, seating for the Awards Program is limited and registration is required.
No registration is required to attend the Showcase.


The Anonymous People: Film Screening and Respondent Panel
Monday, April 28, 2014 
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM (EDT)
Harvard Divinity School, Sperry Room, Andover Hall, 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA
Free and Open to the Public

Respondent Panelists:
Greg D. Williams, Director, The Anonymous People
Tomashi Jackson, Artist
Michael Curry, President, NAACP Boston Branch
Laurie Martinelli, Executive Director, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Massachusetts
Hannah Martinez, President, NAMI Dorchester/Mattapan/Roxbury
Moderated by Nia K. Evans, Education Policy Analyst, Pumphouse Projects

The Anonymous People is a feature documentary film about the over 23 million Americans living in long-term recovery from addition to alcohol and other drugs.  Deeply entrenched social stigma and discrimination have kept recovery voices silent and faces hidden for decades.  The vacuum created by this silence  has been filled by sensational mass media descriptions of people  in active addiction that continue to perpetuate a lurid public fascination with the dysfunctional  side of what is a preventable and treatable health condition.  The moving story of The Anonymous People is told through the faces and voices of leaders, volunteers, corporate executives, and celebrities who are laying it all on the line to save the lives of others just like them. This passionate new public recovery movement is fueling a changing conversation that aims to transform public opinion, and finally shift problematic policy toward lasting recovery solutions.

The Anonymous People screening is an introductory event to raise awareness, develop interest and instigate conversation about a new Artists' Prospectus for the Nation project, FRAMES Debate Project: Debate Series on Drug Policy, Mental Health Services and Justice in Massachusetts. Visual artist Tomashi Jackson policy analyst Nia Evans will use a multimedia policy debate platform to explore intersections of inadequately provided mental health care, addiction and drug policy in major cities in Massachusetts. To stay abreast of future FRAMES Debate Project events, please e-mail

About the Panelists:
Director Greg Williams is a person in long-term recovery from alcohol and other drugs since age seventeen. He is a health policy advocate, and award-winning documentary filmmaker who specializes in the creation of compelling and purposeful content. At age 30, "The Anonymous People" is Greg's first independent feature-length film. His new film is bringing lasting solutions to the screen for one of America's top health problems. Currently in early theatrical release, "The Anonymous People" has already received widespread critical acclaim and a variety of industry awards.

Artist Tomashi Jackson ( uses her own labor, livelihood, and migration narratives to construct sculptures , video and projection works, and portraits. Her work covers topics including labor, visibility, memory, among others. Born in Houston and raised in Los Angeles, Jackson received a Master of Science degree in Art, Culture, and Technology from MIT and a BFA from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art.

Laurie Martinelli has been the Executive Director of NAMI Mass, the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Massachusetts, since 2007. NAMI Mass is a nonprofit grassroots education and advocacy group dedicated to improving the quality of life for people affected by serious mental illness and their families. NAMI Mass has 20 local affiliate chapters that offer support and education.

Under Laurie’s leadership, NAMI Mass’ education and support programs have seen tremendous growth. Their NAMI signature education program, Family to Family, has grown from 13 classes statewide to 20 classes, reaching hundreds of families whose loved one has a mental illness.
Ms. Martinelli attended Westfield State College and received a JD from the Washington College of Law at American University. She also has a Master’s in Public Health from the Harvard School of Public Health that she earned in 1989. In addition to her full time job at NAMI Mass, Ms. Martinelli teaches Health Law at Suffolk University Law School.

Michael Curry was elected President of the Boston Branch of the NAACP, in 2010, after over a decade of service. Since Mr. Curry's election, more than 2,500 new members have joined the branch, monthly membership meetings are at capacity and a younger generation of leaders has become active in the organization. In November 2012, Attorney Curry was reelected as President after several months of strengthening the membership base of the organization. As a result, in 2013 the Boston NAACP received the Chairman's Trophy for the highest membership increase in the country (2011-2012) and the Lucille Black Award for the highest total membership production (2012). In 2012, Michael launched the inaugural Boston NAACP's Summer Job - Pipeline to Leadership Program, where NAACP youth receive a stipend to support the NAACP's activities, participate in community meetings and receive training in the key areas for effective leadership. Over the past two years, Pipeline participants registered over 2,000 new voters, engaged over 20,000 residents on the importance of voting and launched an anti-violence campaign. Michael has also been acknowledge for leading local redistricting efforts that resulted in more minority-majority seats on both the state and local level. Last year, the City of Boston adopted a redistricting plan that was based in large part on the map proposed by the NAACP. In February 2014, during the NAACP's Annual Meeting in New York City, Michael was elected to the National Board of Directors. The 64-Member board, chaired by Roslyn M. Brock, is the governing body of the Association, which has hosted many of the architects of the Civil Rights Movement and has recently welcomed a new generation of civil rights leaders. Michael will be the first representative from the Boston Branch and the New England Area in over 35 years.

Michael is also the Legislative Affairs Director and Senior Counsel for the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers. In this role, Michael manages state and federal advocacy for the 50 community health centers throughout the Commonwealth, serving more than 850,000 patients in over 285 communities.

Putin, Crimea: Back to the USSR?
WHEN  Mon., Apr. 28, 2014, 4 – 6 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, CGIS Krafel Buidling, 1737 Cambridge Street, Room K-262 (Bowie Vernon Room)
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Law, Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict
SPEAKER(S)  Bruce Allyn, Senior Fellow at the Harvard Negotiation Project and Jill Dougherty, Joan Shorenstein Fellow and former CNN foreign correspondent
COST  Free and open to the public

Innovation in the Water Industry
April 28th
MIT, Building 32-124, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge 
5 pm. Refreshments will be served.

Earl Jones, Chairman of New England Water Innovation Network
Earl is a partner at Liberation Capital, a private equity fund that focuses on renewable energy, water, waste water, and resource recovery through waste-to-value applications. Prior to Liberation Capital, he was the Global Commercial Leader for GE Water & Process Technologies, focused on solving some of the world???s most pressing water challenges. 

He also serves as the Chairman on the New England Water Innovation Network, Advisory Board Member at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, a guest lecturer on leadership at MIT Sloan School of Management, and serves on the board of several water and energy firms.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): MIT Water Club, Graduate Student Council
For more information, contact:  David Cohen-Tanugi


Askwith Forum - M.Night Shyamalan: I Got Schooled
WHEN  Mon., Apr. 28, 2014, 5:30 – 7 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Longfellow Hall, 13 Appian Way, Cambridge
TYPE OF EVENT Forum, Lecture, Question & Answer Session
BUILDING/ROOM   Askwith Hall
CONTACT NAME   Amber DiNatale
CONTACT PHONE  617-384-9968
ADMISSION FEE This event is free and open to the public.
NOTE   Introduction: Paul Reville, Francis Keppel Professor of Practice of Educational Policy and Administration, HGSE
Speaker: M. Night Shyamalan, screenwriter, director, producer and author
Famed film director M. Night Shyamalan began his endeavors into education philanthropy by providing college scholarships through his private foundation to promising inner-city students. It was shortly thereafter that he realized these scholarships did little to improve the educational system as a whole, nor did they impact the large amount of students who remained in under-performing schools. After traveling across the country to meet with researchers, practitioners and successful urban schools, he was able to learn the keys to closing America’s education achievement gap. In his first book, I Got Schooled: The Unlikely Story of How a Moonlighting Movie Maker Learned the Five Keys to Closing America's Education Gap, Shyamalan explores these keys and the research behind each, along with other popular reform ideas which he debunks along the way.  Join Shyamalan as he offers a unique look at America’s educational achievement gap through the lens of an outsider.
Copies of M. Night Shyamalan's book will be available for purchase at the forum.


7 Billion and Counting: Population and the Planet
Monday, April 28
5:30 p.m.-8 p.m.
(Reception starts at 5:30 p.m.; discussion at 6:30 p.m.)
Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts, Wimberly Theatre, 527 Tremont Street, Boston
Cost:  $25 ($60 for three event ticket)

Join The Nature Conservancy for "7 Billion and Counting: Population and the Planet," the First Event in This Year's Future of Nature Speakers' Series.
On April 28, a panel of leading thinkers will tackle the question of whether population growth must harm nature and its ability to sustain life.

Glance at any rapidly ticking global population counter, and it's clear. Global population growth must be part of the conversation about sustaining the planet.

Already more than 7 billion, Earth's human population is projected to exceed 9 billion people by 2050.

Does human population growth affect other species and the planet as a whole? What about families already struggling to find food, water and healthcare? Can empowering women make life more sustainable for people and nature? Can conservation and technology innovations support Earth's ability to provide food, water and other benefits for 7 billion people and counting?

Join The Nature Conservancy and a panel of thought leaders on population and the environment as they tackle these questions and more in this important community conversation at "7 Billion and Counting: Population and the Planet," the first of three events in the second annual Future of Nature lecture series. Tickets can be purchased at

Panelists include:
Caroline Crosbie, senior vice president, Pathfinder International.
Roger-Mark De Souza, director of Population, Environmental Security, and Resilience, Wilson Center.
Peter Kareiva, chief scientist and director of science, The Nature Conservancy.
Alan Weisman, journalist and author of "The World without Us" and "Countdown."

Each night of The Future of Nature will feature leaders in their fields discussing some of our most critical conservation challenges and opportunities. "7 Billion and Counting: Population and the Planet," will be followed by two events:
May 12, "Investing in Nature: Conservation and the Bottom Line," a discussion of the relationship between environmentally responsible investment and a strong economy.
June 9, "Weathering the Storm: Boston's Future Climate," a discussion of how Boston can prepare for the impacts of a changing climate.

Each night will include a pre-event reception with refreshments, conversation, and information from community groups working on these important issues.

All events will be at the Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts.

Tickets are $25 per event. A series pass for all three events is $60.

Individual event tickets and series passes can be purchased online via

Tickets will not be sold at the door.


Cambridge Water(shed) Works:  A Big-Picture Adventure in our Water Address
Monday, April 28
6:00 to 7:30 pm
Walter J. Sullivan Water Purification Facility, 250 Fresh Pond Parkway, Cambridge

You may have had the chance to see our waterworks treatment process in action, but do you know how our watershed brings water to the treatment facility? What is a watershed and water address anyway? Join us for an interactive and hands-on workshop about where our water comes from and how watersheds work. This program is appropriate for ages 8 through adult. Come ready to experiment and get involved, and don't forget to register with Kirsten at or (617) 349-6489! Registration Required - Please register by NOON, Friday, April 25.

Please register for each event that you plan to attend:
You will receive directions and information on parking in response to your registration.
Follow registration directions included with each program description

To receive monthly email program announcements, send an email to


Growing Cities:  screening and panel discussion
Monday, April 28, 2014
Harvard Kennedy School, Belfer Hall, Starr Auditorium, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge
Free and open to all.

Growing Cities examines the role of urban farming in America and the power it has to revitalize our cities and change the way we eat.  Following the film, speakers from the World PEAS Food Hub (part of New Entry) and the Urban Farming Institute will discuss ways Bostonians can engage with local agriculture.  Local snacks and refreshments will be served.

Sponsored by New Entry Sustainable Farming Project and Harvard University’s Food Literacy Program

Contact or 978-654-5733 with any questions.


Sustainability Series 3: Waste Management
Monday, April 28, 2014
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Workbar, 45 Prospect Street, Cambridge
RSVP at 

Event Organized by Shawn Hesse, emersion DESIGN and Amy Perlmutter, Perlmutter Associates
Amy Perlmutter (former Recycling Program Manager for the City and County of San Francisco) will share her insights about waste management, then Shawn will facilitate a group discussion of what we at Workbar can do to TAKE ACTION.


MIT IDEAS Global Challenge Innovation Showcase
Monday, April 28, 2014
MIT, Building 32, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Each year we host an Innovation Showcase for this participating teams to share their work with the MIT community and the greater Boston area. Come join us to meet the teams, celebrate their work, check out the prototypes and hear what this year's teams are working towards.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): IDEAS Global Challenge
For more information, contact:  Keely Swan


JP Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Cultivating Community Through Mutual Aid
Mon, Apr 28, 2014 
7:00 pm
Nate Smith House, 155 Lamartine Street, JP

Please join us for a potluck to discuss how mutual aid and "Time Banking" can strengthen to the JP community and economy!

Brainstorm the *gifts* that you could offer to JP neighbors, and what *needs* you could use help with
Hear about the area?s own time banking program, the Time Trade Circle
Get your hands dirty at our *Seeding planting* and exchange table!
Invite your neighbors and *bring a dish to share if you can*

Have you ever asked your neighbor for a cup of sugar? Ever borrowed a neighbor’s ladder or asked them to watch your kids? These kinds of “mutual aid" exchanges were once commonplace in JP and beyond.* At JP NET, we?re working to bring them back through Time Banking and support for mutual aid networks. Read more about Time Banking below.

*What is Time Banking?*  "Time Banks" let us share our skills and get free help from others. When you spend an hour helping another member of the bank, one hour is added to your account. You can spend your hours on services from other members - anything from sewing lessons or house cleaning to language lessons or babysitting. It’s free and easy to join Boston’s own time bank, the Time Trade Circle. Attend an orientation on May 18 to get started. Read more about the Time Trade Circle at


ACT Lecture | Elvan Zabunyan: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Translations of Memory
Monday, April 28, 2014
MIT, Building E15-001, ACT Cube, Wiesner Building, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Elvan Zabunyan
The starting point of Elvan Zabunyan's talk is the work of Korean-born American novelist and artist Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. In 1980, having left her native Korea seventeen years earlier, Cha returned to work on a film project she described as "memory [that] materializes directly on the screen." Cha was fluent in English, French, and Korean and worked with words as images and with images as words, using the structure of language and translation to create a multiplicity of narratives in time, space, and memory.

Elvan Zabunyan is a contemporary art historian and art critic based in Paris. Her research focuses on the redefinition of contemporary art history through postcolonial and feminist art and theory in the context of the genealogy of cultural displacement. She is the author of Black Is A Color: A History of Contemporary African-American Art (2005) and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Berkeley, 1968 (2013). Her essays on contemporary visual arts have appeared in books, exhibition catalogues, and journals. She is an Associate Professor at the Rennes University (Brittany, France) and Director of the Curatorial Program in the Art History Department.

Experiments in Thinking, Action, and Form: Cinematic Migrations
Cinematic Migrations, as a conjoined designation, poses the notion of "migrations" in relation to "the cinematic" in an intentionally porous juxtaposition, conceived to allow a wide range of questions, interpretations and permutations to emerge. During this initial phase, the work of John Akomfrah, currently with Smoking Dogs Films and previously with Black Audio Film Collective, provides a focal point for examination, in conjunction with presentations of filmmakers, artists, and scholars participating in the related lecture series.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Cost: FREE
Sponsor(s): Department of Architecture, School of Architecture and Planning, MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology
For more information, contact:  Laura Anca Chichisan


Nerd Nite April! AKA The Kids Are Alright with DNA Nanotechnology
28 April 2014 
Middlesex Lounge, 315 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
Cost:  $5

Talk 1 – “Making (Tiny) Stuff Out of DNA” by Richie Kohman, PhD
Everyone knows that DNA is the molecule that contains the genetic code of life, but did you know that researchers are now using it as a building material as well?  In fact, structures made from DNA may be the most intricate nanoscale objects ever made by humans. This talk will introduce the field of DNA nanotechnology and give a brief overview of its history and current status.  Find out not only what you can make out of it, but also what DNA nanotechnology is good for.

Richie has worked on a variety of research projects such as creating biomaterials for regenerative medicine and gene therapy, turning brain cells on and off with light, and developing surgical methods to deliver drugs into the brain. He is now pursuing various scientific endeavors at the interface between neuroscience and nanotechnology. Richie received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is now a postdoc in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Boston University and a research affiliate in the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Talk 2 – “What the kids are learning these days: an exploration of learning through play” by Jackie Gonzalez
Informal youth educator & creative technologist Jackie Gonzalez shares anecdotes that highlight the innovative ways local educators are trying to re-engage youth in their own learning. From preschool robotics to 3D modeling to wearable tech, school has never looked so cool.

Jackie is the program manager of the Flagship Computer Clubhouse, located at the Museum of Science, Boston. Prior to her involvement at the Clubhouse, she has worked as an educator of robotics and other STEAM initiatives through work with an assortment of Boston-area groups, including PBS’s Design Squad, FableVision Studios, the DevTech group at Tufts University, and the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab.

Tuesday, April 29

The Ideas Industry: Is the Academy Needed or Wanted?
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
8:30 AM to 5:30 PM (PDT)
Tufts, Chase Center, Curtis Street, Medford

As the first dedicated graduate school of international affairs in the United States, The Fletcher School is uniquely poised to bring together multidisciplinary perspectives on the changing state of the academy in the marketplace of ideas.

The spread of the ideas industry could be interpreted as an indictment of academia’s irrelevance to influence the public sphere.  At the same time, many academics have exploited the tools of this emergent industry to promote their own ideational wares.

Has the marketplace of ideas changed?  Has the academy become too removed from this marketplace to have an impact?  Are there outreach efforts that can bridge the gap between the academy and the public sphere?

On April 29th, we will tackle these questions with renowned academics, journalists, and public intellectuals. Please join us for this exciting conference filled with fresh insights and provocative dialogue.

For more information, including the schedule and speaker bios, please visit:


The European Union After the 2014 Elections: Regime Change?
WHEN  Tue., Apr. 29, 2014, 12 – 2 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, 27 Kirkland Street, Goldman Room, Cambridge, MA 02138
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Future of the European Union Study Group of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies
COST  Free and open to the public


"Our Marathon": The Boston Bombing Digital Archive
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
MIT, Building 32-144, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Jim McGrath and Alicia Peaker
Our Marathon is a crowd-sourced digital archive of stories, photos, video, and social media related to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings and its aftermath. Bring your lunch and join members of the Our Marathon team as they provide an overview of the project and the archive.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Cost: free
Sponsor(s): MIT Libraries, Our Marathon
For more information, contact:  Ann Marie Willer


Living with Data: Stories that Make Data More Personal
Tuesday, April 29
12:30pm ET
Berkman Center for Internet & Society, 23 Everett Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge
RSVP required for those attending in person at
This event will be webcast live at at 12:30pm ET.

Sara Watson, Berkman Fellow
We are becoming data. Between our mobile phones, browser history, wearable sensors, and connected devices in our homes, there's more data about us than ever before. So how are we learning to live with all this data?

Inspired by her ethnographic interview work with members of the quantified self community, Sara hopes to make these larger systemic shifts more relateable and concrete with personal narratives. This talk will share some examples of how we find clues, investigate, and reverse engineer what's going on with our data, and call for more stories to help personalize our evolving relationship to data and the algorithms that govern it.

About Sara
Sara M. Watson is a Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. Her work addresses how individuals are learning to live with their personal data, in particular as more technologies like wearable sensors and the Internet of Things tie our bodies and our physical environment to data. Her award winning thesis examined the personal data interests of the Quantified Self community. Sara’s research interests include algorithmic literacy, personal data and the digital self, and society’s relationships to technologies and infrastructures. She is also interested in how technological change gets written and talked about in popular culture. Her writing has appeared in The Atlantic, Wired, and Slate.

Sara also consults with technology companies about their data practices and policies. She has worked with companies such as Crimson Hexagon, Brightcove, and The World Economic Forum. Previously she was an enterprise technology analyst at The Research Board, exploring the implications of large-scale technological trends for Fortune 500 CIOs.

Sara holds an MSc in the Social Science of the Internet with distinction from the Oxford Internet Institute, and graduated from Harvard College magna cum laude with a joint degree in English and American Literature and Film Studies.


Japan in a Global Depression: Deflation and Economic Growth in the late 19th Century
WHEN  Tue., Apr. 29, 2014, 12:30 – 2 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Bowie-Vernon Room (K262), 2nd Floor, CGIS Knafel, 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge MA
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Business, Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Program on U.S.-Japan Relations, co-sponsored by the Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies
SPEAKER(S) Steven Ericson, associate professor of history, Dartmouth College

Moderator: Andrew Gordon, Lee and Juliet Folger Fund Professor of History, Harvard University


"Our Digital Lives: Protecting Our Data In Use and At Rest"
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
MIT, Building 32-144, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Michael Haslsall, Senior Network and Information Security Analyst at MIT
"The Art and Science of Document Security: Past, Present, and Future," Three talks present research on historical, contemporary, and novel methods for creating secure documents in all forms. Haslall's talk focuses on document security in the Future.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Cost: free
Sponsor(s): MIT Libraries
For more information, contact:  Jana Dambrogio


"Benign Neglect No More: How document security effects access to memory"
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
MIT, Building 32-144, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Kari R. Smith, Digital Archivist, MIT Libraries, Institute Archives and Special Collections
"The Art and Science of Document Security: Past, Present, and Future," Three talks present research on historical, contemporary, and novel methods for creating secure documents in all forms. Smith's presentation discusses current document security techniques.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): MIT Libraries
For more information, contact:  Jana Dambrogio


Lebanon in the Syrian Quagmire: Fault-lines, Resilience and Possible Futures
WHEN  Tue., Apr. 29, 2014, 4 – 5:30 p.m.
WHERE Harvard Kennedy School, Weil Town Hall, Belfer Building, BL-1, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Middle East Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School
SPEAKER(S) Ishac Diwan, lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School, and Youssef Chaitani, chief of section, Emerging and Conflict Related Issues Division, United Nations Economic and Social Division for Western Asia
NOTE   The presentation will examine how a long lasting Syrian conflict will affect Lebanon, analyzing the weaknesses of the Lebanese system, its strength and sources of resilience. The presentation will conclude by investigating of a number of scenarios that would shape a future Lebanon, given internal and external politico-economic forces at play.


Askwith Forum: Urban Neighborhoods and the Persistence of Racial Inequality
WHEN  Tue., Apr. 29, 2014, 5:30 – 7 p.m.
WHERE  Longfellow Hall, 13 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138
TYPE OF EVENT Discussion, Forum, Lecture, Question & Answer Session
CONTACT NAME  Amber DiNatale
CONTACT PHONE  617-384-9968
ADMISSION FEE This event is free and open to the public.
NOTE   Moderator: James E. Ryan, dean and professor, HGSE
Speaker: Patrick Sharkey, associate professor of sociology, New York University
Richard Rothstein, research associate, Economic Policy Institute; senior fellow, Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy, University of California-Berkeley School of Law
William Julius Wilson, Geyser University Professor, Harvard University; director, Joblessness and Urban Poverty Research Program, HKS
In the 1960s, many believed the civil rights movement would foster a new era of racial equality in America. However, today, racial inequality has barely changed. Sharkey argues in his book, Stuck in Place, that political decisions and social policies have led to severe disinvestment from black neighborhoods, persistent segregation, declining economic opportunities, and a growing link between African American communities and the criminal justice system. The result, he argues, is that inequality continues to be passed down generation after generation. The panelists will examine how urban policies and transformative changes in urban communities may truly help break down racial inequalities.


Movie Series with Amnesty International:  War Dance
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
MIT, Building 5-217, 55 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Join Amnesty International to watch human-rights related series and have a short discussion afterwards! Dinner will be served.
All movies will be shown in 5-217 at 5:30 PM. The schedule is as follows:

May 13 The Kite Runner

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Amnesty International
For more information, contact:  Halide Bey


Digital Humanities at Harvard: An Interactive Reception and Documentary Film Debut
WHEN  Tue., Apr. 29, 2014, 6 – 8 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Ticknor Lounge, Boylston Hall
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Classes/Workshops, Humanities, Poetry/Prose, Special Events
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR LitFest, English Department
NOTE    Come learn about how Harvard humanities are incorporating the next great wave of technology and presentation, as its pioneering Humanities Studios present interactive documentaries about the hidden and enormously complex operations at the Widener book depository and other subjects.


Slow Money Boston - Entrepreneur Showcase
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Cambridge Innovation Center 5th Floor, Havana Conference Room, One Broadway, Cambridge
Cost:  $20.00/per person

Join us on April 29th for the Slow Money Boston Entrepreneur Showcase!

We will be bringing together investors, sustainable food entrepreneurs and leaders working together to rebuild our local food system. Learn about investment opportunities and how you can participate in rebuilding local economies based on the principles of soil fertility, sense of place, care of the commons and economic, cultural and biological diversity.

The entrepreneurs presenting are:
Buckle Farm
Slant Shack Jerky
Bill's Seed Project @ The Ivory Silo Farm
Artisan Beverage Cooperative
Southern New England Meat Processing Facility & Retail Store
The Compost Plant

For investors:
The Entrepreneur Showcase will provide access to sustainable food and farming businesses at different stages of development from start-up to expansion of existing businesses. The businesses and initiatives are also seeking different levels of financing — from small loans to major capital, as well as donations. Slow Money Boston encourages investors of all resource levels to attend including institutional, individual, accredited, and unaccredited investors. This showcase event is not an offer to sell securities or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

For Entrepreneurs: The Showcase is a tightly produced event. Each entrepreneur will have five minutes and 6 slides to tell their stories, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A from the audience. Presenters will also benefit from the networking opportunity specifically designed to encourage and elevate investor dialog. Throughout the event, your collateral will be available for attendees, and you will be mentioned in all promotional materials for the event.  It is free to apply, but costs $25 to present and take advantage of this exciting opportunity.

The Entrepreneur Showcase offers all the advantages of a traditional venture fair and many more. Because of the shared vision that brings us all together, it is an unparalleled opportunity for you to build relationships with investors and entrepreneurs from all over the region. Even if you are not an investor or presenting entrepreneur, we welcome and encourage your participation in the event!


Come see A Fierce Green Fire and talk to filmmaker Mark Kitchell after the show!
Tuesday April 29
7:30 - 8:30 pm
Post film questions and discussion 8:30 - 9:30 pm
Cambridge Co-Housing, 175 Richdale Avenue, Cambridge

Documentary Filmmaker Mark Kitchell will be at Cambridge Cohousing April 29 for a post-Earth Day showing of his film A Fierce Green Fire, the first big-picture exploration of the environmental movement – grassroots and global activism spanning fifty years from conservation to climate change.

The film is narrated by Robert Redford, Ashley Judd, Van Jones, Isabel Allende and Meryl Streep, and it covers David Brower and the Sierra Club’s battle to halt dams in the Grand Canyon, Lois Gibbs and Love Canal residents’ struggle against 20,000 tons of toxic chemicals, Paul Watson and Greenpeace’s campaigns to save whales and baby harp seals, Chico Mendes and Brazilian rubbertappers’ fight to save the Amazon rainforest, Bill McKibben and the 25-year effort to address the impossible issue – climate change


The Futures of Reading and Writing
WHEN  Tue., Apr. 29, 2014, 8 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Fong Auditorium, Boylston Hall
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Classes/Workshops, Humanities, Poetry/Prose, Special Events
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR LitFest, English Department
SPEAKER(S)  Nicco Mele, Jeffrey Schnapp, Matthew Battles
NOTE   The directors of metaLAB (at) Harvard and authors of The Library Beyond the Book in conversation with the author of The End of Big on social media, the evolution of communities, and what futures we face with reading and writing.

Wednesday, April 30

Race To Solar
Wednesday, April 30
10 AM to 12 PM
Cambridge City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway Street, Cambridge

Through the Race to Solar program, eligible nonprofits can  acquire a solar electric energy system for their school, house of worship, food pantry, community center, or other building owned by their nonprofit organization.

A solar investor will own, repair and insure the panels, selling the green electricity back to your nonprofit at a rate typically  lower than the organization currently pays the utility company.
The Race to Solar will help 40 nonprofits get solar installed, totaling 1 megawatt of clean, renewable energy in our communities.  Through reducing the sales and marketing costs for the installer, HEET has secured a great rate and contract with SunBug Solar.

To qualify for the program your nonprofit must:
1. Participate in NSTAR’s Direct Install energy upgrade in your nonprofit.
The no-cost energy evaluation can be scheduled at your convenience.  The assessor will create a report of the potential work for you to choose from.  The work is 70% rebated and the remainder can be paid with a zero interest 12 month loan. The work lowers the electricity bill by 30% on average.
2. Persuade 5 small local businesses to get a no-cost energy evaluation.
This work helps your whole community become more sustainable both economically and environmentally. HEET will assist you in signing up the businesses.
3. Join a free energy-tracking online site.
Tracking with wegowise will help you quantify your savings and can help you spot future problems with your plumbing or heating systems before the problems become catastrophic.

To learn more about the program, attend a Race to Solar Workshop. Please RSVP for one of the following workshops, as refreshments and food will be provided:
St Bartholomew’s Church, 239 Harvard Street, Cambridge, Thursday, May 1st, 6 PM to 8 PM
Curtis Hall, 20 South Street, Jamaica Plain, Thursday, May 15th, 6 PM to 8 PM
Carpenter’s Center, 750 Dorchester Avenue, Boston, Tuesday, May 20th, 6 PM to 8 PM

For more information about the program contact info at, call 617-HEET (4338)-350, or


Divest Harvard Day of Action
Wednesday, April 30
10:00am - 9pm
Harvard Yard

Join in the movement to get Harvard to divest from climate disaster, and support the many faculty members who have spoken out in favor of fossil fuel divestment. This will be our biggest event to date!!!

10:00 am: KICK OFF RALLY! Divest Day of Action Begins
12:00 pm: Faculty and Alumni Rally: Come hear your professors and graduates of the university speak about why divestment form fossil fuels can't wait
3:00 pm: Campus Justice Rally: What challenges do student activists face on campus? How can we make Harvard a more just institution? An open and invigorating discussion about student organizing.
6:00 pm: Community Rally: Climate change affects everybody, but it affects some more than others. Community leaders will share what the divestment movement means for their neighbors, their struggles, and their future.
9:00 pm: Skype-in / Movie Time: Hear from divestment and climate activists beyond Boston, and join us for a green move screening.

ALL DAY: Arts and crafts, music, and more: paint banners, write letters, have your picture taken, and share your passion.


Design for Manufacturability for Sub-14nm Nanometer Technologies
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
MIT, Building 34-401, Grier Rooms combined, 50 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Yao-Wen Chang, National Taiwan University
As process nodes continue to shrink, the semiconductor industry faces severe manufacturing challenges. Three most expected technologies may push the limits of lithography: multiple patterning lithography, electron beam lithography, and extreme ultraviolet lithography. We investigate the most critical design challenges of the three technologies and provide our solutions to the challenges, which can contribute to the continuing scaling of the CMOS technology.

MTL Seminar Series
The MTL Seminar Series is held on Wednesdays at noon. Speakers for the series are selected on the basis of their knowledge and competence in the areas of microelectronics research, manufacturing, or policy. The series is open to the public and is free to attend.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Cost: free
Sponsor(s): Microsystems Technology Laboratories
For more information, contact:  Valerie Dinardo


The Art of Peace
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM (EDT)
Lesley University, Porter Campus, University Hall Creativity Commons, Room 3-043, 1815 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Creating a community-oriented culture of peace in Medellin, Colombia requires more than desire, it demands imagination, innovation, risk-taking, and a dedication to learning different ways to communicate through the arts. These elements come together in the project known as desearte paz, which began in Medellin in 2005 when a series of separate arts education and social transformation projects merged conceptually in the minds of their creators, and later in actual practice and implementation in several locations around the city. Governmental, cultural arts and academic organizations that were working in parallel over several years found a common home in desearte paz where they together now focus on fostering a culture of peace through the implementation of community arts programs with a pedagogical component. In Spanishdesearte paz is a composite of “de ese arte paz” which translates literally as “from this art, peace,” but the composite also brings with it the root of the verb “to desire” offering “desiring peace.” The arts can transform communities in different ways, and this project illustrates how that can take place. Sociologist Seana Lowe supports this perspective “Although sociological research on community art is relatively new, the existing empirical evidence supports the belief that the arts can be transformative.” This presentation will offer an overview of the program in Colombia and discuss the international network that has been created from it.

Gene Diaz, Associate Professor at Lesley University teaches courses in arts integrated curriculum and art-based and ethnographic qualitative research methods. She presents at national and international conferences on curriculum and research in education, and is a member of the editorial boards of theJournal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, the Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, and the International Journal of Education and the Arts.  In 2002, as a Fulbright Scholar, she collaborated with faculty at the Universidad de Antioquia, then returned to Medellin in 2007 to conduct research on DESEARTE PAZ, an arts-based network creating a peace pedagogy for the community.


User-centered system design in an aging society: an integrated study on technology adoption
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
MIT, Building E40-262, 1 Amherst Street, Cambridge
(Note: Attendees are asked to RSVP by Monday at midnight. If you sign up, but then are unable to attend, please delete your RSVP by returning to the page.)

Speaker: Chaiwoo Lee


Climate Change and the Cocoa Industry: Leveraging Science and Technology for Sustainability
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 
2:30pm - 5:00pm
Harvard Kennedy School, Malkin Penthouse, Littauer 4th Floor, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge

A workshop with speaker Dr. Howard Shapiro, Chief Agricultural Officer, Mars Incorporated. Moderated by HKS Professor Calestous Juma

Climate change is emerging as a major threat to the sustainability of a wide range of human activities. Early international responses to climate change focused on limiting carbon dioxide emissions. More recently, the international community is complementing mitigation efforts with adaptation measures. Most of these measures require increased application of environmental science in public policy.

The aim of this workshop is to explore the role of science and technology in adapting the global cocoa and chocolate industry to climate change. More specifically, the workshop will develop a roadmap on how to leverage the power of institutions of higher learning to respond to the sustainability challenges facing the industry. The US$95 billion is used as a source of inspirational models on how to respond to sustainability challenges facing other major global agricultural commodities.

The workshop is the conclusion of a semester-long Harvard College seminar on “Biotechnology, Sustainability and Public Policy” taught by Professor Calestous Juma and supported by Katherine Gordon. It is part of the “Environment Science and Public Policy” concentration. The workshop will include participants from industry, academia, trade associations and other relevant organizations. Follow-up activities will be led by Inge Skjelfjord, 2014 Advanced Leadership Fellow at Harvard University.

This event is co-sponsored by Harvard University Center for the Environment.

To RSVP or for more information, please contact
Contact Name:  Katherine B. Gordon


Community Archives in the Digital Era: Creating the South Asian American Digital Archive
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
MIT, Building 2-105, 182 Memorial Drive, Cambridge

Please join the MIT Libraries for a discussion with Samip Mallick, co-founder and Executive Director of The South Asian American Digital Archive (SAADA). SAADA works nationally to give voice to South Asian Americans by documenting, preserving, and sharing stories that reflect their diverse experiences.

Mallick will share stories from the archive and SAADA's unique approach to documenting and preserving community history. The discussion will be moderated by Professor Vivek Bald of MIT Comparative Media Studies/Writing.

Founded in 2008, SAADA has built a digital archive of over 1600 items, and through outreach and educational programming has raised awareness about the rich histories of South Asians in the United States.

Refreshments will be served from 4-4:30, and the program will begin at 4:30

Additional support is provided by the MIT Asian Pacific AmericanEmployee Resource Group, the Center for Bilingual/Bicultural Studies, MIT India, and MIT's programs in Comparative Media Studies/Writing and History.

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Libraries
For more information, contact:  Michelle Baildon


Harvard University’s #Tech4Democracy Movement, with Harvard innovation-lab
WHEN  Wed., Apr. 30, 2014, 4:10 – 6 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, 124 Mt. Auburn Street, Suite 200-North, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Humanities, Information Technology, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Ash Center. Tech4Change, Harvard innovation-lab
SPEAKER(S)  Mat Morgan, ShoutAbout
Cristina Garmendia, OpportunitySpace
Seth Flaxman, TurboVote
Gaurav Keerthi, Dialectic
Archon Fung, Ford Foundation Professor of Democracy and Citizenship (Moderator)
COST Free and open to the public


"Does Public Opinion Affect China's Foreign Policy?"
WHEN  Wed., Apr. 30, 2014, 4:15 – 5:45 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard University, Common Room, 2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Humanities, Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies Director's Seminar
SPEAKER(S)  Alastair Iain Johnston, Governor James Albert Noe, and Linda Noe Laine, professor of China in World Affairs, Harvard University
COST Free and open to the public
NOTE   Alastair Johnston will examine a common claim that rising Chinese nationalism increasingly limits the foreign policy options of China's leaders. Is Chinese nationalism actually rising? And why would the leaders of an authoritarian state care about popular opinion on foreign policy issues? Johnston will provide a preliminary look at a number of mechanisms by which authoritarian leaders might be sensitive to public opinion.


Geoengineering: Science and Governance
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
MIT, Building 35-225, 127 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Lynn Russell, Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Lynn M. Russell is a Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California, San Diego. Her research interests are in aerosol composition, aerosol-cloud interactions, and aerosol evolution in the troposphere. Using a variety of techniques for both observations and modeling, her work has contributed to an improved understanding of how aerosols affect climate.  Dr. Russell received her B.S. in chemical engineering and A.B. in international relations from Stanford University. She received her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology in 1995.
Contact Name:  Allison Gold

Reception following in 33-206


China 2035: Energy, Climate, and Development Lecture Series
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Science Center A, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge
Featuring Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia

Biography:  Mr. Rudd served as Australia’s 26th Prime Minister from 2007 to 2010, then as Foreign Minister from 2010 to 2012, before returning to the Prime Ministership in 2013. As Prime Minister, Mr. Rudd led Australia’s response during the Global Financial Crisis. Australia’s fiscal response to the crisis was reviewed by the IMF as the most effective stimulus strategy of all member states. Australia was the only major advanced economy not to go into recession. Mr. Rudd is also internationally recognized as one of the founders of the G20 which drove the global response to the crisis, and which in 2009 helped prevent the crisis from spiraling into a second global depression.

As Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Mr. Rudd was active in global and regional foreign policy leadership. He was a driving force in expanding the East Asia Summit to include both the US and Russia in 2010. He also initiated the concept of transforming the EAS into a wider Asia Pacific Community to help manage deep-routed tensions in Asia by building over time the institutions and culture of common security in Asia. On climate change, Mr. Rudd ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2007 and legislated in 2008 for a 20% mandatory renewable energy target for Australia. Mr. Rudd launched Australia’s challenge in the International Court of Justice with the object of stopping Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean. Mr Rudd drove Australia’s successful bid for its current non-permanent seat on the United Nation’s Security Council and the near doubling of Australia’s foreign aid budget.

Domestically, Mr. Rudd delivered Australia’s first national apology to indigenous Australians as his first act as Prime Minister. His government introduced Australia’s first ever nation-wide school curriculum. He legislated for  the biggest school modernization program in Australian history with the construction of new state-of-the art libraries, classrooms and multi-purpose facilities for every Australian primary school. To overcome the digital divide, he provided lap top computers for every year 9-12 secondary school student. On health, Mr. Rudd in 2010 negotiated with the Australian states a National Health and Hospitals Reform Agreement, the biggest reform and investment in the health system in 30 years. In defiance of Big Tobacco, his government introduced the world’s first plain-packaging regime for all tobacco products. To improve the rate of organ and tissue donation, he established Australia’s first National Organ and Tissue Transplant Authority. In 2010, his government  introduced Australia’s first ever paid parental leave scheme. He also established Australia’s first ever dedicated Australian Children’s Network.

Mr. Rudd remains engaged in a range of international challenges including global economic management, the rise of China, climate change and sustainable development. He is on the International Advisory Panel of Chatham House. He is a proficient speaker of Mandarin Chinese, a Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University and funded the establishment of the Australian Centre on China in the World at the Australian National University. He was a co-author of the recent report of the UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability – “Resilient People, Resilient Planet” and chairs the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Fragile States. He also remains actively engaged in indigenous reconciliation.

“China 2035: Energy, Climate, and Development” is a new lecture series convened by the Harvard University Center for the Environment and the Harvard China Project. The objective of the series is to explore the challenges China is expected to face over the next two decades at the intersection of economic development, demands for energy, and environmental degradation including the potential impacts of climate change.

Contact Name:  Lisa Matthews


Rethinking the Learning Experience
Thursday, May 1, 2014
5:00pm - 7:30pm
Venture Café, Cambridge Innovation Center, One Broadway, Cambridge

EducPros in collaboration with PRIME and French Tech Hub are pleased to offer the opportunity to meet a community of educators, students, families, organizations, and start-ups that are figuring out how to improve the learning experience by leveraging new technologies. Seek inspiration from the insights of academic and business experts on the future of learning, discover ed-tech start-ups during their Technology Showcase, and mingle with executives from French and local universities. P
Program: 5 pm – Rethinking the Learning Experience Roundtable, Havana Room
Scot Osterweil, Research Director, MIT;  Violeta M Ivanova, Ph.D., MIT, Open DigitalLearning;  Sandrine Crener, PhD, Harvard Business School;  Barry Brennand, Education Solutions, Steelcase Inc.
5:45 pm – Technology Showcase, Havana Room
Applykit n• Hstry;  CampusTap;  Project Lever
6:30 pm РNetworking, Venture Caf̩


Advanced Nuclear Reactor Regulation: Present and Future
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
MIT, Building NW35, Thirsty Ear Pub, 235 Albany Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Dr. Matthew Denman, Sandia National Laboratory
New, smaller, and more advanced reactor designs are an exciting frontier in the expansion of nuclear energy. But before these designs can be built and operated, their safety must be ensured while still allowing for innovation to flourish. Join the MIT Energy Club's nuclear community for a discussion with Matthew Denman of Sandia National Laboratory on strategies for improving the licensing process to enable innovation and maximize safety for the next generation of nuclear reactors. Please note that the Thirsty Ear Pub is 21+ only, please bring valid ID for entry.

Open to: the general public, age 21+ only
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club
For more information, contact:  MIT Energy Club 


Worldly Wording: Curating the Imaginal Fields of Science and Art
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 
Harvard Museum of Natural History, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge

At Worldly Wording: Curating the Imaginal Fields of Science and Art, Wednesday, April 30, at 6:00 pm, curator Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev will question how we define artistic practice and research through examples of artworks and displays created for dOCUMENTA (13), a contemporary art event in Kassel Germany in 2012. She will also investigate how exhibits based on the accepted separation of fields of enquiry between art and the various physical and social sciences may be re-imagined for the purpose of a worldly ecology, co-evolution, and flourishing.

Co-sponsored by the Harvard Art Museums and the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture. Free and open to the public.


Celebrated director and theatre visionary Anne Bogart
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
7:00 pm
BC, Gasson Hall Room 100, 140 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02467
Seating is limited. Reservations may be made by visiting or by contacting:
Boston College Theatre Department

The Boston College Theatre Department is pleased to announce that stage director, educator, essayist, and theatre visionaryAnne Bogart will give the inaugural lecture in the Matthew R. DeVoy and John H. DeVoy IV Perspectives on Theatre Series on Wednesday, April 30, 2014. Bogart's presentation -- titled "What's the Story: the role of storytelling in the theater of the 21st century and beyond" -- will take place at 7:00 pm in Gasson 100 at the center of Boston College's main campus.

Anne Bogart is one of three Co-Artistic Directors of the SITI Company, the innovative ensemble theatre that she founded with Japanese director Tadashi Suzuki in 1992. The SITI Company's mission focuses on the creation of original theatre work, professional performance training, touring nationally and internationally, and collaborating with leading artists and writers from other disciplines. Bogart has directed the vast majority of SITI Company creations, including three productions seen in the Boston area: The Trojan Women (After Euripides) (2013) and Café Variations (2012), both presented by ArtsEmerson: The World on Stage, and Marivaux's La Dispute (2003) at the American Repertory Theatre, for which she received the Elliott Norton Award for Outstanding Direction.

Bogart and the SITI Company's most recent project is Steel Hammer, a collaboration with Bangon-a-Can composer Julia Wolfe and four playwrights based on the folk legend of John Henry. Steel Hammer received its world premiere at the Actors Theatre of Louisville's Humana Festival of New Plays in March 2014.

Bogart is also a Professor in the School of the Arts at Columbia University, where she heads the MFA graduate program in Directing, and the author of several widely read books about creativity and theatrical process, including And Then You Act (2007), The Viewpoints Book (with Tina Landau) (2004), and A Director Prepares(2001).

Anne Bogart is the inaugural speaker in the new Matthew R. DeVoy and John H. DeVoy IV Perspectives on Theatre Series, a program made possible by a generous gift from the DeVoy family of Newton, Massachusetts. The series will bring leading professionals and major creative forces in theatre and the performing arts to Boston College on an annual basis to share their experience and their vision with the campus community and with interested alumni and members of the greater Boston arts community.

"There is no better person than Anne Bogart to launch the DeVoy Perspectives on Theatre series," says Scott T. Cummings, Chair of the Boston College Theatre Department. "As director, teacher, author, and instigator of collaborative conversations, her influence on the American theatre is profound and wide-ranging. What she is thinking about is always of interest."

Bogart's DeVoy lecture at Boston College is based on her forthcoming book from Routledge, What's the Story: Essays about art, theater and storytelling, which is due for release within days of her talk at BC. In chapters with such one-word titles as "Spaciousness", "Heat", "Error", and "Sustenance", Bogart explores how contemporary theatre artists can renew their connection with the primal impulse to tell stories as a way of making sense of the world. Her thoughts derive from her extensive reading in neuroscience, sociology, and performance theory, as well as her 35 years of practical experience as a theatermaker.

Bogart's distinguished career in the American theatre has included a year as the Artistic Director of the Trinity Repertory Theatre in Providence, Rhode Island (1989-90); a term as President of the Theatre Communications Group (1990-92); and teaching appointments at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts and the University of California, San Diego. She is the recipient of numerous awards and accolades, including the Doris Duke Performing Artist Award, the Rockefeller Fellow from the USA Artists Foundation, a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Career Achievement Award from the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, two Obie Awards, and a Bessie Award. She is a graduate of Bard College (B.A.) and New York University (M.A.).


Walden Warming: Climate Change Comes to Thoreau’s Woods
WHEN  Wed., Apr. 30, 2014, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
WHERE  Arnold Arboretum, Hunnewell Building, Jamaica Plain
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Science
SPEAKER(S)  Richard Primack, Boston University
COST  $5; students register for free by calling
TICKET INFO  617.384.5277
NOTE   In the 160 years since Henry David Thoreau’s writings on the natural history of Concord, warming temperatures have pushed blueberry flowering three weeks earlier than in Thoreau’s time. The climate around Thoreau’s beloved Walden Pond is changing. Boston University Biologist Richard B. Primack uses Thoreau and Walden, icons of the conservation movement, to track the effects of a warming climate on Concord’s plants and animals. Hear how temperatures have altered these and other aspects of Thoreau’s Concord. Book signing will follow.


“Tillich, Bonhoeffer, and the Future of Jesus Christ.”
WHEN  Wed., Apr. 30, 2014, 7:30 p.m.
WHERE  The Memorial Church Sanctuary, Harvard Yard, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Humanities, Lecture, Religion
SPEAKER(S)  James Carroll, award-winning author and columnist for The Boston Globe
COST  Free
TICKET INFO  No tickets required
CONTACT INFO The Memorial Church, Harvard University, 1 Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA 02138
P: 617-495-5508

Thursday, May 1

Arts First Festival:  Arts at Harvard
May 1-4
Full schedule at


The Inclusive City: Fletcher-MasterCard 2nd Annual Inclusion Forum
Thursday, May 1, 2014
8:30 AM to 7:30 PM (EDT)
Tufts, Cohen Auditorium, 40 Talbot Avenue, Medford

With Tom Menino, Benjamin Barber, Ed Glaeser and many others.
In a world that is for the first time predominantly urban and rapidly becoming more so, the challenges and opportunities experienced in cities around the world are unprecedented. Massive urbanization brings enormous challenges to governments and the market alike. The ranks of urban poor have swelled, generating acute demand for accessible and affordable goods, infrastructure, and services. The inadequate capacities of governments to respond to this trend have created opportunities for the private sector to provide essential services, typically under the purview of the public sector.

How can we develop and plan cities so that they respond to the unique needs of the urban poor while ensuring that opportunities are open to people of all socioeconomic strata? What is the state of urban experience, particularly for the poor? In what ways are urban trends across emerging and frontier countries shared with developed nations? How can we use new technologies and tools to create innovative urban practices?

Structured in these large contexts, The Fletcher School's Institute for Business in the Global Context at Tufts University and The MasterCard Center for Inclusive Growth are hosting The Inclusive CityForum, May 1 and 2, 2014.

This Forum will welcome public and private practitioners, investors, academics, and students, along with regulators from 14 countries to debate these core questions and explore real solutions.

More information at


Energy 101 Sessions: Wind Energy Technologies
Thursday, May 01, 2014
MIT, Building E51-325, 2 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Introduction to wind energy technologies

Energy 101 Series

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club
For more information, contact:  MIT Energy Club


Shale Gas Development Impacts on Surface Water Quality in Pennsylvania
Thursday, May 1, 2014
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Tufts University, Lincoln Filene Center, Rabb Room, 10 Upper Campus Road, Medford

Sheila Olmstead, Associate Professor of Public Affairs, University of Texas-Austin
Ms. Olmstead will be speaking live from the University of Texas-Austin.
Sheila Olmstead joined the LBJ School as an Associate Professor of Public Affairs in 2013. Before joining the LBJ School, Olmstead was a Fellow (2010-2013) and Senior Fellow (2013) at Resources for the Future in Washington, DC, as well as Associate Professor (2007-2010) and Assistant Professor (2002-2007) of Environmental Economics at the Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, where she was the recipient of three teaching awards. Olmstead is an environmental economist whose current research projects examine the environmental externalities associated with shale gas development in the United States, regulatory avoidance under the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act, the influence of federal fire suppression policy on land development in the American West, and free-riding in dam placement and water withdrawals in transboundary river basins. She has worked extensively on the economics of water resource management, focusing on water demand estimation, water conservation policy, and access to drinking water services among low-income communities. Climate and energy policy are additional topics of her research, especially with regard to the application of market-based environmental policy instruments.

Olmstead's research has been published in leading journals such as the Journal of Economic Perspectives, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Urban Economics, and Water Resources Research. With Nathaniel Keohane, she is the author of the 2007 book Markets and the Environment. Her work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of the Interior, World Bank, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Olmstead is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, and a member of the Advisory Board of the International Water Resource Economics Consortium. She holds a PhD from Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government (2002), a Masters in Public Affairs from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Austin (1996), and a BA from the University of Virginia (1992).

This event is co-sponsored by Upstate NY Society for Risk Analysis Webinar Series and Tufts Institute of the Environment as part of the "Scientific Studies on Impacts of Natural Gas Extraction from Marcellus Shale on Water Resources." The event will start promptly at noon, so please arrive early.

Environmental Studies Lunch & Learn Program
Contact Name:  Sarah Neville


Pakistan's Fulda Gap: Emerging Interest in Tactical Nukes
WHEN  Thu., May 1, 2014, 12:15 – 2 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Belfer Center Library, Littauer-369, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR International Security Program
SPEAKER(S)  Jaganath Sankaran, research fellow, International Security Program/Project on Managing the Atom


Program on U.S.-Japan Relations, Associate's Panel: Japan Debates Its Energy Future
WHEN  Thu., May 1, 2014, 12:30 – 2 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Room S153, CGIS South Building, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge MA
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Program on U.S.-Japan Relations
SPEAKER(S) Atsuko Seo, Tokyo Gas Company; Hideharu Sakota, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI); Rie Yamada, Asahi Shimbun; Discussant Henry Lee, senior lecturer in public policy and Jassim M. Jaidah Family Director, Environment and Natural Resources Program, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School


2014 Arts Medal Ceremony: author MARGARET ATWOOD
WHEN  Thu., May 1, 2014, 4 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Sanders Theatre
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Office for the Arts and the Harvard Board of Overseers
COST  Admission is free but tickets are required. Limit of 2 tickets per person. Tickets valid only until 3:45pm. Available to Harvard Affiliates beginning Tuesday, April 22nd. Available to the general public. beginning Thursday, April 24th.
TICKET INFO  The Harvard Box Office 617-496-2222
NOTE   2014 Arts Medal Ceremony honoring Margaret Atwood, AM '62.


Hurricane Storm Surge Models Using Integrated Ocean Basin to Shelf to Inland Floodplain Unstructured Grids
Thursday May 1, 2014
4:00 PM
MIT, Building 4-237, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Joannes J. Westerink, Joseph and Nona Ahearn Professor in Computational Science and Engineering, Henry J. Massman Chairman, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences, University of Notre Dame
Hurricane wind wave, storm surge, and current environments in the coastal ocean and adjacent coastal floodplain are characterized by their high energy and by their spatial variability. These processes impact offshore energy assets, navigation, ports and harbors, deltas, wetlands, and coastal communities. The potential for an enormous catastrophic impact in terms of loss of life and economic losses is substantial.

Computational models for wind waves and storm driven currents and surge must provide a high level of grid resolution, fully couple the energetic processes, and perform quickly for risk assessment, flood mitigation system design, and forecasting purposes. In order to accomplish this, high performance scalable codes are essential. To this end, we have developed an MPI based domain decomposed unstructured grid framework that minimizes global communications, efficiently handles localized sub-domain to sub-domain communication, applies a local inter-model paradigm with all model to model communications being kept on identical cores for sub-domains, and carefully manages output by assigning specialized cores for this purpose. Continuous Galerkin (CG) and Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) implementations are examined. Performance of explicit and implicit implementations of the wave-current coupled system on up to 32,000 cores for various platforms is evaluated.

The system has been extensively validated with an ever increasing amount of wave, water level and current data that has being collected for recent storms including Hurricanes Katrina (2005), Rita (2005), Gustav (2008), Ike (2008), and Sandy (2012). The modeling system helps understand the physics of hurricane storm surges including processes such as geostrophically driven forerunner, shelf waves that propagate far away from the storm, wind wave – surge interaction, surge capture and propagation by protruding deltaic river systems, the influence of storm size and forward speed, and frictionally controlled inland penetration.

These models are being applied by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in the development of the recently completed hurricane risk reduction system in Southern Louisiana as well as for the development of FEMA Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMS) for Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and other Gulf and Atlantic coast states. NOAA applies the models in extra-tropical and tropical storm surge forecasting.

Current algorithmic development is focused on DG solvers, ideally suited for the associated strongly advective flows. Due to the larger numbers of degrees of freedom for a specific grid, DG solutions have traditionally been more costly than CG solutions. It is demonstrated that high order implementations of DG leads to several orders of magnitude improvement in cost per accuracy performance as compared to lower order methods. In addition, loop level optimization further improves the efficiency of DG solutions by a factor of 4 to 5. It is noted that curved boundaries must be treated using super-parametric elements for p=1 and p=2 and iso-parametric elements for p=3 in order to achieve anticipated convergence rates.


Dertouzos Distinguished Lecture: The Cryptographic Lens
Thursday, May 01, 2014
MIT, Building 32-123, Kirsch Auditorium,
Speaker: Shafi Goldwasser

Abstract:  Going beyond the basic challenge of private communication, in the last 35 years, cryptography has become the general study of correctness and privacy of computation in the presence of a computationally bounded adversary, and as such has changed how we think of proofs, reductions, randomness, secrets, and information.
In this talk I will discuss some beautiful developments in the theory of computing through this cryptographic lens, and the role cryptography can play in the next successful shift from local to global and remote computation.

Biography:  Goldwasser is the RSA Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT. She is also a professor of computer science and applied mathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. Goldwasser received a BS degree in applied mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University in 1979, and MS and PhD degrees in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1984.

Goldwasser was the recipient of the G??del Prize in 1993 and another in 2001 for her work on interactive proofs and connections to approximation. She was awarded the ACM Grace Murray Hopper award, the RSA award in mathematics, the ACM Athena award for women in computer science, the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science, the IEEE Emanuel R. Piore award, and the ACM Turing Award for 2012. She is a member of the AAAS, NAS and NAE.

CSAIL Dertouzos Lecture Series
The Dertouzos Lecture Series has been a tradition since 1976, featuring some of the most influential thinkers in computer science, including Bill Gates, Steven Jobs, Donald Knuth, John McCarthy, and Mitchell Kapor. Formerly the Distinguished Lecturer Series, the series has been renamed in memory of Michael Dertouzos, Director for the Lab for Computer Science from 1974 to 2001.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): CSAIL
For more information, contact:  Laura Moses


Hurricane Storm Surge Models Using Integrated Ocean Basin to Shelf to Inland Floodplain Unstructured Grids
Thursday May 1, 2014
4:00 PM
MIT, Building 4-237, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Joannes J. Westerink
Joseph and Nona Ahearn Professor in Computational Science and Engineering, Henry J. Massman Chairman, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences
University of Notre Dame
Hurricane wind wave, storm surge, and current environments in the coastal ocean and adjacent coastal floodplain are characterized by their high energy and by their spatial variability. These processes impact offshore energy assets, navigation, ports and harbors, deltas, wetlands, and coastal communities. The potential for an enormous catastrophic impact in terms of loss of life and economic losses is substantial.

Computational models for wind waves and storm driven currents and surge must provide a high level of grid resolution, fully couple the energetic processes, and perform quickly for risk assessment, flood mitigation system design, and forecasting purposes. In order to accomplish this, high performance scalable codes are essential. To this end, we have developed an MPI based domain decomposed unstructured grid framework that minimizes global communications, efficiently handles localized sub-domain to sub-domain communication, applies a local inter-model paradigm with all model to model communications being kept on identical cores for sub-domains, and carefully manages output by assigning specialized cores for this purpose. Continuous Galerkin (CG) and Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) implementations are examined. Performance of explicit and implicit implementations of the wave-current coupled system on up to 32,000 cores for various platforms is evaluated.

The system has been extensively validated with an ever increasing amount of wave, water level and current data that has being collected for recent storms including Hurricanes Katrina (2005), Rita (2005), Gustav (2008), Ike (2008), and Sandy (2012). The modeling system helps understand the physics of hurricane storm surges including processes such as geostrophically driven forerunner, shelf waves that propagate far away from the storm, wind wave – surge interaction, surge capture and propagation by protruding deltaic river systems, the influence of storm size and forward speed, and frictionally controlled inland penetration.

These models are being applied by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in the development of the recently completed hurricane risk reduction system in Southern Louisiana as well as for the development of FEMA Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMS) for Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and other Gulf and Atlantic coast states. NOAA applies the models in extra-tropical and tropical storm surge forecasting.

Current algorithmic development is focused on DG solvers, ideally suited for the associated strongly advective flows. Due to the larger numbers of degrees of freedom for a specific grid, DG solutions have traditionally been more costly than CG solutions. It is demonstrated that high order implementations of DG leads to several orders of magnitude improvement in cost per accuracy performance as compared to lower order methods. In addition, loop level optimization further improves the efficiency of DG solutions by a factor of 4 to 5. It is noted that curved boundaries must be treated using super-parametric elements for p=1 and p=2 and iso-parametric elements for p=3 in order to achieve anticipated convergence rates.


High-Frequency Trading and Modern Market Microstructure
Thursday, May 01, 2014
MIT, Building E62-650, 100 Main Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Ciamac Moallemi

ORC Spring Seminar Series
The OR Center organizes a seminar series each year in which prominent OR professionals from around the world are invited to present topics in operations research. We have been privileged to have speakers from business and industry as well as from academia throughout the years. For a list of past distinguished speakers and their seminar topics, please visit our Seminar Archives.

ORC Spring Seminar Series
Seminar reception immediately following the talk.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Operations Research Center
For more information, contact:  Swati Gupta, Nathan Kallus, Maokai Lin


Starr Forum- Indian Ocean Rising: What this means for the region and beyond
Thursday, May 01, 2014
MIT, Building 4-370, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Speaker: Ranil Wickremesinghe, Former Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, a Robert E. Wilhelm Fellow at CIS

Moderator: Kenneth Oye, MIT professor in the Department of Political Science and Engineering Systems and director of the MIT Program on Emerging Technologies

Cosponsors: MIT Center for International Studies and MIT-India Program
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Center for International Studies, MIT India Program
For more information, contact:


Rethinking the Learning Experience
Thursday, May 1
5:00pm - 7:30pm
Venture Café @ CIC, One Broadway, Cambridge

EducPros in collaboration with PRIME and French Tech Hub are pl eased to offer the opportunity to meet a community of educators, students, families, organizations, and start-ups that are figuring out how to improve the learning experience by leveraging new technologies. Seek inspiration from the insights of academic and business experts on the future of learning, discover ed-tech start-ups during their Technology Showcase, and mingle with executives from French and local universities. 

Program: 5 pm – Rethinking the Learning Experience Roundtable, Havana Room 
Scot Osterweil, Research Director, MIT;  Violeta M Ivanova, Ph.D., MIT, Open DigitalLearning;  Sandrine Crener, PhD, Harvard Business School;   Barry Brennand, Education Solutions, Steelcase Inc. 
5:45 pm – Technology Showcase, Havana Room 
Applykit n;  Hstry;  CampusTap;  Project Lever 
6:30 pm РNetworking, Venture Caf̩

Connecting the Next Three Billion
Thursday, May 01, 2014
MIT, Building E62-276, 100 Main Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Dr. Vanu Bose
There are roughly 3 billion people in the world without cellphone coverage and the primary reasons they have no coverage is the lack of reliable electric grid power and extremely low average revenue per subscriber. Solving this problem required the combined innovation of technology and business model, with a primary focus on power consumption and operational costs.

This talk will describe Vanu, Inc’s technical and business model innovations and roll out plans for connecting rural Africa.

MIT Tata Center Speaker Series

Open to: the general public
Cost: FREE
Sponsor(s): Tata Center for Technology and Design
For more information, contact:  Chintan Vaishnav


Race To Solar
Thursday, May 1
6 PM to 8 PM
St Bartholomew’s Church, 239 Harvard Street, Cambridge

Through the Race to Solar program, eligible nonprofits can  acquire a solar electric energy system for their school, house of worship, food pantry, community center, or other building owned by their nonprofit organization.

A solar investor will own, repair and insure the panels, selling the green electricity back to your nonprofit at a rate typically  lower than the organization currently pays the utility company.
The Race to Solar will help 40 nonprofits get solar installed, totaling 1 megawatt of clean, renewable energy in our communities.  Through reducing the sales and marketing costs for the installer, HEET has secured a great rate and contract with SunBug Solar.

To qualify for the program your nonprofit must:
1. Participate in NSTAR’s Direct Install energy upgrade in your nonprofit.
The no-cost energy evaluation can be scheduled at your convenience.  The assessor will create a report of the potential work for you to choose from.  The work is 70% rebated and the remainder can be paid with a zero interest 12 month loan. The work lowers the electricity bill by 30% on average.
2. Persuade 5 small local businesses to get a no-cost energy evaluation.
This work helps your whole community become more sustainable both economically and environmentally. HEET will assist you in signing up the businesses.
3. Join a free energy-tracking online site.
Tracking with wegowise will help you quantify your savings and can help you spot future problems with your plumbing or heating systems before the problems become catastrophic.

To learn more about the program, attend a Race to Solar Workshop. Please RSVP for one of the following workshops, as refreshments and food will be provided:
Curtis Hall, 20 South Street, Jamaica Plain, Thursday, May 15th, 6 PM to 8 PM
Carpenter’s Center, 750 Dorchester Avenue, Boston, Tuesday, May 20th, 6 PM to 8 PM

For more information about the program contact info at, call 617-HEET (4338)-350, or


Henry David Thoreau Prize
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
6:30 PM
Bartos Theater, MIT Media Lab, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge

The Henry David Thoreau Prize
This year's prize will be awarded to T.C. Boyle. The Thoreau Prize is given annually to a writer demonstrating literary excellence in nature writing. Previous winners are Gretel Ehrlich, E.O. Wilson, Gary Snyder, and Peter Matthiessen. Free and open to the public


Oyster and Salt Marsh Impacts on Cape Cod
Thursday, May 1
The New England Aquarium, Central Wharf, Boston

Curtis S. Felix, vice chair of the Comprehensive Wastewater Planning Committee in Wellfleet, Mass., Wellfleet representative to the Cape Cod Water Protection Collaborative and the County 208 Technical Advisory Committee

Can oysters save the world? Come hear the latest on a large-scale restoration effort in Wellfleet, Mass., and learn more about efforts in the Commonwealth to bring back the bi-valve from its nearly 99 percent reduction in population. Learn more about how oysters can clean the water, help restore lost fish populations in Massachusetts Bay, prevent coastal erosion, buffer against ocean acidification and taste great!


Matt Taibbi and Robin Young discuss The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap
Thursday, May 1, 2014 
7:00 PM (EDT)
First Parish Church, 1446 Massachusets Avenue, Cambridge
Cost:  $5.00
Tickets at Harvard Book Store and over the phone at 617-661-1515

Harvard Book Store and Boston Review welcome contributing editor for Rolling Stone MATT TAIBBI and award–winning host of NPR's "Here and Now" ROBIN YOUNG  for a discussion of Taibbi's newest book, The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap.
Over the last two decades, America has been falling deeper and deeper into a statistical mystery: Poverty goes up. Crime goes down. The prison population doubles. Fraud by the rich wipes out 40 percent of the world’s wealth. The rich get massively richer. No one goes to jail.
In search of a solution, journalist Matt Taibbi discovered the Divide, the seam in American life where our two most troubling trends—growing wealth inequality and mass incarceration—come together, driven by a dramatic shift in American citizenship: Our basic rights are now determined by our wealth or poverty. The Divide is what allows massively destructive fraud by the hyperwealthy to go unpunished, while turning poverty itself into a crime—but it’s impossible to see until you look at these two alarming trends side by side.

In The Divide, Matt Taibbi takes readers on a galvanizing journey through both sides of our new system of justice—the fun-house-mirror worlds of the untouchably wealthy and the criminalized poor. He uncovers the startling looting that preceded the financial collapse; a wild conspiracy of billionaire hedge fund managers to destroy a company through dirty tricks; and the story of a whistleblower who gets in the way of the largest banks in America, only to find herself in the crosshairs. On the other side of the Divide, Taibbi takes us to the front lines of the immigrant dragnet; into the newly punitive welfare system which treats its beneficiaries as thieves; and deep inside the stop-and-frisk world, where standing in front of your own home has become an arrestable offense. As he narrates these incredible stories, he draws out and analyzes their common source: a perverse new standard of justice, based on a radical, disturbing new vision of civil rights.

Friday, May 2

MIT Community Energy Innovations Symposium
Friday, May 2, 8:30a-6p
MIT Media Lab
More information:

Our theme this year is Greening Cities with Energy Efficiency:  How do cities think about, and work with, energy efficiency as part of their sustainability initiatives?

Cities and community organizations continue to move forward as catalysts of energy efficiency in the built environment, and so we are excited to invite you to an expanded 5th annual MIT Community Energy Innovations Workshop and Symposium. Join leading practitioners in the field and MIT student and faculty to learn about best practices and new innovations in reducing building energy use and transitioning to more efficient and resilient energy systems. With emphasis on highlighting the work of students and recent graduates, we consider how local action is moving to the forefront as a strategy to save energy and mitigate climate change!

Morning Session: Commercial Energy Efficiency Strategy 
8:30-9:00 am  
Registration and Informal Networking    
9:00-9:45 am  
Strategy Formulation for Market Transformation: Methods and Lessons from the MIT Green Economic Development Initiative (GEDI) spc
This session will highlight the benefits of community scale commercial energy efficiency and present the approach to strategy development based on GEDI's work with five cities.  

9:45-10:45 am  
Lessons from the Field: Commercial Sector Energy Strategies in Massachusetts and Washington  
Practitioners from several cities will discuss their experience and lessons in developing and implementing community energy efficiency strategies and programs  
10:45-11:00 am
11:00- 11:30 am  
Getting Started on your Market Transformation Strategy  
Work with other practitioners to assess where your community is today and how to jumpstart strategy development
Plenary Session     
11:30- 12:30 pm  
Keynote by Carl Spector, Director of Climate and Environmental Planning at City of Boston
Learn about how Boston's innovative energy efficiency programs and regulations fit into the City's broader climate mitigation and adaptation program  
12:30- 1:15 pm  
Catered lunch included in your registration      
Afternoon Session: Community Energy Innovations
1:15- 4:00 pm  
Community Energy Innovations and Lessons Learned
These sessions provide a setting for students and practitioners to engage and consider pathways to greater success. The workshop will explore new program models such as:
PACE financing
Community-based marketing
One-stop shop resources
Joining current students, panels will include recent grads who are now leading practitioners.
Post-Symposium Reception    
4:00- 5:00 pm  
Mingle with MIT faculty, students and symposium attendees  


Research Day on Data Science
Friday, May 2, 2014
Tufts, Distler Performance Hall, Granoff Music Center, 20 Talbot Avenue, Somerville

Tufts University’s Office of the Vice Provost for Research is pleased to announce its 10th Research Day, which will focus on Data Science. This objective of the day is to raise awareness of data science within the university community and to highlight current resources and research in this emerging interdisciplinary field. Data Science aims to make sense of the enormous amounts of data currently being created by modern technologies, such as sequencing techniques, electronic medical records, and social media outlets.

The event will include noteworthy keynotes, a digital poster session, and lightning talks highlighting techniques and applications of data science from across the University.

For those interested in participating as a speaker or poster presenter, please review the “Call for Abstracts” and submit your abstract online for consideration.

Event program and more details surrounding the day’s events to be posted soon. For additional information on Research Day, please contact Barbara Booras at


Will the U.S. Learn the Lessons from Fukushima?
WHEN  Fri., May 2, 2014, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Belfer Center Library (Littauer-369), 79 JFK Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Environmental Sciences, Ethics, Law, Lecture, Science, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR The Project on Managing the Atom
SPEAKER(S)  Edwin Lyman, an internationally recognized expert on nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism as well as nuclear power safety and security
NOTE   In the aftermath of the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi accident, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission maintained that U.S. reactors were safe, but also convened a task force to assess whether it needed to make any changes to its safety regulations. The task force found plenty of problems and produced a 100-page report with 12 detailed recommendations for fixing them. Yet the NRC decided on a course of action that falls far short of the fundamental reforms sought by the task force. In this Project on Managing the Atom Seminar, Edwin Lyman, Senior Scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, will describe some of the lessons of Fukushima and the NRC’s progress to date in addressing them.


Media Lab Conversations Series: George Church
Friday, May 02, 2014
MIT, Building E14, 3rd floor atrium, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Speaker: George Church
George Church is professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, director of the NIH Center for Excellence in Genomic Science, and director of, which provides the world's only open-access information on human Genomic, Environmental & Trait data (GET). His 1984 Harvard PhD included the first methods for direct genome sequencing, molecular multiplexing and barcoding. These led to the first commercial genome sequence (pathogen, Helicobacter pylori) in 1994. His innovations in essentially all of the "next generation" genome sequencing (CGI, Life, Illumina, nanopore) methods and companies, and his oligo synthesis plus cell/tissue engineering, resulted in founding additional application-based companies spanning fields of medical diagnostics (Knome, Alacris, AbVitro, Pathogenica) and synthetic biology and therapeutics (LS9, Joule, Gen9, Editas, Egenesis, WarpDrive), as well as new privacy, biosafety, and biosecurity policies. His honors include election to NAS and NAE; he is also a Franklin Bower Laureate for Achievement in Science. He has coauthored 330 papers and one book, Regenesis, and holds 60 patents.

Media Lab Conversations Series

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Media Lab
For more information, contact:  Jess Sousa 


Joi Ito: Lecture with Director of MIT Media Lab on Technology and Entrepreneurship
WHEN  Fri., May 2, 2014, 6 – 8 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, CGIS South Tsai Auditorium, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge MA
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Business, Information Technology, Lecture
COST Free and open to the public
NOTE   Q&A and sushi reception will follow the lecture.


Screening of "The Internet's Own Boy" with director Brian Knappenberger
Friday, May 2, 2014
6:30 PM to 9:30 PM (EDT)
MIT, Building E14-633, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge

The screening of The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz will be followed by a Q&A with director Brian Knappenberger.

About the Film:
The Internet's Own Boy follows the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From Swartz's help in the development of the basic internet protocol RSS to his co-founding of Reddit, his fingerprints are all over the internet. But it was Swartz's groundbreaking work in social justice and political organizing combined with his aggressive approach to information access that ensnared him in a two-year legal nightmare. It was a battle that ended with the taking of his own life at the age of 26. Aaron's story touched a nerve with people far beyond the online communities in which he was a celebrity. This film is a personal story about what we lose when we are tone deaf about technology and its relationship to our civil liberties.

The Internet's Own Boy will be available in theaters and on Demand on July 27th.
Co-hosted by Participant Media, the MIT Center for Civic Media, MIT Open Doc Lab, and the Department of Comparative Media Studies/Writing


The Egyptian Revolution: An Entrepreneurial Act?
Friday, May 02, 2014
MIT, Building 32-141, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Dr. Khaled Ismail
MIT ESA is delighted to invite you to its exciting event on the entrepreneurship in Egypt after the revolution. Our speaker, Dr. Khaled Ismail is the Founder and Chairman of Kiangel and Managing Director of Intel Mobile Communications. He will give a short lecture, which will be followed by a Q&A session.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Cost: FREE
Sponsor(s): Egyptian Student Association
For more information, contact:  Mohamed Siam 

Saturday May 3

6th annual MIT Sustainability Summit
Saturday, May 3 - Sunday, May 4
MIT Media Lab
Cost:  $35-$90

Speakers: John Fernandez (Associate Professor, MIT Department of Architecture); Nancy Kete (Managing Director, Rockefeller Foundation); Brian Swett (Chief of Environment and Energy, City of Boston); Vineet Gupta (Director of Planning, Boston Transportation Department)
More information:
Abstract: Half of the world population and three-quarters of all large cities are located on the coast. 634 million people are at risk from rising water levels. How will our world landscapes change as a result? From New York City to Shanghai, Sydney to Rio de Janeiro—coastal cities have become the nexuses for today's global economy, yet face a confounding duality in which they are also the most threatened by climate change. MIT is addressing these challenges of coastal cities at the 2014 MIT Sustainability Summit. The conference will defy traditional notions of urban development to ask how coastal cities can sustain themselves and continue to grow as the climate changes and their local environments deteriorate.


Building a Healthy Future: Setting Our Goals for the Next Generation
Saturday, May 3
9:30am - 12:30pm
Cary Memorial Hall, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington

Lexington is embarking on the biggest building campaign we’ve seen in a generation. This is an excellent time to start a community conversation about how our buildings can help us achieve our goals for our students, teachers, and Town employees.

Studies show that buildings with clean and healthy air, lots of natural sunlight, great thermal comfort and moisture control, result in fewer sick days, improved staff productivity, heightened student participation, and even higher test scores!

Although sponsored by NESEA and a consortium of Lexington community groups, this workshop is for all citizens who feel they have a stake in the quality of public buildings in the state.

Paul Eldrenkamp, Owner, Byggmeister, Sustainable Builder & Chair, 2013 Building Energy Conference
Ellen Watts and Dan Arons, co-founders of Architerra, Sustainable design and zero net energy building architects
Ellen Tohn, Tohn Environmental Strategies, Nationally recognized expert on indoor air quality & healthy buildings
Tina Halfpenny, Director of Energy Efficiency at the Mass Dept. Energy & Environmental Affairs (DOER)

The Panel Will Address These Questions:
What goals should we be considering for the next generation of our buildings? 
How can high performance buildings benefit our health, productivity, and resilience?
Are zero-net energy and zero-emission buildings possible and affordable in Massachusetts? 
Should we embrace sustainable building standards like LEED or Green Globes?
What support is available to help our community get started building a healthy future?

Sponsored By:  LexGWAC | League of Women Voters | Sustainable Lexington


Wake Up the Earth Festival
Southwest Corridor Park, Stony Brook T Station, Jamaica Plain


Harvesting Sustainable Development in Latin America
WHEN  Sat., May 3, 2014, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard Graduate School of Education, Larsen Hall - G08, Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Education, Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Social Sciences, Sustainability
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Harvard Extension Environmental Club, Harvard Extension Government and Legal Studies Club, Harvard Extension International Relations Club
COST Free and open to the public
NOTE   Join us for presentations on sustainable agricultural development by organizations doing work in Central America, Ecuador and other parts of Latin America. Hear from Harvard professors in human rights, sustainability, and agricultural development.
Presentations will start at 11 a.m. and food is provided.
Here's a preview of the menu:
Pupusas (Meat & Vegetarian)
Tamales (Meat & Vegetarian)
Fried Plantains
Fried Cassava
Traditional Pan (Bread)


The Spring 2014 Mid-Cambridge PLANT SWAP
Saturday May 3
NOON to 2 pm
Rain date—in case of DOWNPOUR—is Sunday May 4, 12-2
Fayette Park, near the corner of Broadway and Fayette Street, Cambridge

Bring anything that's growing in too much abundance in your garden. Elegant packaging not required, but please do write down the names of plants.  We expect to have perennials, biennial seedlings, seeds, indoor plants, catalogs, pots, and lots of "whatever."  Feel free to just come, chat with neighbors, talk gardening. 


Rambax Senegalese Drum Ensemble Outdoor Concert
Saturday, May 03, 2014
MIT, Stratton Student Center Steps, 84 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Open to: the general public
Cost: free
Sponsor(s): Music and Theater Arts
For more information, contact:  Clarise Snyder 


MA Gubernatorial Candidates Forum
Saturday, May 3
3:30 - 6 PM
Microsoft NERD Center, 1 Memorial Driver, 1st Floor, Cambridge

Cambridge-Somerville for Change, a local chapter of Progressive Massachusetts, is hosting a candidates forum to hear from five candidates in this year's governor's race -- Don Berwick, Martha Coakley, Evan Falchuk, Steve Grossman, and Juliette Kayyem. Can you come? 

Sunday, May 4

CityCamp Boston: Redefining the possible
Sunday, May 4, 2014
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
District Hall, 75 Northern Avenue, Boston
Boston's civic tech community is evolving rapidly, and is eager to help shape how we address urban challenges in Greater Boston. Code for Boston is bringing together the civic tech community with government, nonprofit, and other public service organizations to connect, explore, and learn from one another at CityCamp.

During the event, we will generate rich discussion, align understandings of the local problems our organizations are trying to solve, and explore how the civic tech community can be a long-term partner in these efforts.

At our next event, the National Day of Civic Hacking (May 30 - June 1), we will develop and implement solutions to the challenges we explore during CityCamp.

We invite you to join us for this one-day unconference to collaborate on the challenges facing our city and nation. By building new bridges within our community, we will redefine what our organizations can do together.

Somerville Growing Center Spring Garden Day/Swap 
Sunday, May 4
11:30 to 2
22 Vinal Avenue, Somerville

Bring seeds, seedlings, etc. to swap. Help put up the maypole, enjoy Morris dancing, etc. 



Energy Upgrade Work Party
Sunday, May 4, 2014
2 pm - 630 pm
839 Washington Street, Dorchester
* A light dinner will be served.
Sign-up today!

Join a HEET Energy Upgrade Work Party and learn some new skills while making some friends.  The next event will be at the Church of God on May 4th.

Help Church of God lower their energy bills and reduce their carbon emissions. Skilled team leaders will teach you how to do the work, so you learn the hands-on skills to do the work in your own home. Projects include: fixing windows, installing low-flow water fixtures, insulating hot water pipes and more. It's a great way to make new friends and learn new skills while helping the planet.The Church of God has a primarily low-income congregation in Dorchester. The church serves the community of Dorchester in many ways. Please come out to help them.

Monday, May 5

Strategy, Simulation, and Analytics for the Complex World of Education
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
noon-1pm EST

Daniel J. Sturtevant, ESD PhD and MIT SDM Alumnus
Jeanne Contardo, PhD, Independent Education Consultant, Senior Advisor, Business-Higher Education Forum

Getting education policy right is essential if the United States wishes to improve its high standard of living, economic strength, and societal health. But even education reforms based on sound research and crafted by well-meaning experts have often failed.

This webinar will review some of the many systems-based reasons why education policy is notoriously difficult to get right. For example:
Policy is often crafted by committee in highly political and polarized environments.
Individuals rarely understand how the system operates, what policy innovations will lead to good outcomes, or even why successful interventions work.
Policymakers seldom agree on the system's purpose, how to prioritize conflicting goals, how to measure success, or what principles should guide their actions.
In short, policymakers do not use a rigorous, systems-based approach to address the complex technical, business, and socio-political challenge of educating all children for a better world.

This webinar's presenters have collaborated on projects with K-12 schools, colleges, foundations, and at all levels of the government and the military. They will discuss using system dynamics to help diverse stakeholders understand the education system and design and test policies using simulation modeling and demo the new Aligned Workforce Model, which examines how workforce outcomes would change if policies were implemented that emphasized workplace competencies such as critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and effective communication.

A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation.

About the Speaker
Daniel J. Sturtevant, Ph.D., is an SDM alumnus and recent graduate of the MIT Engineering Systems Division doctoral program. His SDM master's thesis (conducted in partnership with Boeing) explored the 25-year decline in US-born engineering graduates despite their extremely high earning potential—a seemingly paradoxical violation of the law of supply and demand. Dr. Sturtevant has spent 15 years in the software field, where he built supercomputers, designed cryptosystems to prevent data theft, wrote Linux device drivers, and reverse-engineered computer hardware. He has built a variety of computer models applying system dynamics to explore educational questions and has worked with the Business-Higher Education Forum on several occasions to examine education problem of regional and national significance. He now works at Harvard Business School researching software architecture, its complexity, and its financial costs. He is also founding a startup, silverthread, Inc., focused on helping software development organizations reduce technical debt in large and long-lived systems. Dr. Sturtevant earned bachelor's degrees in computer engineering and political science from Lehigh University.

Jeanne B. Contardo, Ph.D., is a higher education expert who specializes in strategic planning, cross-sector partnership development (particularly with the business sector), research and policy analysis, and project management. In recent years, her work has focused on the development of unique tools and resources that can influence education change and workforce alignment, including online simulation models, information clearinghouses, and a policy series analyzing broad education trends in science, technology, engineering, and math. Dr. Contardo earned her Ph.D. in higher education policy at the University of Maryland, College Park. She has a master's degree in higher and post-secondary education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a bachelor's degree (cum laude) in English from the University of Washington.


Urbanization, land cover change, and the carbon cycle
Monday, May 5, 2014
12:10 pm
Arnold Arboretum, Weld Hill, Jamaica Plain

Lucy Huytra, Assistant Professor, Boston University

"Clean Energy in 2025: How policymakers and the private sector can drive the region's clean energy future"
Monday, May 5, 2014 
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Bell Hall, 5th Floor, Belfer Building, HKS, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge

Peter Rothstein, President, New England Clean Energy Council

ETIP/Consortium Energy Policy Seminar Series

Contact Name:  Louisa Lund


Research-based principles for multimedia learning
WHEN  Mon., May 5, 2014, 4 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Sever Hall 113, Harvard Yard
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Education, Humanities, Information Technology, Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching
SPEAKER(S)  Richard E. Mayer, professor of psychology, UC Santa Barbara
COST  Free and open to the public
NOTE   How does cognitive science inform the design of lecture slides, textbook graphics, and online learning modules?


O Brave New World! Entering an Age of Climate Change Beyond 400 ppm
Monday, May 5, 2014 
Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street 1st Floor, Cambridge

Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
with video commentary from:  Al Gore, Former U.S. Vice President
moderated by:  Daniel Schrag, Director, Harvard University Center for the Environment
A half century ago on a Hawaiian mountaintop, atmospheric chemist Charles David Keeling used what was then a pioneering technology to make precise measurements of atmospheric CO2. The resulting “Keeling Curve” has documented nearly 50 years of CO2 accumulation and fluctuation tied to seasonal cycles, and has had a profound and lasting impact on the study of global climate change.

Today, the research of Charles David Keeling’s son, geochemist Ralph Keeling, continues to expand our knowledge of the factors influencing climate change. 

Contact Name:  Lisa Matthews


Alewife Reservation Constructed Wetland workshop
Monday, May 5
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM 
Alewife Reservation Constructed Wedland, Alewife Station, Cambridge

The newly-installed constructed wetland within the Mass. Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Alewife Reservation was designed to reduce adverse water quality and quantity impacts of wet-weather stormwater discharges into the Little River while enhancing ecological diversity and functionality. Join tour guides Duke Bitsko and Miles Connors to learn about this impressive wetland system that was designed for stormwater separation and to meet the ecological and recreational objectives for the Alewife Brook. 

More information at


2014 MIT IDEAS Global Challenge Awards Celebration
Monday, May 5, 2014
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM (EDT)
MIT, Building 32, Room 123, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Join us for MIT IDEAS Global Challenge Awards Celebration on Monday, May 5, an inspiring event that embodies MIT’s innovative humanitarian spirit. Since its founding in 2001, IDEAS has been a launch point for entrepreneurs and sustainable impact. We have awarded more than $600,000 to 104 teams to turn their ideas into reality. Those ideas are benefitting hundreds of thousands of people around the globe.

This year, more than 40 teams are working with communities around the world to develop solutions to challenges such as waste treatment, clean water, healthcare, education, disaster relief and much more.

Be part of the moment when their ideas come to life. Join us on Monday, May 5:
6:30 pm - Mix and Mingle with Teams
7:00 pm – The Awards Ceremony
8:30 pm – A Special Toast to Teams

To meet the teams in advance and to learn about the ideas they're working on, join us on Monday, April 28 at the Innovation Showcase (open to the public). Details here:


Internet, Security, and Power
Monday, May 05, 2014
MIT, NE30, Broad Auditorium, 7 Cambridge Center, Cambridge

Speaker: Bruce Schneier
The Internet affects power, and power affects the Internet. And while we first thought that the Internet would empower the powerless, the reality is much more complicated. Both government and corporate power dominate today's Internet even as distributed groups gain in power. This talk examines the various ways power manifests itself in the Internet, and how security both allows the powerful to remain so while permitting the powerless to thrive as well. On the Internet, data equals power, and the dynamic between the various forces is the fundamental societal issue of the Information Age.

Bruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security technologist, called a "security guru" by The Economist. He is the author of 12 books,including Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust Society Needs to Thrive, as well as hundreds of articles, essays, and academic papers. His influential newsletter "Crypto-Gram" and his blog "Schneier on Security" are read by over 250,000 people. He has testified before Congress, is a frequent guest on television and radio, has served on several government committees, and is regularly quoted in the press. Schneier is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, a program fellow at the New America Foundation's Open Technology Institute, a board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an Advisory Board Member of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, and the Chief Technology Officer at Co3 Systems, Inc.

IEEE/ACM Joint Seminar Series
Exploring the edge of computing technology.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Cost: 0
Sponsor(s): ACM & IEEE/CS
For more information, contact:  Dorothy Curtis

Tuesday, May 6

Boston TechBreakfast: 1sqbox, Eventuosity, Downtyme, RedBerrRy, Track Runner
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
8:00 AM
Microsoft NERD - Horace Mann Room, 1 Memorial Drive, Cambridge

 Interact with your peers in a monthly morning breakfast meetup. At this monthly breakfast get-together techies, developers, designers, and entrepreneurs share learn from their peers through show and tell / show-case style presentations.
And yes, this is free! Thank our sponsors when you see them :)

Agenda for Boston TechBreakfast:
8:00 - 8:15 - Get yer Bagels & Coffee and chit-chat
8:15 - 8:20 - Introductions, Sponsors, Announcements
8:20 - ~9:30 - Showcases and Shout-Outs!
1sqbox - Alexis Coates
Eventuosity - Justin Panzer
Downtyme - Barron Roth (Austin)
RedBerrRy : RedBerrRy - McKeever 'Mac' Conwell
The App Cauldron, Inc.: Track Runner - Sarah Fegert
~9:30 - end - Final "Shout Outs" & Last Words


SEAS Design & Project Fair
WHEN  Tue., May 6, 2014, 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
WHERe  Harvard, Science Center Plaza Tent, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Exhibitions, Science, Special Events
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
COST Free and open to the public
NOTE   We invite all to attend the annual showcase of our undergraduate and graduate design activities featuring student demonstrations, presentations, and prototypes. See how students at SEAS are applying their knowledge to solve real-world problems.
Meet us under the big white tent in the Science Center Plaza, and see what's new at SEAS this year!


The Gulf: Past, Present, and Future
WHEN  Tue., May 6, 2014, 2-4pm
WHERE  Harvard, CMES, Room 102, 38 Kirkland St, Cambridge, MA
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Classes/Workshops, Conferences, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR The Center for Middle Eastern Studies
COST Free and open to the public
NOTE   CMES is pleased to present a roundtable workshop organized by Roger Owen. A discussion of the History of the ‘Khalig’ (Gulf) in terms of its ruling families, its trading practices, and of its place within the world of the Indian Ocean centered on Bombay - as well as the larger world beyond.
Gulf Past, May 6: 2-4 pm
Gulf Present, May 7: 10am-12pm
Gulf Future, May 7: 2-4 pm
Speakers include: Johan Mathew (UMass Amherst), Roger Owen (CMES), Bernadette Baird-Zars (Alarife Urban Assoc), Brian Tilley (Johns Hopkins), Michael Herb (Georgia State), Elsien van Pinxteren (CMES)
This workshop is a roundtable discussion and audience participation is encouraged.


The Value of Corporate Culture
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
MIT, Building E62-650, 100 Main Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Luigi Zingales (Chicago)

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Organizational Economics
For more information, contact: 


CLAIRITY: An Air Quality Network for MIT's Campus
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
MIT, Building 46-3002, 43 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Speaker: Course 1 Senior Capstone Class
In order to better understand the air we breathe, Course 1 seniors have designed and implemented a unique distributed sensor network to measure air quality across MIT's campus. At this event they will describe their project, introduce the public web portal, and provide a first look at air quality at MIT.

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Civil and Environmental Engineering
For more information, contact:  Eben Cross 


The Adventures of a Cello:  Public Lecture and Musical Performance
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
MIT, Building E51-115, Wong Auditorium, 2 Amherst Street, Cambridge
Followed by a Public Reception 

Speaker: Carlos Prieto, SB '58

The internationally acclaimed cellist Carlos Prieto is the recipient of the 2014 Robert A. Muh Alumni Award, presented bienially by MIT's School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Prieto will give a lecture at MIT on May 6, 2014 entitled "The Adventures of a Cello," and will also perfom an excerpt from J.S. Bach's Cello Suite No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1009.

2014 Robert A. Muh Alumni Award Lecture

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
For more information, contact:  Kierstin Wesolowski


Sustainable Transportation: We can get there from here!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
6 to 9 PM
The Venture Cafe - Cambridge Innovation Center, One Broadway, 5th Floor, Cambridge
RSVP at 
Cost:  $10-$12

Come meet the folks making huge strides toward sustainable transportation:
Janie Katz-Christy, Founder and Director at Green Streets Initiative. Janie will talk about the Walk/Ride Day Corporate Challenge's impact and approach to encouraging mode shift.
Jackie Douglas, Executive Director LivableStreets Alliance.Jackie will talk about the shift towards driving-light and its impact on our city.
Ned Codd, Director of Project-Oriented Planning MassDOT. Ned will talk about GreenDOT - MassDOT's comprehensive environmental sustainability initiative, which is designed to integrate principles of sustainability into all aspects of the way that we plan, design, build and operate our transportation system through such policy measures as the Mode Shift Goal, which sets a target of tripling travel by walking, bicycling, and public transit by 2030.
Gary Rennie, EPA Region 1 & Northeast Diesel Collaborative. Gary will talk about EPA Partnerships: Reducing emissions and improving public health through innovative voluntary programs.
Alexis Bateman, Center for Transportation and Logistics at MIT. Alexis will talk about the Freight movement along global supply chains and their impacts to the environment and public health. She'll talk about some ongoing research and provide a quick overview of various initiatives to reduce negative externalities from global supply chains including emerging regulation, corporate responsibility, and industry collaborations.

Time is short and we all need to learn a boatload, fast. One of BASG's explicit goals is that we learn as much as we can from each other, where the very diversity of the group is one of our most valuable assets. Come join the discussion, or hang out and listen. Meet those folks working hard to do what you're trying to do and your paths have not yet crossed. We have a great time and really want to meet you!

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, May 7

Using Demand-Side Management to Support Electricity Grids
Wednesday, May 7

David Crossley (The Regulatory Assistance Project, IEA DSM Task 15)
Demand-side management measures can be used to support electricity grids by relieving network constraints and/or providing services for electricity network system operators.

This webinar will summarise the results from detailed case studies of 64 DSM grid support projects from 13 different countries around the world implemented between the early 1990s and 2008.

The webinar will cover the following topics:
identifying the value of a DSM grid support project to different categories of stakeholders;
evaluating and acquiring demand-side resources for grid support;
incorporating demand-side measures into grid planning;
the role of load control and smart metering in supporting electricity grids.


"Secure, Hold, Build" - What's the Impact of Building Infrastructure during Ongoing Evolution of Diplomatic, Informational, Military and Economic Conditions in Afghanistan
Wednesday, May 07, 2014
MIT, Building E40-496, 1 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Speaker: BG Michael Wehr, US Army

SSP Wednesday Seminar

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Security Studies Program
For more information, contact:


Après-Ski: 10 visions to face climate change in mountain resorts
WHEN  Wed., May 7, 2014, 1:30 – 5:30 p.m.
WHERE  Swissnex Boston, 420 Broadway, Cambridge MA 02138
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION Art/Design, Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Sustainability
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR Swissnex and Harvard Graduate School of Design
SPEAKER(S)  Porter Fox, writer and editor at Powder magazine and author of the new ski book "DEEP: The Story of Skiing and the Future of Snow"
Jean-Marie Schlaubitz, city councilor of Ormont-Dessus (Vaud, Switzerland), ski instructor and president of eco.villages Les Diablerets
Corinne Feuz, project manager eco.villages Les Diablerets
Dieter Dietz, associate professor EPFL, Design Studio on the Conception of Space, and director ALICE (Atelier on the Conception of Space)
Toshiko Mori, architect and professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Design
and presentations from students at Harvard Graduate School of Design
COST Free and open to the public
NOTE   Tourism in Switzerland began with British mountaineers climbing the main peaks of the Bernese Alps in the early 19thcentury. Switzerland and especially its mountain villages have prospered ever since, thanks to the beautiful nature Switzerland offers to tourists from near and far. However, in recent years mountain resorts are struggling due to climate change and raising costs for infrastructure.
eco.villages in collaboration with the municipality of Les Diablerets in the Swiss Alps is tackling these challenges. A group of Harvard students from the Graduate School of Design under the leadership of Prof. Toshiko Mori was invited to study the topography and infrastructure of this mountain village. They are currently designing innovative alternatives for a sustainable future of the region. Renewable energy, water scarcity, eco-friendly winter and summer tourism, outflow of residents, rural design and other issues are being looked at by the students during the spring semester 2014.
Prof. Mori and her students will present and discuss their studio results with the panelists and the audience.


SRECs: What You Need to Know
Wednesday, May 7
3PM - 6PM
Renewable Sales, 35 Jeffrey Avenue, Holliston, MA

Michael Judge, Associate Manager of the Massachusetts RPS Programs for the MA Department of Energy Resources will present
an overview of the new SREC program,
the future for SRECs versus feed-in tariffs
what's going on with net-metering.

Michael Judge is the Associate Manager of the Massachusetts RPS Programs and has managed the state’s RPS Solar Carve-Out Program since 2010. In this role, Michael carries out most of the day-to-day administrative duties related to the RPS programs, fields questions related to the programs, provides market participants with up to date information, and assists in the drafting of program regulations, guidelines, reports, and other related studies. Prior to his time at DOER, he worked at the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center on the implementation and administration of their solar rebate programs. Michael is a graduate of UMass Amherst.

Energy and building professionals with a stake in the MA SREC program
3-3:30PM - Networking/reception
3:30-5:30PM - Speaking Program, Q&A
5:30-6:00PM - Networking/reception
Light refreshments will be served


"The Extreme Life of the Sea" Lecture and Book Signing
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 
Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street 1st Floor, Cambridge

Drawing on his newest book, The Extreme Life of the Sea, marine scientist Stephen Palumbi will explore the spectacular life forms, such as blind zombie worms, ageless jellyfish, and the unicorn-like narwhal, that thrive at the ocean’s most brutal limits. From the icy Arctic to boiling hydrothermal vents and pitch-dark trenches, Palumbi looks at extreme habitats and considers how humans may be driving dramatic changes to the ocean’s ecosystem.

Free and open to the public


Science in the News Lecture: In the Loop with Poop: Intestinal Microbes in Health and Immunity
WHEN  Wed., May 7, 2014, 7 – 9 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard, Pfizer Lecture Hall (B23), Malinckrodt Chemistry Lab, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge
SPEAKER(S)  Chris Garris
NOTE   Come hear a Ph.D. student give an engaging and accessible lecture on his or her cutting-edge research. No prior knowledge necessary! Free refreshments!

Thursday, May 8

Interoperable Simulation Gaming for Strategic Infrastructure Systems Design
Thursday, May 8, 2014
MIT, Building 3-370, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Dissertation Defense of Paul Grogan
Committee: O. de Weck (chair), D. Frey, D. Rhodes, J. Sussman, J. Williams

"Gaming in Color"
Thursday, May 08, 2014
MIT, Building E14-633, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Philip Jones
Gaming in Color is a full length documentary of the story of the queer gaming community, gaymer culture and events, and the rise of LGBTQ themes in video games. A lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or otherwise queer gamer has a higher chance of being mistreated in an online social game. Diverse queer themes in storylines and characters are still mostly an anomaly in the mainstream video game industry. Gaming In Color explores how the community culture is shifting and the industry is diversifying, helping with queer visibility and acceptance of an LGBTQ presence.

CMS/W Colloquium Series

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): Comparative Media Studies/Writing, MIT Game Lab
For more information, contact:  Andrew Whitacre


Volcanoes, Climate Change, and Migration
Thursday, May 8
7 pm
Harvard, Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Christian Tryon, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University
Modern humans (Homo sapiens) originated in eastern Africa, but they expanded at the expense of Neanderthals and other ancient hominid populations. What was the reason for their global colonization? Recent data from the area surrounding Africa's Lake Victoria (the largest tropical lake in the world) suggest that the study of volcanic eruptions, climate change, and technological innovation may reveal what fueled human dispersals westward across the tropical African continent some 50,000 years ago.
Friday, May 9

Exploring Mars with the Curiosity Rover: The Search for Ancient Habitable Environments
Friday, May 09, 2014
MIT, Building 32-123, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Speaker: John Grotzinger, Fletcher Jones Professor of Geology, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, Caltech
Fine-grained sedimentary rocks, at Gale crater, Mars, represent an ancient lake and preserve evidence of an environment that would have been suited to support a Martian biosphere founded on chemolithoautotrophy. This aqueous environment was characterized by neutral pH, low salinity, and variable redox states of both iron and sulfur species. C, H, O, S, and P were measured directly as key biogenic elements, and by inference N is assumed to have been available. The environment likely had a minimum duration of hundreds to tens of thousands of years. These results highlight the biological viability of fluvial-lacustrine environments in the post-Noachian history of Mars.

Reception to follow the talk in the Ida Green Lounge, Green Building 54-923

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS)
For more information, contact:  Allison Provaire


MIT D-Lab Spring Showcase & Open House
Friday, May 09, 2014
MIT, Building N51-3rd floor, 275 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Final summary presentations and working demos from the growing MIT D-Lab family of classes. Presentations from D-Lab: Design, D-Lab: Dissemination WASH, D-Lab: Energy, Developing World Prosthetics, and D-Lab: Education. Come see how MIT students are developing technologies that make an impact on our world!

Web site:
Open to: the general public

Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): D-Lab
For more information, contact:  Nancy Adams


Rights of Way Lecture Series: "There+Here: Transnationalism and Migration"
Friday, May 9
6:00 pm
BSA Space, 90 Congress Street, Boston
RSVP by emailing with "Migration 5/9" in the subject line.
Laura Kurgan, director of the Spatial Information Design Lab (SIDL) at Columbia University, discuss the phenomenon of transnational networks.  Global populations are increasingly on the move. Unprecedented numbers of migrants are leaving their home countries for economic, political, and environmental reasons.

Saturday, May 10

2014 Legatum Conference: Elements of Entrepreneurship
Saturday, May 10, 2014
MIT, Building E14, Media Lab, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge
Cost:  $45-$85

Join us to learn from entrepreneurs working in agri-business in Africa, energy production in Asia, technology ventures in Latin America, and a new surge of innovation in the Persian Gulf. Network with peers, potential partners, investors, and industry experts. Take advantage of the opportunity to discuss both the strategic and tactical aspects of entrepreneurial endeavors in developing countries.

Web site:
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship
For more information, contact:  Agnes Hunsicker

Thursday, May 15

Race To Solar
Thursday, May 15
6 PM to 8 PM
Curtis Hall, 20 South Street, Jamaica Plain

Through the Race to Solar program, eligible nonprofits can  acquire a solar electric energy system for their school, house of worship, food pantry, community center, or other building owned by their nonprofit organization.

A solar investor will own, repair and insure the panels, selling the green electricity back to your nonprofit at a rate typically  lower than the organization currently pays the utility company.
The Race to Solar will help 40 nonprofits get solar installed, totaling 1 megawatt of clean, renewable energy in our communities.  Through reducing the sales and marketing costs for the installer, HEET has secured a great rate and contract with SunBug Solar.

To qualify for the program your nonprofit must:
1. Participate in NSTAR’s Direct Install energy upgrade in your nonprofit.
The no-cost energy evaluation can be scheduled at your convenience.  The assessor will create a report of the potential work for you to choose from.  The work is 70% rebated and the remainder can be paid with a zero interest 12 month loan. The work lowers the electricity bill by 30% on average.
2. Persuade 5 small local businesses to get a no-cost energy evaluation.
This work helps your whole community become more sustainable both economically and environmentally. HEET will assist you in signing up the businesses.
3. Join a free energy-tracking online site.
Tracking with wegowise will help you quantify your savings and can help you spot future problems with your plumbing or heating systems before the problems become catastrophic.

To learn more about the program, attend a Race to Solar Workshop. Please RSVP for one of the following workshops, as refreshments and food will be provided:
Carpenter’s Center, 750 Dorchester Avenue, Boston, Tuesday, May 20th, 6 PM to 8 PM

For more information about the program contact info at, call 617-HEET (4338)-350, or


Conversation About Food
Thursday, May 15
6:30-8:30 pm
EARTHOS Innovation Center, 1310 Broadway Suite 103, Somerville

This second of seven curated evening events will focus on food.

‘"If everyone agreed to become vegetarian, leaving little or nothing for livestock, the present 1.4 billion hectares of arable land (3.5 billion acres) would support about 10 billion people,"—E.O. Wilson

The 3.5 billion acres would ... feed 10 billion vegetarians, but would only feed 2.5 billion U.S. omnivores...’

More information at


Intern with Biodiversity for a Livable Climate!
Biodiversity for a Livable Climate (BLC) is a nonprofit based in the Cambridge, MA area. Our mission is to mobilize the biosphere to restore ecosystems and reverse global warming.
Education, public information campaigns, organizing, scientific investigation, collaboration with like-minded organizations, research and policy development are all elements of our strategy.

Background: Soils are the largest terrestrial carbon sink on the planet. Restoring the complex ecology of soils is the only way to safely and quickly remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the ground, where it’s desperately needed to regenerate the health of billions of acres of degraded lands. Restoring carbon to soils and regenerating ecosystems are how we can restore a healthy hydrologic cycle and cool local and planetary climates safely, naturally, and in time to ensure a livable climate now and in the future.

Our Work: immediate plans include
Organizing the First International Biodiversity, Soil Carbon and Climate Week, October 31-November 9, 2014, and a kick-off conference in the Boston area, “Mobilizing the Biosphere to Reverse Global Warming: A Biodiversity, Water, Soil Carbon and Climate Conference – and Call to Action” to expand the mainstream climate conversation to include the power of biology, and to help initiate intensive worldwide efforts to return atmospheric carbon to the soils.
Coordination of a global fund to directly assist local farmers and herders in learning and applying carbon farming approaches that not only benefit the climate, but improve the health and productivity of the land and the people who depend on it.
Collaboration with individuals and organizations on addressing eco-restoration and the regeneration of water and carbon cycles; such projects may include application of practices such as Holistic Management for restoration of billions of acres of degraded grasslands, reforestation of exploited forest areas, and restoring ocean food chains.

Please contact Helen D. Silver, for further information.


Online Collaborative Explorations focusing on "Scientific and Political Change"
April-May 2014

Collaborative Explorations (CEs) are an extension of Project-Based Learning (PBL) and related approaches to education in which participants shape their own directions of inquiry in response to a scenario in which the problems are not well defined.  The online CEs consist of live 60-minute sessions each week for a month and exchanges on a private community between sessions.  The format is designed to address the needs of onlne learners who want to:
participate for shorter periods than a semester-long MOOC
dig deeper, make "thicker" connections with other learners
connect topics with their own interests
learn without needing credits or badges for MOOC completion.
In short, online CEs are "moderately open online collaborative learning."

April: Preparing people to be informed participants in political
debates about science, technology, and social change
May: Science-policy connections to improve responses to extreme
climatic events

Day and time is set to suit the people who register.
Open to the public--please spread the word.

For more information and link for registering:

Organized in collaboration with UMass Boston's Science in a Changing World graduate track:


Share an opportunity to take part in a fun project, One Day on Earth: Your Day. Your City. Your Future, a multi-city participatory media-creation event.  On April 26th, 2014, hundreds of filmmakers, non-profit organizations, and inspired citizens in 11 U.S. city-regions will document stories that they believe most affect the future of their city.

The idea is to have people, organizations, and groups across the Boston region film on the same day within a 24-hour duration (on Saturday, April 26, 2014) to tell their stories.  Video stories submitted to One Day in Boston will result in a 90 minute film — a localized version of One Day on Earth.   Video submissions not included in the 90 minute piece will feature in a geo-tagged film archive featuring the people, stories, and events of Greater Boston.  Participation is voluntary.  You can make your own film, partner with a videographer/film-maker, or reach out to Cecily Taylor, producer of the Boston project at

It is a great way to document stories about our lives, our families, our organizations, our communities, and our city.  We encourage you to get involved and participate to showcase our city.  You can learn more about this project by clicking on the following links:
One Sheet and Press Kit:
One Day in Boston - participate:
Facebook event:


Climate Stories Project

What's your Climate Story?
Climate Stories Project is a forum that gives a voice to the emotional and personal impacts that climate change is having on our lives. Often, we only discuss climate change from the impersonal perspective of science or the contentious realm of politics. Today, more and more of us are feeling the effects of climate change on an personal level. Climate Stories Project allows people from around the world to share their stories and to engage with climate change in a personal, direct way.


Where is the best yogurt on the planet made? Somerville, of course!

Join the Somerville Yogurt Making Cooperative and get a weekly quart of the most thick, creamy, rich and tart yogurt in the world. Membership in the coop costs $2.50 per quart. Members share the responsibility for making yogurt in our kitchen located just outside of Davis Sq. in FirstChurch.  No previous yogurt making experience is necessary.

For more information checkout.


Cambridge Residents: Free Home Thermal Images

Have you ever wanted to learn where your home is leaking heat by having an energy auditor come to your home with a thermal camera?  With that info you then know where to fix your home so it's more comfortable and less expensive to heat.  However, at $200 or so, the cost of such a thermal scan is a big chunk of change.

HEET Cambridge has now partnered with Sagewell, Inc. to offer Cambridge residents free thermal scans.

Sagewell collects the thermal images by driving through Cambridge in a hybrid vehicle equipped with thermal cameras.  They will scan every building in Cambridge (as long as it's not blocked by trees or buildings or on a private way).  Building owners can view thermal images of their property and an analysis online. The information is password protected so that only the building owner can see the results.

Homeowners, condo-owners and landlords can access the thermal images and an accompanying analysis free of charge. Commercial building owners and owners of more than one building will be able to view their images and analysis for a small fee.

The scans will be analyzed in the order they are requested.

Go to  Type in your address at the bottom where it says "Find your home or building" and press return.  Then click on "Here" to request the report.

That's it.  When the scans are done in a few weeks, your building will be one of the first to be analyzed. The accompanying report will help you understand why your living room has always been cold and what to do about it.

With knowledge, comes power (or in this case saved power and money, not to mention comfort).


Free solar electricity analysis for MA residents


HEET has partnered with NSTAR and Mass Save participating contractor Next Step Living to deliver no-cost Home Energy Assessments to Cambridge residents.

During the assessment, the energy specialist will:

Install efficient light bulbs (saving up to 7% of your electricity bill)
Install programmable thermostats (saving up to 10% of your heating bill)
Install water efficiency devices (saving up to 10% of your water bill)
Check the combustion safety of your heating and hot water equipment
Evaluate your home’s energy use to create an energy-efficiency roadmap
If you get electricity from NSTAR, National Grid or Western Mass Electric, you already pay for these assessments through a surcharge on your energy bills. You might as well use the service.

Please sign up at or call Next Step Living at 866-867-8729.  A Next Step Living Representative will call to schedule your assessment.

HEET will help answer any questions and ensure you get all the services and rebates possible.

(The information collected will only be used to help you get a Home Energy Assessment.  We won’t keep the data or sell it.)

(If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to call HEET’s Jason Taylor at 617 441 0614.)


Sustainable Business Network Local Green Guide

SBN is excited to announce the soft launch of its new Local Green Guide, Massachusetts' premier Green Business Directory!

To view the directory please visit:
To find out how how your business can be listed on the website or for sponsorship opportunities please contact Adritha at


Free Monthly Energy Analysis

CarbonSalon is a free service that every month can automatically track your energy use and compare it to your past energy use (while controlling for how cold the weather is). You get a short friendly email that lets you know how you’re doing in your work to save energy.


Boston Food System

"The Boston Food System [listserv] provides a forum to post announcements of events, employment opportunities, internships, programs, lectures, and other activities as well as related articles or other publications of a non-commercial nature covering the area's food system - food, nutrition, farming, education, etc. - that take place or focus on or around Greater Boston (broadly delineated)."

The Boston area is one of the most active nationwide in terms of food system activities - projects, services, and events connected to food, farming, nutrition - and often connected to education, public health, environment, arts, social services and other arenas.   Hundreds of organizations and enterprises cover our area, but what is going on week-to-week is not always well publicized.
Hence, the new Boston Food System listserv, as the place to let everyone know about these activities.  Specifically:
Use of the BFS list will begin soon, once we get a decent base of subscribers.  Clarification of what is appropriate to announce and other posting guidelines will be provided as well.

It's easy to subscribe right now at


Artisan Asylum

Sprout & Co:  Community Driven Investigations

Greater Boston Solidarity Economy Mapping Project
a project by Wellesley College students that invites participation, contact

------------------------'s Guide to Boston


Links to events at 60 colleges and universities at Hubevents

Thanks to

Fred Hapgood's Selected Lectures on Science and Engineering in the Boston Area:

MIT Events:

MIT Energy Club:

Harvard Events:

Harvard Environment:

Sustainability at Harvard:

Mass Climate Action:



Microsoft NERD Center:

Startup and Entrepreneurial Events:

High Tech Events:

Cambridge Civic Journal:

Cambridge Happenings:

Boston Area Computer User Groups:

Arts and Cultural Events List:

Boston Events Insider:


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